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Your husband does not know your secret do you have one too
For several weeks I've been going in to chat rooms masturbating to sexy chat at night whilst hubby was down stairs watching the box one day I got so horny out of the blue an old freind invited me out to lunch and we had sex, he was the first of four strangers, I met in chat rooms I get dressed up for them I do things I don't do with my fantastic husband, I don't feel like a cheat just a huge build up then a thrill I can't describe, all the men look like hubby when he was younger. Now I want a threesome this is not an invite just

Ladies am I alone ?

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sexy chat
love sneaking on sexy chat while he is in the other room or with friends. I have cum hard several times playing like that. Still trying to build up the courage to actually do something about it

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If you are letting strangers fuck you behind your husband's back then you are cheating on him. Either tell him, or divorce him. When you are on the cold hard floor with just another cock up you, think about Mr "Till death us do part". If your heart stays as cold as it sounds then you don't deserve a husband. thumbdown

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I know I should feel bad, but I just feel horny all the time, I can not be alone, we all have secrets and desires , I love hubby but I love my secret life too

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Those words are part of why I haven't actually been able to fool around on him. I do get very wet at the thought though.

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I do have fantasies about other men. I keep them to myself of course, but it is nice to tease and dream at times.

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Your husband is a lucky man. I would love it if my wife did that. I'd love to have her come home and tell me all the details as I fucked her or jacked off.

So hot!

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I do have a secret, very close, relationship wit another man. Boyfriend knows about the other man but not how close we really are.

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I have many secrets. I have my own reasons for doing what I do and it is not for anyone to judge. Think what you will, it won't change anything!

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That would be so hot to live your dream slostroker

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tell him , if your husband really loves you he won't leave , maybe he'd like it.... I love my wife so much I would do anything for her or allow her anything sexually if she needed it.

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I think it's because of the secret I keep to myself only NN know it's more exciting than swapping , I had a huge buildup last week and I managed to to arrange a visit yesterday the anticipation was overwhelming he was a stranger, he was married no strings, it was quick and very satisfying, what I want to know is it always men who have the affairs or one offs do any ladies share similar secrets from their partners

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Mary I am very grateful for women like you because I am one of the men who go into chat rooms and masturbate whilst chatting to women like you. Maybe you are like me with a partner who has a much lower sex drive than yourself so you need to sublimate your passions by sharing them with an appreciative man.

Your guy might be happier downstairs watching TV but you, like me, find it much more exciting and rewarding physically, emotionally and spiritually by sharing your body and orgasms with a like minded soul. Sex for me is the most exciting human experience available and maybe it is for you also but sadly our partners often do not experience the same intensity of excitement.

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Thank you, but I don't feel like I'm cheating , it's just a build up, over weeks, and as its a secret it beats alcohol , or drugs, it's like an addiction, like chat rooms is my addiction , it's a secret, then I get a tingle with the tight guy, swap pictures then if he is my type then Monday's I make arrangements.

What I want to know is am I alone , do any other ladies or men have an addiction like this

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everyone has secrets
how we all deal with them is up to the individual
what ever rules you have, you are the one that has to live with them.
be yourself, have no regrets, and always be safe raspberry drool thumbup bounce jerk

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I know it's difficult to respond if your a duo , and you see each other's posts, but for girls or guys who may have met a woman like me tell us their stories , I know my freind has affairs which is hurtful I just have stranger sex which is worst I don't know

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secret from hubby
I think you should not cheat ,you should have told your hubby 1st about your wanting to fuck others. I know i would be ok with my wife having men on the side,you ever know what your husband thinks if you don't ask,,,by the way would you like your husband to cheat on you

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marriednm said: I think you should not cheat ,you should have told your hubby 1st about your wanting to fuck others. I know i would be ok with my wife having men on the side,you ever know what your husband thinks if you don't ask,,,by the way would you like your husband to cheat on you

I have been married to the hubz for 32 years. I know that he would not allow me to have sex with other men. I wish he would have an open mind but he is set in his ways. I often teasingly tell him when I see a woman checking him out. I would love for him to have sex with other women!

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I would be too scared to ruin firstly my marriage and secondly the trust he has to let me enjoy lovers by giving into temptation and keeping things from him x

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hiscocklvr said: love sneaking on sexy chat while he is in the other room or with friends. I have cum hard several times playing like that. Still trying to build up the courage to actually do something about it

You are a very atractive woman and would be so popular if you were to venture on cam. You do not have to show your face so that you would be completely anonymous. You would find that your orgasms would be even better and more exciting if you were actually performing on cam as well as watching.

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ida_ho_103104 said:
marriednm said: I think you should not cheat ,you should have told your hubby 1st about your wanting to fuck others. I know i would be ok with my wife having men on the side,you ever know what your husband thinks if you don't ask,,,by the way would you like your husband to cheat on you

I have been married to the hubz for 32 years. I know that he would not allow me to have sex with other men. I wish he would have an open mind but he is set in his ways. I often teasingly tell him when I see a woman checking him out. I would love for him to have sex with other women!

ida_ho, I share your sentiments completely. Just imagine what our lives could have been like if we had married partners who openly embraced our love and joy of sex. It would have made our lives so much more exciting and fullfilled. Also we could have have given such a lot of excitement and comfort to so many other like minded people too, wow I'm getting excited even imagining it!

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I thank you for all your posts , I don't feel like I'm cheating when I do what I do, all reason goes out of the window, the preperation is every thing it takes over my mind, my reasoning my life, it is like I imagine a drug, what sets it off are chat rooms, flirting and sexual talk

two weeks ago I took my biggest risk yet, whilst out with the girls I allowed my self to be picked up. My friends thought I had gone home but I met a man at the bar and from that moment on I had that itch that needed scratching , only a woman can know this , it's in the mind. I went out with the goal to have sex from the moment he pushed the right buttons it was the risk all in the risk

. I am a mother a wife loving one at that I went out dressed like a mother but underneath I had my best lingerie, we had sex in my car in a lane near my house. It was fast hurried and very hot, When I had done I felt nothing no remorse no guilt no longing to repeat it just satisfaction, I went back home and carried on my life not even thinking about what I had done.

I hear about men compartmentaling but not women am I alone ?

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I have let my wife do stuff like this since we met. I don't really believe in relationships where the woman has only one sex partner. She knows she can do whatever she likes and she can tell me or keep it a secret. It works well for us and sometimes when she comes home I know she's been naughty but I don't say anything.

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Thrax it's not about been allowed to do what I do, I do what I do because I'm not allowed I know I'm not alone, my husband is wonderful , if he knew he would be so upset , but certain times in my cycle I can't stop, none of the men are a patch on my husband , but I just crave the rush, the excitement , I love dressing up for them but mainly myself, it's not about the penetration it's about my orgasm the chase the hunt the secrets, I have an adventure planned tomorrow , I will be out with the girls and I know what I will be doing when they go home it's the risk surely only women understand ?

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Well it happened and now another secret to be hidden away, moments I will treasure and share, why do I do this ? He was not attractive, he was not rich or have a nice car ? He was in the right bar at the right time, an hour out and back to my normal life a quick fumble on the way home

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We are who we are, and always be who you want to be. Don't let anyone else tell you what you are doing is wrong. We follow our own path, and some people on NN will just shit on whatever you do.

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Bob lover where do u live sorry but that's a magnificent picture xxx

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I know exactly how you feel and it is the rush that makes it all worthwhile. I have resisted the temptation for sometime now but it is always pulling me.

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It seems it is always the men on here either try to cheat or do cheat especially in chat rooms who cheat yet it takes two , there is always a woman who knows exactly what she is doing, without us chat rooms would be empty, I'm one of those girls who make all their efforts worth while , I chose carefully so I cand do it over and over with no come back

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marym3280, you are not alone. I'm a male, but I have had sex with married women a couple of times and they definitely had cravings along the same lines as yours. One had a husband that traveled so much for work that they began having difficulties being intimate when the few opportunities arose. She said the same thing you did, about just needing to orgasm with a guy to get over the feelings of frustration. It sounds as if you also need planning and randomness for the experience to bring on that powerful rush, however. That is different from what I witnessed, but I assure you that other women feel exactly the same way you do, and go about scratching that itch in the same manner.

And I have to admit that illicit sex is quite thrilling.

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Artworks asked me a question perhaps the ladies here can help I said Thank you, as I say this is my secret , I always use condoms and I do take care, I don't involve my friends nor would I ever, yes there is crazies out there but you have to understand I'm never drunk, I pick my boys carefully, I don't go with the first pass, I never use the same club but you have to understand I feel like a man would I just want meaningless sex, that gets me off with as little risk but not risk free

I love hubby and would be devisted if I found out he played away from me double standard but as a woman I want something for myself , only a woman can understand this. It may be a new pair of shoes, with me its dressing up, best undies full glam on then behave well free

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