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Reconnecting with ex-husband
My name is Rose and this narrative will take you through how my ex-husband, Paul and I reconnected after being divorced for thirteen years. Subsequent to our divorce which took place after we had been together for four years, I decided to emigrate to the UK in order to restart my life with a “clean slate” and to have a complete break with the past. Prior to going to the UK, I decided that undertaking a canoe trip down the Amazon would be good to feed my spirit of adventure which had been sadly malnourished during the four years of betrothal. I joined a group from the UK, four men and I in order to start what would turn out to be an epic adventure.

To go back a few years, the divorce actually came as a bit of a surprise because our relationship had always been healthy until the day he decided to leave his sea-going career and join a large textile manufacturer as their Human Resources manager. Even though the sex was good, I did begin to suspect him of little dalliances, especially with my best friend and colleague, Karen and that was where the acrimony began to pollute our relationship until we reached a point where we were fighting a significant amount of time more than loving and we decided to part ways.

I heard nothing from Paul for twelve years while I continued my life in London, completing my nursing degree and then going on to do an MBA. I did hear via a friend that he had got re-married and had two children. I was rather envious of this as my biological time-clock was ticking and the one thing I wanted was to have a child of my own.

Of a day I received a phone call I had never expected, it was Paul who had managed to get my number from my mother. During our brief discussion, he informed me that he had become the International Trade manager and that there was a good chance that he would be coming to the UK on a business trip. Strangely, I was excited and really looked forward to seeing him again and for the first time in just more than a decade, I realised that I missed him. We exchanged addresses and fax numbers and began a very risqué but exciting long-distance affair. My hormones had really been turned on their head and I even sent him some very personal photos. Those were the days long before digital cameras on cell phones but because I had a very good old-type camera, I was able to send him some pictures which I knew would get him aroused.

I fell into the role of temptress very easily and went so far as to send him a pair of my panties which I had rubbed my vaginal juices into after one of my masturbation sessions. In fact, some of the snail-mail letters I sent to him also had a good dose of my pheromones impregnating the paper. After a month of toing and froing in this manner, he phoned to inform me of the date that he would be in London and the details of his flight. I was really ready and prepared to treat him to the most memorable visit he could imagine and began planning my strategy way in advance of his arrival date. At that stage of my life I was still drinking fairly heavily and on most evenings I would arrive home decidedly inebriated. On such evenings, I would lie naked on my sofa watching TV and masturbating while I imagined the sexual things I would get up to with my ex-husband.

My plan was that I would fetch him from Heathrow dressed only in a fur coat and then see what his reaction was to discovering me naked beneath it. I couldn’t wait to see the expression on his face and longed to feel his hands exploring my body and doing the things he used to do to me many years before.
He was due in on the seven o’clock flight which meant that it would be pitch dark and just perfect for carrying out my plan. Sadly, on the prescribed date, London really played up to what it is notorious for and it was bitterly cold with sheets of sleet driven by a gale-force wind. The last thing I did before going to terminal four to meet him, was take off my knickers and bra which I hid in the glove compartment of my car. My heart was beating wildly as I stood among the throng of people waiting for passengers to arrive. I wondered if he would recognise me after all those years because my hair had been dyed blonde which was something I had not told him as I wanted everything to be a total surprise.

Suddenly, I saw his tall six foot two frame approaching me and I was not disappointed as he was still just as handsome as I had imagined he would be. He looked absolutely divine, dressed in a beautifully tailored navy blue Pierre Cardin blazer and khaki slacks. We exchanged smiles of recognition and then he was wrapping his powerful arms around me. I almost swooned when I sniffed his gorgeous aftershave and my nostrils recognised his familiar male smell. If I could have, I would have stripped and made love to him right there in the terminal. The walk back to where my car was parked seemed to take an eternity and I simply couldn’t wait to reveal my ultimate surprise; “I have a surprise for you when we get to the car.” I told him in my sultriest voice.

He was busy loading his suitcase into the trunk of my car when I pulled my coat open and allowed him to see my naked body. “Jesus! That’s beautiful!” he said emphatically as his eyes drank in the splendour of my large tits with their erect nipples. When we got into the car, he did exactly as I had anticipated and slid his hand inside my fur coat and onto my breast. Feeling him touch me again, brought back so many sex-infused memories that my little pussy absolutely pulsated with life. We leaned across to each other and our mouths engaged in a passionate and sex-starved kissing session with our tongues touching and entwining as we probed the moist interiors of our mouths. Yes, we were both ravenous for each other!!

While I navigated through the stygian darkness of the night, he allowed his hand to settle on my inner thigh and explore my naked leg. I shuddered with unbridled delight as his fingers traversed upwards all the way to my wetness and very gently prised the moist lips apart till they made contact with my erect clitoris. “If you continue doing that, I shan’t be able to drive and I will climax right here!!!” I playfully reprimanded him, while pushing his hand harder against my sex to make sure that he remained interested in teasing me. He commented on the fact that I had removed all of my pubes other than a small tuft at the apex of my vulva. He seemed to enjoy that and twirled the tuft playfully between his fingers. “I’ve missed your beautiful cunt!” he said softly as he slid a finger into the moist cave between my legs. I was happy that he still remembered that I loved the way he referred to my vagina in the roughest Anglo-Saxon term for it
“And I have missed your beautiful cock!” I reciprocated as I placed my hand on his crotch. “Beautiful!” I thought to myself as I touched his rock-hard manhood and traced the familiar outline of his circumcised penis with my fingertips. He took this as a cue and did one of the things he knew I loved; he rubbed a finger through my slit and withdrew it, coated with my juices and pushed the wet digit into my mouth for me to taste. I sucked it clean very noisily, making sounds of enjoyment. “Mmm! I taste good!” I murmured. The years of our separation seemed to dissolve as I recalled how he used to do that to me when we were dating.
I recalled how he used to finger me in my mother’s lounge while she was in the kitchen cooking dinner and how we both used to feast on my honey-pot hoping that she would not come into the room and catch us at it. That was long before Emma (my mother) actually allowed us to share the bed next to hers and Paul used to secretly slide his cock into me from behind while she was reading her book. The climaxes we had like that were so intense that I still didn’t understand how she never suspected what we were up to.

Finally, after twenty minutes of driving and taunting each other, I pulled up outside my modest little semi-detached home in Surrey. By then the sexual tension which had built up between us was almost palpable and as we made our way up the front path, our hands were all over each other’s bodies.
Once inside, I went to the kitchen where I had put out a platter of snacks to enjoy while we had our drinks. I had a glass of wine, which at that stage was my favourite tipple and Paul opted for gin and tonic which was his preferred poison.

While we ate and drank, I took the opportunity to find out about Paul’s marriage; “So, Paul, why do you miss my pussy when you have one at home?” I asked. It was like opening the flood gates on a full dam as he explained that his current wife did not enjoy anything about sex and preferred to avoid it altogether. “In fact, if we get it together three times a year, that would be very optimistic!” he added with disgust. Obviously, I commiserated with him and consoled him with the fact that I intended to make up for all that he had missed, that night. His face visibly lit up when he heard this; “And you? How’s your love life been?” he inquired.
I felt that I owed it to him to tell the truth despite the fact that some aspects would be very difficult to reveal without somehow disappointing him;
“Good! I have been quite active but there are times when there has been a bit of a sexual drought but then I always have this to fall back on.” I explained as I raised my hand and finger in a gesture of masturbation. “I had a brief but intense affair with a married woman but that’s all over now.” I added, blushing discreetly as I revealed my bi-sexual trysts. “So I guess we are both committed onanists then?” he chuckled after which I teased him about how much he used to enjoy self-pleasuring.

After ensuring that I had a bottle of chilled champagne next to the bed, I led him to my bedroom and in no time at all we were happily connected again and I was able to charm him with my sexual prowess which I was very proud of. The first thing I treated him to was a fellatio session while my mouth was filled with champagne. The bubbles must have certainly done it for him because he was ready to explode within just three minutes of my commencing. From the amount he ejaculated, I could tell that he hadn’t climaxed like that for ages and I enjoyed devouring every drop of his cream.

Just like a decade earlier, his refractory period was still amazing and in no time at all, he had fully recovered his erection and was happily engaged in ploughing my ever- willing furrow. As always, I was very vocal and having his manhood in me again was just what this woman wanted and needed so badly. I encouraged him with profanities I knew he enjoyed and he happily brought me to two resounding climaxes. I was in sexual nirvana!!!!! After he had discharged his load, I lay back with spread legs and let him eat my cunt till every drop of semen had been swallowed. That was a double-edged sword because not only did he enjoy the treat, so did I!!!!!!!

We eventually fell asleep in each other’s arms, completely sated and satisfied. We had to be up early the next morning because he had a meeting with his agent in central London. Waking to his body next to mine was like a dream come true and in no time at all his glorious cock was bringing me another dose of supreme sexual pleasure.

When I dropped him off in Jermyn Street, he poked his head back into the car and uttered the words I had been dying to hear; “I love you Rose. Thanks for the most awesome evening!” For that moment, I happily and appropriately considered him to be my very own Beau Brummell.
That evening when he got home, we dined sumptuously on a leg of pork and roast potatoes I had prepared, knowing that pork was his favourite meat. We also drank way too much, so much in fact that we were both too drunk to make love decently and had to wait till the next morning to consummate our second night together.

While driving him to his next meeting venue, I informed Paul that I had organised a breakaway to Pembrokeshire in Wales for the weekend. I had stayed at the place before and knew that he would enjoy the rustic and rural atmosphere of the area as well as the old house I had managed to rent.
On the drive to our destination, I was able to ask a lot of questions of my new lover; “Did you really mean what you said the other morning, I mean about loving me?” He responded in the affirmative and added that he was the happiest he had been in a very long time. “If things work out with us, would you consider leaving your wife?” I asked with an element of trepidation as I really didn’t want to hear the truth but I was also afraid of setting myself up for disappointment.
When we arrived at Haverford West we did some grocery shopping before heading for our final destination. For a period we were stuck behind a school bus which was packed to the gunwales with teenage students; some of the boys at the back of the bus, found us intensely interesting and stared at us continuously; “Shall I flash them?” I asked as the impish side of my personality surfaced. “Go for it and make their day!!!” he encouraged me mischievously. Never one to be shy, I raised my t-shirt to expose my boobs to the boys. Paul could not resist the temptation and reached across to give the left one a squeeze. The frenzy which erupted on the bus as the youngsters watched him fondling my breast made the scheme worth the effort and he continued to tweak my nipple and palpate my boob much to their approval and admiration. “No prize for guessing what they will be wanking about tonight!!!” he said laughing at the commotion we had caused.
The problem was that I too had thoroughly enjoyed the public display and was getting aroused. “Kiss it!” I urged as I pushed the nipple and breast in his direction. He suckled on the teat with such enthusiasm that I almost regretted what I had just asked him to do. He only stopped briefly to say that he loved it when mischievousness took control of me. “Good! Then stop wasting time and get your finger in here!” I commanded him as pointed to my crotch and parted my legs to give him easy access. So there we were on the farm roads in Wales with my lover sucking my tits and fingering my sex. I slacked off the speed and pulled over into a siding next to the road. Before he had even realised that I had stopped I had got out of the car and was lying back against the bonnet. While he was alighting, I pulled my skirt up around my hips and my panties down to my knees so that there was no doubt in his mind about what I wanted. He approached me, manfully holding his erection at the ready for driving it into my open sex and proceeded to give me the pleasure I so wantonly desired. He had just shot a load of his seed into me when a car flashed by us, hooting loudly as they did. “We’re certainly going to have quite a reputation by the time we get to our destination!” he quipped as he tucked his penis back into his trousers. I got back behind the steering wheel and we pulled off with lurch, for which I apologised saying that my knees were still weak from the quick coupling we had just experienced.

We eventually found the place I had rented after getting hopelessly lost. After getting a log fire going in the fireplace, we headed out for an evening of drinking at a local pub in the tiny hamlet of Dale. We got back home in the early hours of the morning, both of us roaring drunk and ready for a good sleep. When we awoke the next morning Paul reminded me that I had completely misbehaved myself and had been almost insistent on flashing my boobs at the local drinkers who formed a very enthusiastic audience. Even though he was admonishing me, he saw fit to play with my pussy while he was busy talking. I had to admit to him that I had come to enjoy teasing guys with flashes of my wares and to a degree was almost addicted to it. “When I have had a few scoops of the good stuff, all I want to do is let strangers see my tits and get a glimpse of my “wang”. I apologised as I parted my legs and allowed him to enter me. The sex we had that morning was astounding as we were both extremely aroused by my flashing antics and my open confession.

Afterwards, when we were both spent and sated, it was time for more talking; “What’s the naughtiest thing you have done when you are plastered?” he asked me. “Well, one night at our office party, I got really wasted and had been putting on a bit of a display for the lads when one of them asked me if he could feel my fanny. Not wanting to be a spoil-sport and given the fact that he had already seen just about my whole body I agreed and in the presence of the others, he pulled my panty down and began groping me. We decided that we should rather go to the toilets where things would be a little more private and as soon as we got there, he pushed me into a cubicle and had his way with me; I suppose you could call it a knee-trembler because were both standing while he took me. The problem was that the others had followed us and as soon as he pulled out of me, the next one was ready to take his place and even though I hate admitting it, I allowed the whole IT office to have me that night!! Six guys in all!!!! The next day I could remember nothing but believe me they did and the looks I got when we next got back to the office were very embarrassing to say the least.” I sobbed as I unfolded what had transpired.
The information I had imparted seemed to put a damper on Paul’s mood and for the rest of the day he appeared to sulk and remained very withdrawn. It was only after a few drinks later in the day that I asked him if he was upset; he responded that he didn’t like the fact that all of those guys had taken advantage of me. That night the weather took a turn for the worse with the rain and hail lashing the area whole night.
The next day, we decided to head back to London and it was Paul who broke the heavily pregnant silence in the car; “You asked if I would leave my wife if things turned out well with us. At the time you asked, I would have said yes but after the revelation last night, I can only answer no. The fact that you allowed six strangers to have their way with you makes me wonder how faithful you will be to me if the same set of circumstances played themselves out with you again.

“Oh Paulie! Don’t be silly but this is definitely where we are going to differ. It’s all very well and good to speak about personal things while you hear what you want to hear. But as soon as it goes the wrong way, you sulk and brood and that doesn’t work for me!!!” I responded emphatically. Our relationship had definitely taken a dip and for a moment I feared that I had lost Paul. On the way back, the tension was released a little when the death of Princess Diana was announced on the car radio. That night we went to a restaurant for dinner and as was becoming our habit had way too much to drink and ended up arguing.

When we got home, I waited for him to get into the bath before joining him. We had always enjoyed making love in the bath and I wanted to rekindle those memories. I impaled myself on his erection with my back facing him, thereby allowing him to fondle my nipples and breasts while I rode him to climax. Afterwards, I took a close-up photo of him holding his flaccid member which was still oozing semen into the bath water. It was precisely that photo which I sent him months later, that almost caused his divorce when his wife located it in his briefcase and began asking some very probing questions. We continued our long-distance affair which more often than not involved very risqué and sexually explicit phone calls.
It was also the time when emails and pc’s became household items and our affair flourished as we exchanged lengthy emails.
He sent me an email explaining that he was going to an International Trade Fair in Brno in the Czech Republic. He sent me his flight details and I began to work my magic which was quite easy because I knew where he would be seated and through a friend, who worked for the airline, managed to get a seat booked next to him. The look of surprise on his face when he seated himself next to me and finally recognised it was me, was worth all of the effort I had put into getting the seat. I had ensured that I was knicker less and by the time the aircraft had reached the end of the runway to take off, his fingers were busy teasing my wet sex. Our sexual attraction was like a drug and we manually pleasured each other all the way to Prague which was just two hours flight away.

Sadly, in the Czech Republic, he had to join the rest of the South African contingent which made its way by road to Brno. Because I knew which hotel he was staying at, I organised myself accommodation there too and that night we made the most awesome love until we were both exhausted and fell asleep. The next day, I went with him to the Fair venue and even assisted with the setting up of his stall. From the outset, I was suspicious of the Czech lady who was to act as his interpreter. They just seemed to be too cosy with each other and when I questioned him about it later that night; he was too defensive and told me that I was being paranoid. However, dinner with the group a few nights later, confirmed my suspicions. I was convinced that he was feeling her leg under the table and the way they stared into each other’s eyes was a sure-fire giveaway. I was really made to feel like a spare part and when we got to the hotel that night, my accusations ended in us having an argument of gargantuan proportions.

The next morning, I took my hired car and made my way to a friend in Prague where I stayed for the rest of the duration of his trip.

The next time I saw my ex-husband again was when he had to attend a course at the Heriot-Watt University in Galashiels. He was staying at small hotel in Melrose and because he knew the proprietor well, was able to accommodate me in his room at no extra cost. We had three months of absolute sexual bliss as my man satisfied me in every way possible. At the end of my stay, I had a sneaking suspicion that I was pregnant and a doctor’s appointment when I got back to London, confirmed this. I decided that I would not tell him about this as I didn’t want him to think that he had been purposely “trapped” and a few weeks later I went for a D&C which effectively got rid of the foetus. To this day, I have never revealed to him that I was pregnant.

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