
Member Since: 27-Jul-20
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Programming courses
I want to become a programmer, are there any free courses available for that? Or maybe some other fast way I could learn to code

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Member Since: 30-Jun-20
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Strange place to ask such questions. Well, start from learning Java, C++ and Python. The last thing will be great if you want to become a network engineer, for example.

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Member Since: 21-Apr-20
Location: US
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ChickenAttack is right. Try these. Also, I recommend you to learn about SQL. This guy also told about becoming network engineer. This is a good idea, BTW. I mean, becoming network engineer. If you work as a network engineer, it can bring you a lot of money. Not so long ago I've decided to become Cisco certified network engineer. I worked as a network engineer for a long time, but I noticed that most of big companies looking for people who have Cisco certification. This year I will get it. Not so long ago I've found SPOTO CLUB - they provide Cisco certification help. I guess that I will take their help.

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Member Since: 21-Apr-20
Location: US
Posts: 36
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Just getting started
ChickenAttack is right. Try these. Also, I recommend you to learn about SQL. This guy also told about becoming network engineer. This is good idea, BTW. I mean, becoming network engineer. If you work as a network engineer, it can bring you a lot of money. Not so long ago I've decided to become Cisco certified network engineer. I worked as a network engineer for a long time, but I noticed that most of big companies looking for people who have Cisco certification. This year I will get it. Not so long ago I've found SPOTO CLUB - they provide Cisco certification help. I guess that I will take their help.

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Member Since: 21-Apr-20
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Ooops! It looks like I have internet connection problems.

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Member Since: 1-Aug-21
Location: GB
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Beginning programming
Get yourself a copy of a Linux - Pop!_OS, Xubuntu, and Mint (xfce) are all user friendly and should run happily on older machines (and of course cost free).

Once installed (or even running from a memory (usb) stick) open the software manager and look for programming tools, pick a popular one. Many also have courses available for free online. Another place to look for courses is Udemy, there are free and low cost courses, also they run offers occationally

Spending a little more, consider going old-school and buy a book from ebay; get yourself a recent Rasberry Pi, you'll find lots of projects and how tos/courses online. (Rasberry Pi's are great controllers if you want to program controllers that drive and control devices.)

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