Mr_Vein's blog post - But, why?!

Sunday, July 29, 2018, 10:37:30 PM
I remember mentioning to people at work, years ago, that there were websites where people uploaded their own pictures for the world to see. The reaction from most was "why would anyone do that?!" I wasn't sure myself, but I was certainly curious!

I'd taken nude pictures before, but they were on film, and I wasn't brave enough to get them developed. And when camera phones came along, I had pictures but no outlet for them.

Then, over the course of my Internet rummaging, I stumbled across a pic sharing site and wondered... So one Sunday I thought, "what the hell", created an account, took a picture, and uploaded it. The feeling of exhilaration was incredible! Excitement combined with real fear - how were people going to react?! Would they laugh? Would they be rude? Worse still, would my view count just stay at 0?!

I probably spent the next 20 minutes hitting refresh, constantly looking at my view count. I have to be honest, when I saw it finally tick over to 1, I was shaking, my heart was pounding! You have to realise that IRL I have no self-confidence, and I'm ridiculously shy, so this is way out of my comfort zone.

Eventually, after around half an hour I saw "Comments (1 new)" and the rush was amazing! To click on the notification and see "xxxx commented on your picture 'nice cock'" felt unreal. Turns out it was a revenge porn profile, but at the time I didn't know that and didn't care.

That first rush got me immediately hooked! I uploaded as many pictures as I could over the next few weeks and couldn't wait to see the reaction. Of course, as with any adult site, the dick pics are absolutely everywhere, so it's easy to get swamped. I did still get views and comments, but eventually that site became almost nothing but revenge pics, Web pics and dick pics.

Since I've come back here (I was here 4 or 5 years ago, very briefly under a different username) I've rediscovered my love of sharing pics! Some people will never see the attraction, but I'm happy to admit "My name is Mr_Vein and I'm addicted to sharing dick pics!" grin


Others Have Said: 
VTCali on 30-Jul-18 4:58:38
I get the same rush out of posting!

Daffodil888 on 30-Jul-18 7:41:07
We are glad you're here and I don't mind cock photos! ;)