
Member Since: 29-Jul-09
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Cyclone Yasi...
my thoughts go out to everyone in the north here over the next 24 hours...

this is gonna be something that hasn't be seen in anyone's lifetime here...

tracy was a level 3 and all but levelled darwin in '74, but she was a pup compared to this mutha.., yasi is a high level 5, they don't come any bigger than this...

it extends approx 1000 kms, or 600 miles, in diameter, with winds expected up to and quite possibly exceeding 300kms (180mph) an hour...

it's moving slowly at around 30kms an hour so it will take over 24hrs to completely pass...

the eye alone will take over an hour to go over, and then the shit hits all over again for another 12 hours or so...

my best wishes for your safekeeping, whoever you are...

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Best wishes to all who must endure this!


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Member Since: 7-Apr-05
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This seems terrifying..
Hope everyone will get through this.

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Member Since: 29-Jul-09
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Terrifying is exactly what they are calling it Raven...

the ones i worry the most about up there tho are the kids who are going be scared fucking shitless when this bitch makes landfall...

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Member Since: 29-Jul-09
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Nth Queensland is about to be blown off the map...

yet in Sydney, perhaps 1400kms south, aussies are drinking piss and celebrating about sticking it up the pommie cricketers again...

i like my cricket, but gotta wonder about life sometimes...

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Ah Bill, it is always good to give the Poms a toffee! smile Nearly as good as giving the Aussies one! grin

But seriously, thinking of those QLD folks and hope they are safe and sound, and normality returns soon.

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Cheers Running_Bare...

it's about 2 1/2 hours before the shit really starts to hit the fan there but your sentiments are appreciated...

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6.6 metre waves recorded off Townsville already scared

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I hope everyone is ok, my thoughts go out to them all over there

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My thoughts and prayers are with the people of Queensland.

Why are some people expected to endure so much all at one time .. and all we can do is watch this disaster unfold. sad

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Member Since: 29-Jul-09
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Bless ya hearts ladies, it's going to be a real rough night up there tonight...

for those of you in the U.S.., think of a 180mph tornado that is expected to have a really fucking good go at your house for about 4 - 6 hours, not just a few mins...

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Please let us know what's happening, as best you can.

Love to everyone affected!


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Live Radar link as at 12.13 am 3rd Feb EST" target="_blank" class="forum-link">Courtesy of the Bureau Of Meteorology

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angel "Heavenly Father, I pray for all in the path of this terrible storm! Please protect them and bless them! Please have mercy upon them! In the Name of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior I pray!"

"And, Heavenly Father, I pray for all that have been involved in the 'storm', so to speak, on these forums. Please bless them and guide them, whether they believe in You or not, please help all to be at peace with each other here and please bless them in their lives outside of these forums. Please bless and watch over those who have left here. Thank you, Heavenly Father, in the Name of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior, I pray. AMEN!


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Stay safe down there you guys in Oz, scary stuff if you're in the middle of it. thumbup thumbup

We have our own weather front moving in on the UK with 80mph winds, a mere breeze in comparrison. Good luck.

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Member Since: 7-Apr-05
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Wicked bad weather for you.
You don't deserve this.

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we both send our best wishes and hope all is well to all the aussies who are getting beaten up by ma nature... cheers..your the best..

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wow! where have you been all this time? unsure

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All our thoughts and prayers for all out there.

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Member Since: 22-Oct-05
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Cyclone Yasi... of yesterday was much bigger that any of the hurricanes we've been thru, our prayers to anyone in it's path.

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