
Member Since: 17-Dec-04
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Menopause. Does the sex ever come back?
I am 60 and my wife is 58, about 5 years ago she started getting hot flashes. Soon after sex didn't happen anymore. She is still getting hot flashes and there is still no sex. Thus my question.

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Member Since: 7-Jan-19
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Some women sail through the menopause, saying life is better afterwards. Others don't. So there is no single answer.

The menopause causes so many changes, some you can see like shape change and skin aging, but others you can't. Aching joints, brain fog, low mood, etc. HRT can help, as can regular exercise and healthy eating, but the realisation that you're on the way to OLD is terminal. Then it comes back to how you feel about yourself, not feeling attractive and sexy is a self fulfilling prophecy.

Sometimes I think being a women is pants, then I consider the alternative and realise I'm lucky, raspberry

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Member Since: 26-Jul-10
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I'm 58 and post menopause now. I'm pretty much over the hot flushes (they're a killer, make you feel desperately unattractive) but I have the brain fog, grey hair, crepey skin, sagging boobs (hence why I haven't posted any photos in aeons) and a thicker waist. It happens and you have to embrace it and realise that the changes are really only on the outside. I still feel like a teenager on the inside. I did go completely off sex during the hot flush stage of menopause because it is simply awful and you just feel like Sweaty Betty all the time, but now that it's over I'm back in the saddle so to speak. HRT may help your wife with her symptoms. She can get counselling to help her through it now as well. The best thing though would be for you to be ultra supportive. Tell her that she's as beautiful now as the day you met her. Make her feel special. Give her lots of attention, cuddles, kisses, but let her be in the drivers seat. When she's ready she'll surprise you.

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It makes women mean.

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MrsTrellis said: Some women sail through the menopause, saying life is better afterwards. Others don't. So there is no single answer.

The menopause causes so many changes, some you can see like shape change and skin aging, but others you can't. Aching joints, brain fog, low mood, etc. HRT can help, as can regular exercise and healthy eating, but the realisation that you're on the way to OLD is terminal. Then it comes back to how you feel about yourself, not feeling attractive and sexy is a self fulfilling prophecy.

Sometimes I think being a women is pants, then I consider the alternative and realise I'm lucky, raspberry

I still want to give it to you. I always did. raspberry

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Member Since: 1-Jan-07
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My lady is 66 and hot as hell. Wants to have back everything she lost as a shy teenager and in a long and boring marrige. She is watching porn and searching the web for new and exciting positions. redeyes But she claims that she had a period when she thought she had lost sex completly.

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