Mr_Vein's blog post - Hi

Wednesday, July 18, 2018, 9:35:34 PM
Someone told me at work today how pleased they were at my new found confidence, having asked out (and been knocked back by) 3 different girls in a week, one of whom is widely considered the prettiest girl in town. Unfortunately it's not confidence. It's having nothing left to lose and deciding "fuck it, why not?"


Others Have Said: 
MitchandDaisy on 18-Jul-18 23:11:02
Perhaps, but if you can withstand some rejection, which is a part that many fear most, you will end up getting positive results, and confidence, and perhaps the woman of your life. Rooting for you.

Mr_Vein on 18-Jul-18 23:14:43
To be honest, I was fully braced for rejection on all 3 occasions. I'm so used to it it almost washes off me. That's possibly why I take attention here so well! Perhaps if I had the front to appear so confident I might not even be here! :P

Ley-dd on 19-Jul-18 10:17:49
yeh but if you never ask you'll never no, dont give up love

Mr_Vein on 19-Jul-18 14:22:02
Thank you. No chance of me giving up ;)