
Member Since: 18-Jan-07
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Here comes da snow!
Gasoline for lawn tractor/snow thrower?
... Check

Extra bags of rock salt?
... Check

Refrigerator stocked?
... Check

Appointments for tomorrow rescheduled?
... Check

20+ inches of snow. Bring it on! grin grin

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Which state is this ?

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When prepared.. i find it delightful..

when your schedule is fucking filled, and everything else is chaos.. its a nightmare

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Well It can only get better..

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Mr. Sinister
Here comes the,la,la,la....

Uh...NOTHING but SUNSHINE and 80 degrees today. Gonna be sunny and 85 tomorrow. cool

Move outta the sticks and stop complaining people. LOL LOL LOL LOL


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Sin beat me to it. Sunny and 80 today, wouldn't know what this thing called snow is! wink

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Miss Behavin
I keep saying... this is Wisconsin... expect snow.

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"....Move outta the sticks and stop complaining people...."

yeah. everybodies got something though. let em know how you feel about the next hurricane blowing all of YOUR sticks from one side of the state to the OTHER. LOL

been to Florida before. it aint all that. LOL

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Mr. Sinister
True....we don't have as many farm animals to fuck like the rest of the states.

Jealous bitches....... LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL

And,uh......I'm going to the beach tomorrow and work on my tan.

OHHHHH...and about the hurricane....I'm gonna party like EVERY SINGLE TIME one blows through.






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All we heard for 3 days from National & Local weather forcasts were that a huge snow storm was coming to expect 12-20" of snow.
we were put under a blizzard warning.
Schools shut down
businesses closed
Governor activated National Guard

Total accumalation 3" of sleet.

So much for the huge blizzard of 2011

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crying crying crying

B4, that's cause we got your snow, and ours, and I think someone else's too.

It's still coming down, and blowing around and getting deeper and the drifts are getting higher...

and I just made a big bowl of popcorn topped with real butter and LOTS of salt. So, with buttery fingers I shall cruise NN and sip on my glass of sweat tea while the wind blows like a sumbitch outside.

Oh, BTW, we had lightning and thunder earlier, in the middle of snow storm. blink blink

Only seen/heard that once before, kind of unusual for this time of year. unsure

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I'm in the Windy City and it's certainly earning its nickname tonight. This is the first time I can remember that the event lives up to the hype. We've got lightning and thunder with the snow here, too.

Sounds like the entire city is taking a snow day tomorrow. Should have seen all the lunatics and empty shelves at the grocery store. If that's how much food they think they need to make it through a couple of days, they've got bigger problems than the weather.

Amusing to see the condom rack half-empty, though. smile

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Ya... these storms that blow up from the States to Canada are really brutal! They always seem to send the worst of their snow this way.


Look at the size of this system!

Where are YOU?!?!

And to think my hubby groaned when we debated who needed to run out to get groceries today. LOL

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See that little peninsula sticking out with just a few clouds? Thats me! tongue

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Do be safe and don't let it scare you.

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Im still groaning about it! glare

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The white stuff is stacked high enough that I might have to break the storm door to get it open. I really don't mind snow all that much, but this wind is crazy, 40 MPH sustained winds, with gusts to 60. It's like getting hit in the face with steel tipped darts.

The cars, and the truck are buried. At least I'll get a workout shoveling today, and tomorrow.

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We have 18-24 inches on the ground now and there is still more to come but we're on the back end of it now. There are reports of many ppl being stuck in their cars, I can't imagine how I would cope with that. My electric was out for about 12 hours, it came back on 1/2 hour ago. But I'm OK, I don't need to go anywhere for the next few days, I have food and beer in the house.

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sunny today...slight breeze...and 73° F raspberry

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Got nailed with a big storm last month, about 23 inches fell in just over 24 hours. Very high winds as well, up to 45 mph. Don't remember seeing much about that storm on the news, but then again, its probably expected up this way. We didn't get too excited about it, just shoveled our way out and went about our business... just another day in Wisconsin!!!

Oh, and humps - care to share that weather with a northern girl like me??


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Cas, I'd be more than happy to send you some warm weather to Wisconsin grin

...of course, colder weather is why my uncle moved to he may not be thrilled laugh

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