
Member Since: 20-Feb-11
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Are you an artist?

I used to love to draw(especially in charcoal), but its been so long I think all of that skill has been lost. sad

I have been making my own jewelry for some time, and have recently been learning some basic silversmithing... I love it!!!

yahoo yahoo yahoo

What is your favorite art form?

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an artist can mean many things to many people.... i lived with an artist who is a painter/sculptor many years ago ...she has/had works in several prestigious galleries and is now the director of the gallery of art at well known university.... i on the other hand .. was into and still am woodworking.... i build furniture... rube goldberg type toys for my grandchild... model building and enjoy remodeling homes... although we went our separate ways for different reasons she did not consider what i did as a true art form...

to her TRUE art of any kind was always original and completely new...not reinvented... free flowing...fresh ...never planed or orchestrated...

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joeytomatoes said: an artist can mean many things to many people.... i lived with an artist who is a painter/sculptor many years ago ...she has/had works in several prestigious galleries and is now the director of the gallery of art at well known university.... i on the other hand .. was into and still am woodworking.... i build furniture... rube goldberg type toys for my grandchild... model building and enjoy remodeling homes... although we went our separate ways for different reasons she did not consider what i did as a true art form...

to her TRUE art of any kind was always original and completely new...not reinvented... free flowing...fresh ...never planed or orchestrated...

Really??? She didn't consider the Rube Goldberg type toys an art form??? WOW....I think those are flippin' cool! And building furniture....that's a definite art form. I get the painter/sculptor thing....but making from scratch, doing by hand...even baking bread from scratch is an art form in some sense of the term. 2c

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PoeticLicense said:
joeytomatoes said: an artist can mean many things to many people.... i lived with an artist who is a painter/sculptor many years ago ...she has/had works in several prestigious galleries and is now the director of the gallery of art at well known university.... i on the other hand .. was into and still am woodworking.... i build furniture... rube goldberg type toys for my grandchild... model building and enjoy remodeling homes... although we went our separate ways for different reasons she did not consider what i did as a true art form...

to her TRUE art of any kind was always original and completely new...not reinvented... free flowing...fresh ...never planed or orchestrated...

Really??? She didn't consider the Rube Goldberg type toys an art form??? WOW....I think those are flippin' cool! And building furniture....that's a definite art form. I get the painter/sculptor thing....but making from scratch, doing by hand...even baking bread from scratch is an art form in some sense of the term. 2c

no... to her it was all reinventing the wheel... if it had been done before it was simply a copy ...improved or changed perhaps... reinventing... not a virgin... not an original... all credit due her... she never did anything that resembled anything previous...her mind seemed and is as boundless as space... she still holds a special place in my heart as i do in hers...

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Member Since: 20-Feb-11
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I have to agree with poetic license on this one...

Even architectural designs can be works of great art. But skill and knowledge are both needed for the building to be safe and functional... All of which are learned skills. Just like your former gf... Schooling of some sort must have been involved if she is a curator at a museum. Information, skills, techniques, styles, tools from all different types of artists surely had even the slightest influence on her. So to say that she has a COMPLETLY unique form of art, while amazing!, would be very rare in this day and age.

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joeytomatoes said:
PoeticLicense said:
joeytomatoes said: an artist can mean many things to many people.... i lived with an artist who is a painter/sculptor many years ago ...she has/had works in several prestigious galleries and is now the director of the gallery of art at well known university.... i on the other hand .. was into and still am woodworking.... i build furniture... rube goldberg type toys for my grandchild... model building and enjoy remodeling homes... although we went our separate ways for different reasons she did not consider what i did as a true art form...

to her TRUE art of any kind was always original and completely new...not reinvented... free flowing...fresh ...never planed or orchestrated...

Really??? She didn't consider the Rube Goldberg type toys an art form??? WOW....I think those are flippin' cool! And building furniture....that's a definite art form. I get the painter/sculptor thing....but making from scratch, doing by hand...even baking bread from scratch is an art form in some sense of the term. 2c

no... to her it was all reinventing the wheel... if it had been done before it was simply a copy ...improved or changed perhaps... reinventing... not a virgin... not an original... all credit due her... she never did anything that resembled anything previous...her mind seemed and is as boundless as space... she still holds a special place in my heart as i do in hers...

Well I guess I can understand to a point. And I'm glad you both still hold a special place in your heart for each other....that's sweet. But I still think building furniture is an art form....hence the arts/crafts movement and the furniture created during that period.

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My choice of creation is with my photography, water colors and charcal pencil.

I did dabble in writing for many years, but moved on to more visual expression. I didn't like people reading my journal.

While I was in High School I liked sculpting. Of course back then all of the Art Classes were able to afford anything you wanted. Now a days not so much.

I would say that since the age of 10 I have dabbled in many areas of artistic expression. Even tried my hand at woodcarving (2001-2005) when I would buy a raw piece wood furniture.

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Member Since: 23-Sep-03
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I've done some...
oil painting, guitar playing, landscaping, photography, writing and some digital stuff to make t-shirts, sweatshirts and the like. Fun stuff. Don't spend as much time on it as I'd like to, but isn't that usually the case?

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Member Since: 30-Jan-10
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Art and my heart
hi Uschi7337,
art, is there anything better than seeing something that makes you feel alive,strange,whole,unsure,aware,happy,inspired, reminiscent,lonely,and any number of different states of mind.
I personally love drawing ,but having said that, knowing what I know now ,music and writing are the (for me) ultimate forms of art.

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Member Since: 2-Dec-08
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I used to work with pastels, watercolors and acrylics, but have recently found I love oils. I've only done two canvases, but with surprisingly pleasant results.

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I do many things. I started out sketching/drawing, turned to chalk pastel and charcoal, then started mixing media, from watercolors & pastels to... well whatever came to mind. But I've gotten into artisan crafts, minor sewing (working on getting better); I've done clay sculpting and minor wood carving. I do my own mani/pedi with nail art (no acrylic tips). I've even done cake decorating. And then there's digital art....

Basically, if it seems artistic, I like to learn it and try it out for myself. In many cases I'm good with 2D forms, so things like nail art and cake decoration are just other forms of drawing or painting to me. Honestly, I feel that if you're good at drawing, you could do well in decorating a cake, doing face painting or temporary tattoos, etc. I'm actually tempted to try henna on myself. Too bad I'd only be working the left side of my body.

And for the record, you don't need to be "right brained." A family member of mine, who was getting a doctorate in Psychology, told me they joke about that...

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his_princess said: I used to work with pastels, watercolors and acrylics, but have recently found I love oils. I've only done two canvases, but with surprisingly pleasant results.

Lets see please...

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teamuniverse that you mention it, i am an Artist........and for ten years i lived the life of an artist in the traditional sense of the world, i never made any money from it but i did learn all about life, the universe and god during that time........out of my many works, my greatest creation is the man i am today.

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Art is my passion! I love all the forms it takes! My medium of choice is Marker and ink, but I use a lot of mixed media! I do mostly illustration, but I can draw most anything. My favorite thing to draw is anime. Big eyes that show every emotion.

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I love to draw , ever since I was 5 it has always been a passion of mine.
I also love to paint too! I have had a few of my paintings on display in local art galleries before.

My favorite thing to draw is japanese cartoons and disney characters. smile


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lilcandybunny said: I love to draw , ever since I was 5 it has always been a passion of mine.
I also love to paint too! I have had a few of my paintings on display in local art galleries before.

My favorite thing to draw is japanese cartoons and disney characters. smile



The photographs you post here are works of art in good taste. love

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Member Since: 28-Dec-05
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i love my guitar
dziga said: oil painting, guitar playing, landscaping, photography, writing and some digital stuff to make t-shirts, sweatshirts and the like. Fun stuff. Don't spend as much time on it as I'd like to, but isn't that usually the case?

Same here. I've painted with oil, watercolor, for a very long time and landscape was my fav. I was into photography when I was much younger. Now my focus is guitar. I spend as much time at it as possible.

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Knit draw crochet bake smile tribal mainly

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starving artists
lm no artist, lm creative when it comes to using stuff for purposes it was not meant to be used for, lve never painted, drawn or made a mess on a canvas and called it art like most artists lve seen....its makes me wonder how people can bullshit to the artist and say they see stuff in it, l guess like snow bunnies in clouds...but if its shit, ld say its shit. *lix*

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Artist indead
Yes, I am an artist, Pen and paper, acrylic and oils on canvas, guitar and pick, mandolin, piano, trumpet, Ukulele. I try to stay diverse in all realms. I do plan on doing some recording with a friend soon. I think I have a number of ok songs written, but lyrically not there yet. Hence my friend. He is very poetic.

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Member Since: 8-May-21
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I’m an artist!
I have lived art all my life , as long as I can remember I was always drawing something, in my teen years I started getting good at it , in my twenties I started to tattoo , but the damn responsibility slapped me in the face and I had to focus on my career instead of my passion so for a while I stoped playing music in the bars and I didn’t touch a charcoal or a brush for about 8 years , then I was remolding a house for a local artist and he had tons of canvases he was going to just trash , I asked him if he minded if I took some , he seemed delighted, ran inside and got me all kinds of paints and brushes and ever since I’ve been cranking out the paintings, just recently got 15 of them into a gallery down town , and they are talking about putting on a show of my work , anyway guess I’m saying never too late if ya had you still got it 😁

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Member Since: 20-Aug-21
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I vacillate between drawing/ painting (mostly watercolor) and playing music. I've been playing an instrument of some sort for just over 40 years now and I can't imagine my life without music in it. Although I don't play in a group anymore (orchestra or rock band as I've done both) I try to pick up my instrument regularly. As for creating visual art, I only do when I feel inspired or have some idea in my head that I want to put on paper. Unfortunately, I haven't had much inspiration as of late. To all you artists that read this, keep making this world a more beautiful place with your art, whatever it may be.

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Member Since: 6-Jul-11
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Yes, I’m a retired graphic artist and I occasionally like to draw nudes. You can see some on my instagram.

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Member Since: 24-Dec-22
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I love drawing and creating. I'm not good at it by any means, I just like having the ability to take an idea and go wherever it takes me

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Member Since: 10-Mar-22
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I paint portraits, they are fun spiritual readings. You can check them out on Facebook and Instagram, AndysSpiritualArt. I've not done any portraits for over two years, just not had the time as I have been busy with other things.

I've always been creative, I did three years at college studying all different arts and crafts, from paint, sewing and ceramics. Then I went to University to study designing and making furniture. Great times!

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Member Since: 24-Dec-22
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I am by no means an artist, I love to sketch. Ain't doing any mona Lisa but it keeps my stress and anxiety in check.

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Member Since: 10-Mar-22
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LittleSheep562 said: I am by no means an artist, I love to sketch. Ain't doing any mona Lisa but it keeps my stress and anxiety in check.

Drawing is good for relaxing. It doesn't matter if it's a Mona Lisa or a 10 minute sketch, as long as you enjoyed what you were doing is all that matters.

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I love painting on my wife, does that count? tongue

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