Mr_Vein's blog post - 40 odd things about me...

Monday, September 10, 2018, 7:08:15 PM

Monday, September 10, 2018, 4:08:47 PM- 40 odd things.....
1. Do you like blue cheese? Yuk.
2. Coke or Pepsi? Diet Pepsi
3. Do you own a gun? Nope
4. What flavor of Kool-aid? The what now? .
5. Hot dogs? Beechwood smoked franks
6. Favorite TV show? Band of Brothers
7. Do you believe in ghosts? Nope
8. What do you drink in the morning? Coffee
9. Can you do a push-up? Yup
10. Favorite Jewelry? I have a nice wristwatch! On girls, simple, understated.
11. Favorite hobby? Gaming
12. Do you have ADD? No, I just like things organised and routine
13. Do you wear glasses? Yup
14.Favorite cartoon as a kid? Tom & Jerry.
15. Three things you did yesterday? Cleaned my house, went a walk, watched football
16. Three drinks you drink regularly? Coffee, beer, water
17. Current worries? Catching up with my rent, upcoming car MOT, personal shit...
18. Do you believe in magic? No
19. Favorite place to be? In bed
20. How did you ring in the new year? In my local pub
21. Where would you like to go? Italy (again) and Australia
22. Name five people who will participate in this? Pass.
23. Favorite movie? This week? Probably Jaws
24. Favorite color? Hot pink!
25. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets? Don't know!
26. Can you whistle? Yes
27. Where are you now? At home watching football
28. Where would you rather be right now? Rather not say...
29. Favorite food? Pizza and chips
30. Thing you hate most to do? Working
31. Best job you can think of? Porn star! tongue Job I'd most like to to? Car restorer
32. What's in your pockets? Nothing
33. Last thing that made you laugh? An old episode of the Simpsons
34. Favorite animal? Cheetah
35. What's your most recent injury? Back spasm
36. How many TV’s are in your house? 2
37. Worst pain ever? Broken leg
38. Do you like to dance? No
39. Are your parents still alive? Yes
40. Do you enjoy camping? Never really tried it but I doubt it!

Now copy and paste and update with your answers if you’d like. smile


Others Have Said: 
TexAngel on 10-Sep-18 23:41:58
Hot pink, huh? Interesting. Thanks for playing! :)

Mr_Vein on 11-Sep-18 0:04:44
I have a set of towels which are almost hot pink. And so many of my cars in video games are hot pink! :D