
Member Since: 7-Apr-05
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Has Travel Had It's Day ?
Can most of us simply stay at home ?

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Member Since: 8-Aug-05
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[img]some people will never afford travel, some have no desire,
some will always have the urge to see/experience new things
i just want someone to invent a teleporter laugh [/img]

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Member Since: 8-Aug-05
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ops my bad some people will never afford travel, some have no desire,
some will always have the urge to see/experience new things
i just want someone to invent a teleporter laugh

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Member Since: 7-Apr-05
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I find it so sad that people have to travel to and from work. Many at the same times.

So sad that some one from 'A' has to travel to and from 'B' and that the same sort of person has to travel from 'B' to 'A' and back.

I already notice huge companies only having a registered office in London for example now.
It's just a phone/sat link in a cuboard and directs you to call centres such as in India.or to a office staffed by local people.

I hope that one day, This over-priced. over-stressed hell on wheeles can end and that public travel should be for pleasure only.

That would help Industrial transport as well.

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Member Since: 8-Aug-11
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Not unless you live and work on an Industrial Estate !

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Member Since: 30-Apr-11
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I'm sure that Jaguar/Land Rover for instance will ship all the parts to your home so as someone who works on an assembly line one can work from home.....Do you ever think anything through before hitting enter Raving??

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Member Since: 7-Apr-05
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So sad that the evils of travel through having to be xxxxxx to make the working life so more inhuman and illness.otten brings the travel more streefull than actual work for many.

Also many factories in prime positions cannot pay their workers a living wage to live there so the travel hell still provails'

Do people want to escape from one world to another ?

I'm sure some do.

But for what reason ?

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Not me, I always made it a point to see the history of the Greeks, Romans and the Egyptians when on holidays ! thumbup

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I want to be the first woman on Mars! yahoo

Why? Cause I want to see one of those little green men. redeyes

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Member Since: 7-Apr-05
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Don't think den Martian's are green and suggest that you have a return ticket, fully booked up...:scared


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Raven2005 said: Don't think den Martian's are green and suggest that you have a return ticket, fully booked up...:scared


That looks scary but it may have a golden heart. Please do not tell me that the Martians are not green. I thought that the red planet would have little green men. Green and red would be so Christmasy. Ya think hon?

Maybe a return ticket would be in order. unsure

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Member Since: 7-Apr-05
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Advance ticket are available now to get you at least party on your way, I would love to be your escourt Jennifer but you would have to pay for the tickets...


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Raven2005 said:

Advance ticket are available now to get you at least party on your way, I would love to be your escourt Jennifer but you would have to pay for the tickets...


You just left me in rocket blast! If I have to pay for the tickets then we are going Dutch! glare

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Member Since: 7-Apr-05
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Might be best to never get to the Beam Me Up Scotty Stage..


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