
Member Since: 27-Feb-10
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Love to play my guitars!

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six strings are too much for me...ukelele and bass.

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Member Since: 27-Feb-10
Location: GB
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I also play 12-string guitar. If you've mastered 4 strings -especially bass-then,believe me, try a 6-string and your life will really open up with different types of music. Bass guitar is like a lead six string with 2 added, but I couldn't do that, as I'm a rhythm guitarist. Give 6 a try with a "Washburn" with good tone and low action on the strings. You may surprise yourself!

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i love the full rich sound of 6 and 12 string guitars, but i just don't seem to have the manual dexterity required.

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Member Since: 27-Feb-10
Location: GB
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Bendalong said: i love the full rich sound of 6 and 12 string guitars, but i just don't seem to have the manual dexterity required.

Keep the faith and practice daily. You WILL get there! cool

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Member Since: 5-Apr-07
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l Dance
love to dance, make costumes and jewellery, that's the main ones *lix*

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Member Since: 28-Oct-20
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Hello. I am fond of precious stones. This is a great project, but I have a question on it: are you familiar with the gemology certification ? This is an extremely useful thing, because having a certificate is considered a more interesting product; besides, there will be no problem. Just read about it.

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Member Since: 23-Nov-20
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What kind of gold jewelry did you buy?

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Member Since: 23-Nov-20
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Hello. I recently had a wedding and bought a charming rose-like diamond ring - . it was very unusual. The design of the rose shaped diamond flower rings has a wide appeal and can be easily adapted according to preference.

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