
Member Since: 5-Jun-23
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OK so I was just a regular teenager, always horny and always on the lookout for fun . I was spending some holiday time at the house of my Aunt and Uncle whilst my Mum was in hospital for a routine operation. I loved going there, my cousin Anne as was a wild one (although her parents thought she was the perfect girly! 😉 ) A real Tomboy and she had a circle of likewise friends who all hung out together. Depending on who was out there were between 7 to 10 of them, all of the same ilk .

We were at the house of one of the girls , Jules, her parents were loaded and it was a lovely big house . We were just hanging out wondering what to do with the afternoon ahead . Being with the girls always turned me on, thinking about which ones I would like to do what to 😉 my mind was heading that way once more and a bulge was developing in my jeans which were pretty tight on me. I was sat on a couch between two of them, And Jules noticed.

“Pauly looks a bit excited doesnt he? She pointed at my bulge 😉 I think he should strip and show us” I blushed a little at it being noticed!

The two sat beside me gave me a wicked look and I realised that they weren’t joking!! Jules stood up and gestured for me to stand up.

“Come on then, get them off or we’ll do it for you!”

I was fit and strong but no way would I be able to handle this lot if they jumped on me!

So I stood up in the middle of the large living room and they started clapping and chanting “STRIP, STRIP, STRIP, STRIP!” I looked in the direction of my cousin and Anne was chanting louder than anyone else! Then Jules shouted “And do it properly, make it sexy!” and they all started to laugh and chant louder.

My head was whizzing , I had fantasized and wanked off over these girls and now they shouting for me to strip for them.

It was a warm day so I only had jeans and t shirt on anyway. I took off the t shirt and threw it across the room and slowly started to unbutton my jeans . Jesus this was amazing, fucking awesome! I slowly pulled them down and stepped out of them , I was now down to my underpants and my cock felt like it was going to explode, a few touches or strokes and it would, certainly! I was now strutting around the room in my underwear and they were chanting again. “OFF, OFF, OFF!”

I went over to Jules, and said to her “Well , go on , take them off then” and she roughly pulled the pants down. My cock was bouncing when I walked around the room and they started to cheer and clap! A couple of them were slapping my arse and then I noticed one of them had picked my clothes . She went to the back door and threw them into the large garden and once more they all strted to laugh and cheer! At this point I didn’t care and I desperately needed to cumm!! I started to slowly stroke my cock and said “Watch me wank, please!” Jules shouted, “Do it on the couch, don’t fucking get any on the carpet!” which made them all laugh!

I sat back down on the couch, totally naked between the two girls again and slowly masturbated , it didn’t take long! The two girls were calling me a filthy boy, which helped! And then I felt it, good job I was on the couch as if I had been standing up my legs would have buckled under me!! I called out “Oh my fucking God!!” As I spurted to the greatest orgasm of my young life! The spunk came gushing out and was all over my stomach, some even hitting my neck at the highest point of cumming! I was done! I lay back , my heart beating out of my chest and could feel the cumm cooling on my body. I was rubbing it all into my chest and stomach . The chanting and laughing had stopped and now all the girls were just looking at me , one of them said “Wow, I wish I could do that!” 😉 😉 and then the laughter returned.

After a few minutes I got the post cumm guilt feelings! What the fuck had I done? From being the horniest person on the planet I had become bashful!

Jules broke the ice once more “Well, spunky, you know where your clothes are , go and get them” Oh my God, I thought, they are in the garden!! I got up and went to the back door and they pushed me out and locked the door behind me! They were laughing and banging on the kitchen windows as I was going around the garden totally naked picking my clothes up from where they had been thrown.

After about 10 minutes they let me back in , I had put my clothes back on and asked Jules if I could get a shower “ No, you can wear your filthy stuff until you get home!” Jesus, I could feel my skin getting sticky and the t shirt was stuck to me in places! I would have to sneak back into my Aunts house or there would be awkward explaining to do, especially with Anne around , she would definitely make mischief if my Aunt asked what had I been doing 😉

“Oh, and by the way” Jules said “You’ve got a new nickname, Spunky!” And boy did that one stay with me every time I visited again!! 😉 my life as a sexual deviant was on it’s way! 😉

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Member Since: 10-Mar-11
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Spunky at his best

Lovely story, sounds like everybody including spunky had a great time. 🍆 💦. I would have loved to have the opportunity to strip/be stripped in front of a bunch of teenage girls. Yes would have had a huge bulge just the same. To this day I get semihard stripping down at my favorite nude beach. happydance

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Member Since: 5-Jun-23
Location: GB
Posts: 23
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Just getting started
AverageJoe2000 said:
Lovely story, sounds like everybody including spunky had a great time. 🍆 💦. I would have loved to have the opportunity to strip/be stripped in front of a bunch of teenage girls. Yes would have had a huge bulge just the same. To this day I get semihard stripping down at my favorite nude beach. happydance

It really was such a buzz , if the girls had laughed and mocked I still would have loved it but the fact that they encouraged it just added to everything . It was the first time I'd experienced being the only naked person in a room of people wink which made the hard on and climax incredible . THen later on things started developing wink

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