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Member Since: 9-Oct-12
Location: DE
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Cheating / size / a vent
I was browsing some profiles the other day…man the sex positivity on this website is extremely awesome. But I also found some profiles that were very disheartening to my probably „too idealistic“ soul. Four example user Tampa1024…(* please guys….this is not a personal attack at you. You are one of many.) a couple that is married but „just not to each other“… they have created a profile here to share pictures of their affair, of their „secretive, dirty little hook-ups“. He says she has „the BEST pussy EVER“ and according to her, he is „so much bigger and better“ than her husband.
Now, I am not saying that people shouldn’t do what they love! Want a bigger dick, fine, get one. Want a tighter pussy…well, get one then.

But why do it behind your spouse’s back? Why be - sorry to say it so bluntly - a really shitty human being? Why string along another person, the person you’re supposed to love and be faithful to no less? For the financial, social, emotional, practical benefit? Or what? Just tell them and let them go. You think your spouses don’t notice that something has changed? You think people are fucking stupid? (I had two friends - one male, one female - who were both cheaters (actually the reason why they are no longer my friends…wink they also thought their spouses at the time didn’t know. Guess what. Everyone knew. Especially their spouses. And let me tell you, it’s horrible to see what that does to a person. The guy who had been cheated on? Well, for a long time we , i.e. his circle of friends, were really afraid we would lose him for god due to depression and suicidal tendencies).

I’m a teacher. And I have many students, boys and girls, who are unsure of themselves. Who have body issues. Who are looking for trust and stability and honesty. I tell them that they will find these things. That they will meet a person who can give them all that. But actually, when I look around….not just online, but in real life, it gets harder and harder to do that with a straight face.

Even for myself. Look at my pictures….I’m pretty average, on the skinnier side (which is worse than anything else, actually)… I have shut down feelings and desire for the last 10 years just out of anxiety. Somehow, I’m getting to know a girl right now and we get along really well….very strong connection. But the thought of sex? Of exposing my body and my small to average penis to her? Of trusting and committing? Investing so much in a person if it all can just be taken away by some other guy with a big cock? Thats a perfect setup for depression (That’s just my perspective. I can only imagine it would be the same for a woman….just, you know…tighter pussy etc.). And no, I am not saying that all women are like these women. But I also have yet to find o story that goes something like: Hey, man/ woman here. Tired of my bf’s big cock/ bf’s tight pussy. Would love to get with someone with a small cock/ wide pussy. So, you know what I mean

I don’t say you don’t have the right to have your wants and needs fulfilled. These days, as it seems, modesty and compromise appear to be strange, freakish ideas. You can have whatever you want. All the time.

Sorry. Just wanted to get that off my chest.

Now, if you excuse me, I will be in the other room feeling sad and inadequate.

Let me know how you feel about all this!

Keep up the sex positivity !
Some really great people on here smile

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3some mmf
it is not cheating if he watches ..but your right about the humiliation of your spouse fucking others and lying to your face about everything,, so destructive with deadly results sometimes,, why does sex have to have so much guilt attached,, why not enjoy it while you still can

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Member Since: 9-Oct-12
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If he is watching and approving...that's a different story. Whatever floats your boat. And if both parties agree, there is no guilt involved.
But that is not what my post is about.

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Member Since: 8-Aug-07
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I think you have a fetish about small cocks and feeling inadequate. If the truth were known, you are above average in cock size, i think you already know that. If you want to know what a small cock is check out microdick or some others on NN.

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Member Since: 9-Oct-12
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a fetish doesn't make you feel like shit for years.
You may think I'm trolling and it's a fetish. It's not.
I am not above average. look around.

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Member Since: 8-Aug-07
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BillyPoe, i sure didn't mean to upset you in anyway and if i did i apologize. Trust me man there is nothing wrong with your equipment, now go out and use it before you loose it. Best of luck.

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sorry for your grief my friend I went through the same thing a few years ago with my first wife and i felt like my life was over. I'm still here and decided I would never ever live my life in quiet desperation all because a pussy lied to me

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Member Since: 9-Oct-12
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thanks for the words! And: you have the right attitude!

BUT to clarify: my original post is not about me personally. It was a general vent and the couple I refer to is just one of many.
So, just a general vent

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Member Since: 8-Aug-05
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first i agree with others you are average, not small, just google penis size
you are slim, but not skinny

in the cheating department i agree that more should talk
many do, but still spouse arent willing to have open relation
for many love and sex are combined
fear of spouse falling in love with a new sex partner is strong

i dont think the majority wants big dick or tight pussy
most just want sex, good sex grin
but some wanna try what they havent had in long time or ever

cheating thumbdown

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Member Since: 9-Oct-12
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well, the slim part is what makes it so awful. sad

But yes, my main point was: don't cheat on your partner. If you have not agreed on an open relationship, just sit them down, talk to them and let them go. But never cheat!

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Member Since: 13-Mar-16
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Well, thank you Mr Sex Police. We will obey your orders to the letter! (ffs)

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Member Since: 9-Oct-12
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you don't have to obey anything. it's a forum. it's for talking. and discussing. I think the topic is worthy of discussion. if you're not interested in that, that's fine. why bother commenting then?

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Member Since: 31-Oct-15
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the short story
half the exciement i think is the fact that they both married and can be exposed by their other half about it somet day, i cant say i find that sort of relationship healthy myself, then again sex and love isnt mutually exclusive, maybe they love their married partner but sex is less than desirable or both stuck with kids and dont want to put em thro divorce etc... who knows.

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Member Since: 22-Oct-05
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cheating or maybe not ?
Because of the replies that said if the other person knows, it isn't cheating,
now I feel better about some of my choices in the past with my ex-wife, I did
tell her I wasn't happy and as far as I was concerned we had an open
marriage and she could do as she pleased. (so I wasn't cheating...)

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Member Since: 9-Oct-12
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well, if your partner knows and either of you agree that the relationship is open, then that's perfectly fine.
But m vent was basically targeted at those who cheat, that is go out and do things without their partner knowing about is.

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Member Since: 22-Oct-05
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stevenasty said: Because of the replies that said if the other person knows, it isn't cheating,
now I feel better about some of my choices in the past with my ex-wife, I did
tell her I wasn't happy and as far as I was concerned we had an open
marriage and she could do as she pleased. (so I wasn't cheating...)

....but I soon realized how much easier it was to find a willing neglected married woman or woman married to work-a-holic that wanted a fuck buddy or boyfriend than it was if she were single.

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stevenasty said:
stevenasty said: Because of the replies that said if the other person knows, it isn't cheating,
now I feel better about some of my choices in the past with my ex-wife, I did
tell her I wasn't happy and as far as I was concerned we had an open
marriage and she could do as she pleased. (so I wasn't cheating...)

....but I soon realized how much easier it was to find a willing neglected married woman or woman married to work-a-holic that wanted a fuck buddy or boyfriend than it was if she were single.

im married and frustrated

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