
Member Since: 6-Dec-17
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Big Cock Question for the Ladies
I recently found out my long term GF had an ex-bf that was well endowed. She usually doesn't like talking about her past but I persisted and she told me whatever I wanted to know, just never bring it up again.
Her ex was 8+ inches (she claims she doesn't remember the exact size) but he was definitely not double my cock (I'm a good 6"wink so she said it was probably 8ish.
She was probably 18 and he was 21, which was about 33 years ago and we've been together for 27.

One of the questions I asked was how good did it feel being filled up with so much meat, and her reply was "I don't remember" wtf? How could you not remember something like that? Is she not telling the real answer?

She also kept telling it was a long time ago and my cock is the perfect size for her, is this BS? I also asked her if she ever thought about the big meat when we have sex and of course she said no, so I'm feeling a little inadequate but there's nothing I can do, the past is the past and I should be happy that she's not a cheater-
at least I don't think she is.
I guess I'm just looking for some input on whether or not I'm obsessing over this and should just let it go.

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yes dude you have a problem wtf
SERIOUSLY cut it out at once!
you arent a 15 y old
grow some balls and live in the now

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Kewl! Thanks for the input! thumbup

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30+ years is a long time to remember everything, even sex. I don't remember much about the first time I fucked, nor the time after that. Time often erases memories. Your wife is probably telling you the truth about it. Let it go.

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my wifes last bf was 9 inches,that was 20 plus years ago.i know she likes big cocks as we use large toys during our play but she struggles to take 9 inches to the hilt but really gets off on the gets me horny knowing she has had a huge cock filling her in the past and she knows this so it has become part of our sex play thumbup ,go with the flow she has been with you a long time so you must be doing some thing right

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The best “equalizer” for penis size compensation

As a guy who has had to live with a small penis all my life, I can tell you that obsessing over it is a useless waste of time. It’s going to stay small if it IS small and there’s nothing you can do about it.
The most positive thing you can do is concentrate on other “Skills” that result in a great deal of pleasure for the woman in your life.... mainly ORAL SEX skills!
If you learn how a woman reacts the most intensely to different oral sex methods.... she will continue to be glad to see you!
The oral sex is too often used ONLY to “get her ready” (wet) for a fuck and so the guy gives her a “quickie” version of oral sex instead of continuing to do it until she orgasms. Also women can often have multiples from oral sex and so my policy is to go down and STAY down even while and after she has her first orgasm.... others will follow if you persist in continuing. A woman will let you know when she wants you to stop...and it’s best to let her tell you when that time has come rather than to stop too early.
This doesn’t mean you don’t fuck her as just means that if she has had one or more orgasms before you DO fuck her, the size of your cock and the length of the fuck isn’t nearly as important to her at this point. You gave her what she needed to be satisfied before you fuck her.

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Member Since: 6-Dec-17
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Thanks for all the input, I need to stop obsessing over her past.
On the other side of the spectrum, she also told about a guy she dated briefly that was 3" when hard, so It looks like I'm in middle ground when it comes to her cock preference which is fine with me thumbup

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So Zeff, she doesn't like to talk about her past because for many women its not about conquests and the size is irrelevant, she loves you. My hubby is probably slightly bigger than average, but I did once have a guy who was definitely in the nine inch category. It was long and to how much of it actually fitted inside me, I have no idea. I was young and supple at the time and it did "tickle" but was very happy going back to my hubby for proper loving. grin

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As a Lady I prefer thick cocks not long ones. I like the way they stretch me. I have a dildo that is 8 inches long and 2 inches thick. Hubby likes to fuck me after he loosens me up with it saying it feels like I have been fucked by a big cock.

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Member Since: 13-Mar-16
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Mate, you're in your 50's and you're asking someone to remember what happened thirty fucking three years ago? And you're still paranoid about it? Stop asking us idiots about this and get a referral to a psychologist. You've got problems.
When I was 17 I had sex with a girl called Jenny who was in the same class as me at school. All I can remember is we fucked in her lounge room while her parents were out. That's all I can remember. I can't remember what the inside of her cunt felt like, but I guess it felt like the 100+ other cunts I've fucked.
You need to fix your issue.

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the Spoiler
My biggest guy was Harley and he was OK, but maybe a little too proud of his boner to do his best work for me. On the other hand, he was my inspiration for the Great Girth Contest, because he had the only boner that I couldn't wrap my fingers all the way around. So, I suppose I should thank him for inspiring the contest.

But even Harley was no match for "the Spoiler." The Spoiler is my very large vibrator and much longer than Harley was. So, if you want to know how much your wife loves really big ones, go buy her one and see for yourself.

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Clouseau64 said:

As a guy who has had to live with a small penis all my life, I can tell you that obsessing over it is a useless waste of time. It’s going to stay small if it IS small and there’s nothing you can do about it.
The most positive thing you can do is concentrate on other “Skills” that result in a great deal of pleasure for the woman in your life.... mainly ORAL SEX skills!
If you learn how a woman reacts the most intensely to different oral sex methods.... she will continue to be glad to see you!
The oral sex is too often used ONLY to “get her ready” (wet) for a fuck and so the guy gives her a “quickie” version of oral sex instead of continuing to do it until she orgasms. Also women can often have multiples from oral sex and so my policy is to go down and STAY down even while and after she has her first orgasm.... others will follow if you persist in continuing. A woman will let you know when she wants you to stop...and it’s best to let her tell you when that time has come rather than to stop too early.
This doesn’t mean you don’t fuck her as just means that if she has had one or more orgasms before you DO fuck her, the size of your cock and the length of the fuck isn’t nearly as important to her at this point. You gave her what she needed to be satisfied before you fuck her.

I always enjoyed giving as many oral orgasms as she wanted until I heard the magic words: "Put your cock in me!" or "Oh God, fuck me!" All women heart a joyful pussy eater, if you have any talent for it at all...! Am I wrong ladies?

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Member Since: 21-Feb-08
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Hi i have had a couple of huge cocks 9 inches plus and one of them was very thick and yes it was an experience but please bear in mind that i have had a lot of cocks up me over the years and when we are in the UK and Europe we stay with friends for sometimes up to 10 to 15 days and it is usually full on sex with the friends and my husband (FYI 7 1/2 inch cock)and their wives if they are married and trust me if the guy had a huge cock i would not be fucking him more than once a day i am only 5 ft 2 inches and trust me big cocks are nice for the experience but not for constant sex as they do hurt and i would much prefer to have a lot of sex rather than a one of with a big cock as i said been there done that but i do prefer normal sized cocks.4 years ago we stayed with a friend in the UK for 14 days and not sure but i think i had either my husbands or our friends cock in my pussy most of the time as they were both using Viagra so it was close to 24/7 fucking now if either of them had a huge one it would have hurt so i would not even taken the other so there you go big cocks are ok for the experience and to realize that they are not gods gift to women.As i have already stated i would rather have a lot of sex with a normal sized cock than once a day at the most with a guy with a big cock as i don't like pain so all i can say is get over it and trust your wife as i have been there and done that ....Bye

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Member Since: 1-Mar-08
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In her youth, for 7 years (approx.19 to 26) my wife almost exclusively fucked a guy with a 9 inch cock. I knew the guy from college and he was indeed a very well endowed stud. Later when their relationship was finished she married me. ( I wrote about a lot of their sex life in the erotic story section usually included in the title were the names… “Molly and Sam…”wink We’ve been married for 40 years. I have an average size cock but it’s thick. And she has always claimed that she loved my almost 6 inches. So I agree with what people are saying and that is… Be happy with what you have and don’t obsess over something you can’t really control.
I will say however that a couple of years ago my wife mentioned offhandedly about this former lover’s big cock. I laughed about it and remembered that I had seen cock extenders in one of the online websites. As a joke I bought one that made my cock at least 9 inches long. The first time I used it on her cunt she loved it and orgasmed many more times than usual. That pattern has continued. I wear it often when we have sex… And sometimes she reminds me to wear it. I’ve never mentioned her old lovers name… Or the reason I bought it… But no doubt she loves not only a thick cock but a long one too. It’s now just something else we use to spice up our sex life . Fortunately she always likes to end our sex sessions with me fucking her just with my cock. She says she prefers my cock but does admit that a big cock deep in her cunt sometimes feels fantastic. And based on her early sex life ...I know why she feels that way!
So you may want to get creative… Have some fun with big toys on occasion ...See how she reacts… But remember, be realist.... you don’t want to ruin a good relationship.

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My wife has had a couple guys that were well endowed. One of them was 9 inches long and very thick!!! 6 inches around!!! I know because we were both shocked when he dropped his pants that we just had to measure the fucking thing. I watched him stuff her pussy with that giant cock. She was never is so much pleasure and pain at the same time for as long as I have known her. Her pussy was as wet as I had ever felt it before. She was loving it!! To this day, she tells me that she isn't really into big cocks but I know better. She remembers that dudes cock like it was yesterday. So much so that when going for a dildo, she almost always goes for the doc Johnson "Big Gun". That being said, we have been madly in love for nearly 30 years, married for 26 and enjoy a great sex life together. Does she wish my dick was a tad bigger? Probably, but it never fails to give her an orgasm. It is what it is.

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Member Since: 24-Jun-05
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theroyalcouple said: Mate, you're in your 50's and you're asking someone to remember what happened thirty fucking three years ago? And you're still paranoid about it? Stop asking us idiots about this and get a referral to a psychologist. You've got problems.
When I was 17 I had sex with a girl called Jenny who was in the same class as me at school. All I can remember is we fucked in her lounge room while her parents were out. That's all I can remember. I can't remember what the inside of her cunt felt like, but I guess it felt like the 100+ other cunts I've fucked.
You need to fix your issue.

grin grin grin

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