
Member Since: 17-Jul-03
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Erotic Story
I have been ecnouraged to write my erotic story here instead of in my blog.... but guess what? I'm too lazy to cut and paste it all over to here!!

So, anyways, read my story in my NN Blog.

When I wind up the first story, I will start a new story here on the Forum.

Ciao for now.

PS - I LOVE to get feedback, whether its comments, good or bad, or suggestions for storylines. Help me out!!!

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BLog story has again been added to. Now up to Part 10!!!

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this girl has TALENT!!
hey every1 you gotta read this story. its pure gold!! amazing, sexy, horny... the list goes on and on and on... cant recommend highly enough. way to go rovan!!

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Clarification for loonie
Hey Loonie, glad you enjoy my story but ummmm, how do I tell you this..... I have a penis (a small one albeit - but definitely a penis) I think that makes me a guy.

I would be interested in what made you think I was female?


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hehehe I cant stop laughing..mental picture of Rovan being a girl!!! Sorry hun cant help it!!!


But dont worry,,,,your stories make me hot as hell!!! and give me Roger's phone number....I wanna fuck that man!


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Lunna !!!!!!!!!! please the language!!!!!!! grin
My virgin ears honey!!!!!!!!!!! grin grin grin
nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnot! grin

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Chapter 11 now uploaded
Next part is uploaded ready for your erotic reading pleasure.....

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LOL Joey!

Come 'ere...I will take care of those virgin ears as well as the rest of you...while I talk dirty ofcourse! LOL

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Hey Rov
You better hurry up cause Im waiting for part 12!!!

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Part 12 now delivered
Due to INTENSE pressure, part 12 of my erotic story in my BLOG has now been uploaded.

It's only a short one (hmmm, I have said that line a few times before...) and the story is drawing to a conclusion....

Am now looking for a new premise or story line for the next attempted effort...

Please PM me with any great ideas you might have. This writing caper is a hoot.



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we are still waiting Rov! tongue

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Member Since: 17-Jul-03
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Sorry Lunna....
As you know, I did write a Part 12 of the story, but it wasn't apparently the high quality some readers were used to, so I removed it and am going to re write it. I am just waiting for this current blockage to pass........

Will get onto it as soon as I have time and motivation....


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Roger's Fantasy......
Read Part 12 NOW!!!

I have been overwhelmed by the positive feedback I have recieved - especially from the female members of NN who have read the story and say 'it made me soooo wet'.

I am glad I seem to have hit on a formula that seems to titilate the female reader (my favourite type).

anyhoooo, this first story is almost complete and I am happy to take ideas and suggestions for the next story....

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Attention all females
The overwhelming feedback I have been recieving has been from females and saying that the story has made them 'moist', 'wet', 'tingle', 'horny as hell'.

Any guys wanna give some feedback?

Does anyone think its a load of shite?

I want /need feedback before I conclude this story and launch into another....

Thanks all......

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You know I liked all the parts, icludig this one. They were wonderfully written and cant wait for your new ones.

It was different, sexxxy and entertaining,

A MUST READ!!! grin

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Just an entry to get this back on the first page - PLEASE read my story (found in my BLOG) and provide feedback.


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The story has now concluded
Please go to my BLOG, go directly to my blog, do not pass Go, do not collect $200.

The final installment of my story has been posted.

If you have not had the chance, PLS read it thru, I am sure it will stimulate.......

Make sure you start at the bottom of the blog and work your way up.

I am now accepting ideas, concepts, names, participants in my #2 story. Please feel free to PM me.

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