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straight guy, gay sex
I know there are a plethora of men on here that are married, have kids, are essentially straight but crave gay sex. My fantasy is a little different... I want to make gay love. Not just anal, sucking a duck, I want it all. Just one completely gay night. Kissing, holding hands, caressing each other. Any other straight guys into this?

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Here we go again. I assert that if you have sex with men AND women, you aren't "straight". Regardless of motivation or circumstance, you can't be 100% straight. Straight guys don't have sex with men, not do they think about it. If you think about it, then you're at least "bi-curious". It's all silly labels, leads to confusion when the terms are used in a way that well, causes confusion! I'm bi, but only in very specific ways. But I don't claim to be straight but oh yeah, I occasionally will suck a dick or get fucked. Sounds silly.

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How did I know someone would grab the semantics instead of engaging the conversation...

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Some people excel at that on this site. Labels are important to certain people, I think it helps them order their world. I have my own areas where I do this, not sexuality overmuch though. I like to think of my self as sexually free ( though truly I'm pretty repressed ) . As far as your post goes, I crave certain aspects of a male male encounter but I'm not interested in anything romantic. I can't decide whether I would kiss or not ?

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Why would anyone try to say straight men can have gay sex, that's an oxymoron and then when someone points it out complain about being labeled. Straight men don't have gay sex, how is saying that a labeling problem.

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It's language.
We use proper terminology to avoid confusion, convey information, get our point across efficiently. You can call it a label, maybe it is. Not necessarily a bad thing. I don't call a dog a cat, because a dog is not a cat. Is that a "label"? No, it's a proper and concise description. Straight guys don't have sex with guys. I didn't make up the language, I'm just trying to use it. No reason to get riled up.

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That was pretty much my thinking before I realised I was bi. I only ever used to date girls but I always craved sexual contact with guys. Once I tried it, it opened up (literally!) so many other opportunities and experiences that I never again considered myself straight. I say, if you get the chance you should go for it, but make sure you have the mind-set of being open to changing your sexual orientation. It's worth it though!

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The broader point
analass said: That was pretty much my thinking before I realised I was bi. I only ever used to date girls but I always craved sexual contact with guys. Once I tried it, it opened up (literally!) so many other opportunities and experiences that I never again considered myself straight. I say, if you get the chance you should go for it, but make sure you have the mind-set of being open to changing your sexual orientation. It's worth it though!

This is really the sentiment behind my argument over terminology. Being bisexual to some degree is, I suspect, WAY more common than is presently admitted. By claiming to be straight when you're really bi/bi-curious keeps it in the closet. Being straight is acceptable, being gay is becoming acceptable, but being bisexual still causes confusion and accusations of "being gay but in denial". If those amongst us who are are bi could be open about it, it would make life easier. Maybe in another 50 yrs! Meanwhile, have great sex with whoever gives you the best orgasms!

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Kinky, it's not your semantics that I would enjoy grabbing onto!

Yes, what you describe would be/is incredibly hot and satisfying, especially when it doesn't have to be a quickie.

Hope that you get the chance to share and enjoy!

<And of course if you're ever in Berlin...>

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I don't think anyone is trying to "label" the OP, others here are just pointing out that his definition of "straight" is different than most.

To answer the OP's question, as a "straight guy", I have never fantasized about being with another guy in any context.

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It would have been better if the Heading had read 'Bi curious guy' !

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Because the human psyche is often more complex than labels can convey. And I don't think anyone got riled up, it's more that the sexual fantasy aspect of the post got highjacked. Take a gander, nine posts concerned with labeling , perhaps two that hint at the aspect of sexual adventure.

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Ten now.....mine wasn't very fun either. Oops , eleven.

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it sounds to me that you need to take a walk on the wild side and find out what it's all about. there are plenty of guys out there that would happily show you the ropes. if you want it all go for it you may be surprised to find out how much you like it. I don't call it a gay night I call it a great night! 2c

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No sorry. No interest in kissing hugging or holding hands with another man. For me its the powerful raw act of 2 cocks 2 asses doing what feels so good!

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Whatever you call it!
wantitbad101 said: No sorry. No interest in kissing hugging or holding hands with another man. For me its the powerful raw act of 2 cocks 2 asses doing what feels so good!

If you met me you'd never suspect a thing. I don't kiss guys, no hugging, no actual relationship. I have a wife I love. But....being a horny pervert I discovered years ago that a hard penis is a damn fun toy, and even better when stimulating me anally. Love it. Does it make me gay? I say no. I love women, been married forever. But I do enjoy certain types of stimulation that only a hard throbbing dick can provide. So I'm not straight either. But if you ever met me you'd never suspect.

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bimarriedbottom said:
analass said: That was pretty much my thinking before I realised I was bi. I only ever used to date girls but I always craved sexual contact with guys. Once I tried it, it opened up (literally!) so many other opportunities and experiences that I never again considered myself straight. I say, if you get the chance you should go for it, but make sure you have the mind-set of being open to changing your sexual orientation. It's worth it though!

This is really the sentiment behind my argument over terminology. Being bisexual to some degree is, I suspect, WAY more common than is presently admitted. By claiming to be straight when you're really bi/bi-curious keeps it in the closet. Being straight is acceptable, being gay is becoming acceptable, but being bisexual still causes confusion and accusations of "being gay but in denial". If those amongst us who are are bi could be open about it, it would make life easier. Maybe in another 50 yrs! Meanwhile, have great sex with whoever gives you the best orgasms!

I agree, I wish many more guys (especially in NZ) were open about their secret bi feelings, it would just make it so much more acceptable. Plus, I'd get to play with way more cocks which I think is a huge win-win!

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What he said..
Analass said: I agree, I wish many more guys (especially in NZ) were open about their secret bi feelings, it would just make it so much more acceptable. Plus, I'd get to play with way more cocks which I think is a huge win-win!

That last that's the "bottom" line!

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dont know if I could do just guy on guy but would love to meet a hot couple where the wife wants me to suck her hubbies cock with her! jerk

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I don't have that desire. But I get it. I never had any desire at all for a man until the wife and I started having 3 somes. Even then it took convincing from her that she wanted to see stuff. But once we started I couldn't get enough. Still don't have the desire to do it one and one but certainly get the desire for cock every now and again

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disrespectful thread
I find it disrespectful and offensive when bi and or gay men try to act like straight men can be bi, it also makes me lose respect for them. its called straight, bi or gay for a reason. if a guy likes both women and men it is bi, not straight in any way. i know some gays don't want to think guys cant be completely straight and want to think they are bi or gay too for what ever reason maybe insecurity, but all it does is make me lose respect for them... your either straight, bi or gay. if a bi or gay man wont respect me being straight I will not respect them being bi or gay.

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Disrespectable !
Seeing as how most people join this site just to garner lilhottie's respect. I think this is going to be a serious blow to the NNers as a whole.

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A serious blow
I could use one of those. Maybe even a non-serious one, if that was all that was on offer.

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BiMarriedBottom is absolutely RIGHT !
How you gonna keep them down on the farm once they've seen gay Paris (Pair-EE) (little French lingo :0))Yes once a man has sex with another male...he's no longer straight...he's BiSexual. If he lusts only in his mind he's simply Bi-Curious. If this Bi Sexual male wants a BiSexual relationship only: deep love for his male partner and all the outward signals ...public holding of hands,mouth kissing and other accepted life style signs...well that is a homosexual...a Gay person.

I admit to being BiSexual...with a strong attraction to female physique...they are just fabulous in almost every respect...especially sexually...BUT...I will not turn down a penis play toy. Like the most interesting man in the world(Dos XXX's beer ad)..."I don't suck cock often...but when I do I prefer a long semi-hard one...stay horny my male friends" tongue wink

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Straight men can and do sometimes have gay sex. It's not at all uncommon in prison, the military, or other such environments. Thats called "situational homosexuality."

And sometimes straight men will engage in gay sex because they're curious or merely because they're super horny. That's called "being a guy." (Seriously, dudes will fuck anything.)

I know the popular wisdom is that any man who even THINKS about having gay sex must be a closest case or at least bi...but that's not the case. That's simple thinking for simple people who need things to be simple.

As the experts define it: "Homosexuality is "an enduring pattern of emotional, romantic, and/or sexual attractions" primarily or exclusively to people of the same sex." Note the key words ENDURING PATTERN. Also note that the attraction is not just sexual but emotional and romantic. And THAT is what separates gay and bi men from straight ones. Can you see yourself in a relationship with a man...waking up beside him every morning...cuddling on the couch with him...sharing his toothbrush? Because THAT would be the true test of whether you're gay/bi---or just a horny fucker looking for a new thrill.

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Well said Tunta
I so totally nailed it with strong arguments

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straight gay sex
i have enjoy what your looking for.its all good its not always about cock you have to enjoy t all as i have raspberry

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Wadco Packers said: Seeing as how most people join this site just to garner lilhottie's respect. I think this is going to be a serious blow to the NNers as a whole.

wtf you on about. most people?... yeah that's about 2 people anyway ya fuck wit.

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Tryin to figure out if a fuck wit is a good thing or a bad thing. I'm thinkin I'm a fuck wit as I think about fucking a lot. are right...a male is either straight,Bi or gay. I'm Bi as I have on occasion sucked cock and totally enjoyed it. Given a choice: Fucking one of the Kardasian women (especially the mother) or you...well you loose...please no offense.

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Yeah hottie you missed the entire point but I suppose a fuck wit is better than no wit.

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Perhaps we can make these classifications apply to sexuality , then we will not exactly where everyone stands and whether we should have proper disdain for them or not?










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