
Member Since: 10-Aug-10
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Whats up with the lock down on threads?

you even locked my beloved mad hatters thread crying .... and the anything you want say thread? WTF is up?


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In the words of he-who-shall-remain-nameless: Hatters gonna hat.

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I agree...especially about your mad hatter thread: it wasn't abusive, it was only two days old, and if people lost interest, it would haven fallen down the front page of its own weight.

It seems to me that NN went a little over the top in his desire to remake the forums. Last night there was much civilized discussion of this. Today the discussion has been...disappeared.


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I completely missed the discussion! and woke up to a pm briefly saying threads are locked.. that NN is looking for big changes.

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Cant you hear the change?

Just listen closely, suddenly it will dawn on you. grin

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I missed it all! But it seems NN has been more than reasonable in this matter.
If you cant tell he wants change.. Guess what, when the boss wants change you either get on board, or get the fuck off! Bottom line! Now who moved my cheese confused

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Changes are not a bad thing i am all for it but one thing we have to remember that NN ownes and can do what he/they like but i do feel that maybe asking the peole that not only support the site with pics vids etc but there are paying people here as well and they are customers which does make a difference. I feel that when such moves are made a thread to say what may or may not happen would be polite to get some feedback rather than having to maybe eat humble pie if things dont work out. I am sure NN has not done this without thought and maybe he will come back and say why but to start up other threads with the words "The NEW" will just be removed and it wont help the find out the reasons why.. 2c

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Change isn't a bad thing, but perhaps NN should have announced the changes that he plans on making.

Im not his employee, I am a paying customer.

So no .. He isnt my Boss, he provides a service for me. Its the paying members that pay his wages.

The changes might be a good thing ... and Im sure they will be, but .. it may not have been the most responsible thing to just start locking threads with out explanation of his intentions.


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I partly agree LR, but this is a business with lots of customers. The forum is only a small part of that, very small!

When changes are implemented within a company, of great size, customers arent a part of that decision. The company does what they think is best for the overall customer base, or company, not a small portion of the customers. Obviously NN thinks that changing things in the forum will increase the overall business and possibly even bring in more paying members than it causes him to lose with this forum change. Or maybe he is just tired of all the babysitting he has to do on an adult site.

Its hard to say whether I agree with what is happening because I dont have all the details. How many warnings went out, etc...

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Yes, I understand what you are saying SD, but this isnt a massive corporation that is trying to fulfill the needs of it's share holders.

There is nothing wrong with change, and I am sure the changes will turn out to be for the better.

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I didn't stay up last night in the forlorn hope that there might be some civilised discussion here, so I missed it all. It's a damned shame that civilised discussion isn't here still so that those of us left in the dark can understand what's gone on and why. This site isn't my life but I have made a few good friends here and it isn't a happy place when they start leaving. thumbdown

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well said we have been here before and come through it but people lioke seaxun not been here leaves a huge gap!!!!

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Life on NN will go on.

This is an adult site... Im sure NN got a little tired of trying to babysit ppl and some of the shenanigans that seem to take place around here.

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bah thumbdown

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Cheer up buttercup grin

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i think it is obvious

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I like when the obvious is stated though. grin

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*thunk* LOL LOL

Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez smile

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the secret is out

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I heart you Hematite love

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I'm with LR on this, however obvious - NN will go on.

Naturally it's sad that some popular, vocal individuals have felt they had to leave, or that some might even have been banned following warnings, but let's be clear on this, NN's stock in trade is the pictures posted by members and non-members first and foremost, while the forums are likely to be considerably less of a draw for the vast majority of the (as of just now on the front page) 2,713,335 members of this site.

Of the 140,000 or so members quoted on that page as actively logging into the site each day, it's apparent that there's only a tiny handful of that number who actually contribute to the forum on a regular basis, so I can understand why the site owner would wish to make changes such as enlarging the number and scope of forum topics if he/she feels it to be a good selling point, we'd all do the same wouldn't we?

So ask yourself, if you were seeking to maximise your site revenue by making the forum appear more attractive, would you wish to discourage what might be seen as negativity or unfriendliness in the forums? But how would you do it? Would you rely on it to police itself? Or would you react to member complaints in a firm manner?

For what it's worth, I AM sad that some have left, but as has been said before, NN will go on.


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I have been in and out of here since 05 and I seen them come and seen them go (including your`s truly). It isn`t going to hurt NN one bit. wink

Everyone will get over their selves smile and will live. 2c

Now don`t be a bunch of babies. Grow to hell up. rolleyes

Good Day smile

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Further more this forum is diddly shit compared to the rest of the site. glare A few people that leave, that were well known because of the forum is diddly shit compared to the members that don`t post in the forum and stay. The pics is where it`s at and that is the reason why I joined in the first place.

NN will remain strong. The forum is just a "throw in" for the rest of the site. 2c

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Im curious to see if more members will begin to post in the forums rather than just lurking in them. I really hope they do! thumbup1

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Needs chatters to visit here more often.
Many avoid forum.

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Go back to the sheep avatar Ravers, your current one is gross.

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It looks like Gonzo from the Muppet's ugly twin. grin

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Females love it Mont...
Forum must stay to the theme of the site.

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Well, looking at the 'Goodbyes' section might be a place for you to start.
From there, notice the various newly locked threads.
After that ... it's anybody's guess. confused
Hope this helps. unsure

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Space gypsies. I blame the Dominion, if they hadn't crushed the T-Rogorans then those Skrreean space gypsies wouldn't have been allowed to escape and shed skin flakes all over the place. So yeah, I blame the Dominion and to a lesser extent Mel Gibson. smile

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