
Member Since: 15-Sep-05
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i need some help
ok im a 17 yr old male and i like this girl shes 18.... shes beautiful and i dont no if she likes me back... and i hear she has never had sex befor or done anything with anyone.... is this a bad sighn..... should i stay away from her or still go for it??

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Go for what? a date or a fuck??

If all you go for is a date, chances are you'll both have a good time.
Neither one of you can be disappointed if nothing is expected.
after you’ve been on a date, and know a little more about her
you’ll have a better idea of how things might progress later.

Go for it,, the worst she can say is no..


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btw,, your not old enough to be on this site...

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Member Since: 15-Sep-05
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ssshhhh no 1 needs 2 no but lets say everyone finds out i asked her on a date and she says no then all my buds are gunna no i dont want 2 make myself look like an ass

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Member Since: 2-Mar-05
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If you like the girl just ask her. Real friends will make you look like an ass no matter what she says.

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Trust me, no matter what your friends tell you,
they get shot down by a lot more girls than they score with.

Failing to succeed at something is nowhere near as regrettable
in the long run, as never even making an attempt.
What’s worse? a moment of rejection,, or a lifetime of what if’s?

screw your buddies,, go for it.


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Member Since: 1-Oct-05
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Aaaah...young love,we remember what that was like ccups...Remember wondering if the guy you fancied would ask you out....wondering if he would turn up at the place you'd arranged to meet...& best of all the 'butterflies' in the I miss those days.
The best advice has already been given mlhitter, ask her out,don't worry what anyone else says,don't worry if she says no,when you get older you'll realise there are a lot more important things in life than some-one saying no (& I mean that in a nice way).When you're older you realise life is short,so take your chances as they come along.
One other thing,if she says yes,don't frighten her off on the first date by bringing sex into the conversation,just have a fun time & get to know her.
Good Luck

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Member Since: 17-Feb-06
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Yea man, don't let the fact that she's inexperienced affect your decision. One of the freakiest girls I know has only seen a cock once, some people are just shy and the opportunity hasn't been there for them yet.

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Member Since: 1-Oct-05
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Did you ask her out ????

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Member Since: 27-Nov-05
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man dont worry bout that shit, if u want the girl go after her, believe me I been in yo situation, except I was shy as damn groundhog, but I figured out once I got older, most girls dont say no when u come at em wit confidence, cockiness maybe but not confidence, just go fo it, and even if she is wit some friends, just pull er to the side side and rap wit her fo a sec, talk to her if u dont know what I mean, and bout her havin sex, truth is pretty much every girl and guy by the time they reach ya age they aint virgins, I say go fo it man, now dont roll up to her wit ya head hangin down mubling and stutterin, just go to her like u talkin to a friend that u been knowing fo years, and another key, try to invite a friend or someone so she can bring a close friend, cause no girl nowdays wants to jus go out wit a dude by theirself, make her feel safe man, remember YOU CAN DO IT thats my 2c 2c 2c 2c

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Ask her out! And then, from there read her signs. Don't force anything, charm her wink That's what girls should get from guys. Good luck.

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