
Seeking Pleasure with a Close Friend
Seeking Pleasure with a Close Friend

The incident I am about to recall, took place when I was in my first year at college. I had discovered the joys of self-pleasure when I was sixteen and going through that most wonderful phase of growing up when you discover the “sweet spots” your body has been endowed with by Nature. My biggest question to myself for a long time had been whether other girls of my age did the same thing or was I just some kind of freak? The problem was of course, that I didn’t have a mentor I could discuss such matters with, so I simply had to live with the tension and listen to the drivel my peers spoke about female masturbation.

Debbie and I met when we were registering for our first semester at college. We were both taking Economics 101 as one of our subjects and we both played the same sport (hockey). During our initial interaction, we found quickly that we both had a great deal in common. She hailed from the same town as I did, which was great because it meant we could visit each other without the hassle of long-distance travelling.

Over the period of a week, we found out more and more about each other. There was no great physical attraction as at that stage of my life I was strictly straight and so was Debbie, although she did have a figure which I admired. She was an indomitable person who seldom let situations get her down which was something I really adored about her. As the friendship evolved and matured, we learned a lot about our private lives and how we coped with them. Initially any discussions regarding sex or sexuality were somewhat guarded but that too changed as we probed each other.

We discovered that we were both definitely virgins whose initial relationships with males were laughably plagued by similar abnormalities. Just like I had experienced, her first beau was an inveterate “groper” who was constantly trying to get his hands inside her knickers and when she did eventually allow him access to her nether regions, she very quickly discovered that he was a premature ejaculator and needless to say she terminated the relationship without any form of penetration having taken place.

“Yuck!!!! It was awful!” she explained; “I was really turned on and ready but when he saw my boobies and naked “you-know-what”, he shot his stuff all over my legs and tummy! What a mess he made!!!!” she lamented as we giggled about our shared failures with first-time sex. I used that chance to probe her further about things like masturbation and although she was a trifle embarrassed, she did admit that she had been taught that “self-pollution” was sinful and therefore didn’t do it much.

That was where we differed tangentially because I held a slightly different view despite my concerns about my levels of activity. Two weeks into the semester and we were both selected for the hockey team to play a match over the weekend; “That’s great!!!” I enthused as we towelled our bodies dry after the practice session; “You can sleep over at my place. My parents won’t be there and we can have a bit of time bonding and doing girl things.” I added as I eyed her naked body which was also very similar to mine in form and proportions.

Her buttocks were small and taut, devoid of any imperfections. Her breasts were a mirror-image of mine, small and rather underdeveloped, topped by slightly dark and miniscule nipples. Both of our pubic mounds were pronounced and just like me, she had never shaved hers and it was heavily forested with curly pubic hairs. Perhaps because her body was so similar to mine, for the first time in my young life, I experienced arousal looking at another naked female and had some difficulty concealing this fact from Debbie. I decided that it would take things slowly and see what our planned sleepover produced because I really didn’t want to scare her off at this early stage
To say that I awoke on a Saturday morning overexcited would be a complete understatement. We had a wonderful day, chatting, playing board games and watching TV while we tucked in to the goodies my mother had put out for us. Finally at around ten, we were both exhausted and decided that we would go to bed. “Do you mind if we share my bed?” I asked as I bent down to kiss Debbie on the lips. It is not something I would normally have done but I decided to test the water and was pleasantly surprised when she allowed my lips to linger on hers for longer that I would have deemed appropriate.

I scampered upstairs and removed my flannel gown before sliding between the sheets. The excitement of lying naked awaiting my friend was intense and I couldn’t resist the temptation to have a quick feel of my hungry little pouting blossom.
Still feeling a little self-conscious and shy, she gingerly pushed the bedroom door open and stood waiting at the entrance as if waiting for me to welcome her into my private domain. “Come, Debs!” I called with a warm smile on my face. She took a few steps forward and halted, she obviously wanted to ask me something; “Shall I take this off?” She inquired haltingly as she gestured to her nightie. “Of course!” I replied as I pulled the duvet back to reveal that I too was naked. That was the only encouragement she needed and in a jiffy she had her nightie off and was sliding in next to me. The feeling of her warm, naked flesh against mine was absolutely heavenly and I embraced her in my arms and held her close to me. “That’s better!” I whispered into her ear as she willingly wrapped her limbs over mine.

Whatever happened next, occurred naturally and without any form of planning; I turned my head on the pillow so that we were facing each other; I kissed her lips lightly, an action which triggered the most enthusiastic response I could ever have imagined because she reciprocated the gesture by opening her mouth to allow my tongue into it. Her adventurous tongue seemed to burst into life as it tangled with mine while raw lust overcame our innocent bodies in a wave of total wantonness.

“Show me how you pleasure yourself, Please!” Debbie almost begged as she rolled over onto her back. I did the same and parted my legs so that she could get an uninterrupted view. Having my friend watch me was one of the most exciting things imaginable and I quickly parted my already-slick lips while I located my clitoris. “Do the same as I’m doing.” I instructed her and after taking a last look at what and where I was touching, she parted her legs and emulated me. While she was busy, I manoeuvred my body so that our splayed pudenda were facing each other while we simultaneously teased our little nubs of pleasure.

Our toes curled with pleasure when our feet made contact; “Oh God! This feels so good! How could it ever be sinful?” she muttered as the tempo of her finger increased its rubbing motion. “Roll over onto your tummy for me!” I suggested and she reluctantly complied because it meant stopping what she was doing for a moment. As soon as she was in position, I told her to keep teasing her clitoris while I straddled her beautifully soft buttocks and lowered my wetness onto it. My climax arrived almost immediately and I dismounted and went to lie alongside her with my legs spread wide while the two of us played with our wet pussies. She begged me to kiss her pussy and I didn’t need a second invitation to feast on her sex. Her hips thrust up violently in a series of erotic little jerks when she felt my tongue on her engorged clitoris and I knew that Debbie had just climaxed for the first time in her life.

The absolute glory of this moment had a profound effect on me for a very long time; Not only was the physical reaction of her body spellbinding but the intoxicating mixture of the profuse expulsion of her arousal fluids, the intense aromas of her highly stimulated womanhood and the earthy aroma from her anus, which was in close proximity of my nose. I watched in total awe as both of her orifices pulsated and twitched like a strange but surreal mollusc, adding to the total effect of a female in the throes of intense enjoyment. There is such a vast difference between closely scrutinising a climaxing vagina and the rather pitiful display of a male ejaculating that I knew innately which one I desperately wanted to see again and again.

I was absolutely smitten and wanted Debbie to watch, and experience everything I had just witnessed, so I did what came absolutely naturally and rolled onto my back with my legs parted as wide as I could get them. I guided her head slowly down from my navel until she was positioned just perfectly to feast on my cunt. When she did hit the sweet spot with her tongue, my loud whimpering told her in no uncertain terms that she was right on target. What I do remember clearly was guiding her actions with erotic words of encouragement. If I could have pulled her mouth right inside my sex I certainly would have but I feared that I would smother her if I had followed my instincts.

When she did come “to the surface” to look at me, her face was absolutely coated and glistening with all of my love juices. “Watch my pussy closely! I am almost there!” I urged as she xxxxxx her tongue into my relaxing rosebud. She continued to tease my anus alternating between her tongue and finger; driving me into a state of dementia. When my climax arrived, it was so intense that I was sure that I was going lose control of all of my bodily functions. All I do know is that the sheet was absolutely soaked by the time the tremors subsided.

We lay in total silence afterwards, just fondling each other’s bodies and kissing one another with the gentlest little kisses imaginable. By the time my parents eventually got home, we were both fast asleep, sated and satisfied that we had achieved the highest form of pleasure together. We also had developed a new bond which saw both of us making commitments of fidelity, despite the fact that we were youthful, we both knew that nothing would ever compare with what we had shared sexually that night.

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