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Member Since: 25-Nov-09
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Cost of living
Is the cost of living going up where you are?

It is in New Zealand.

Reserve Bank Governor has said he’s going to bring in a massive % increase to stop inflation (he’s already done two) which is all put down by those that can afford it to workers wages increasing which are increasing due to cost of living.

I blame the 40 day UK PM.

All the Reserve Banks seem to be shit scared, although the Fed has said they will have small increases, not like here where the authorities on big income don’t care.

I’m no expert but it seems like a chicken and the egg situation.

My mortgage comes off being fixed in May 2023 - I’m dreading to see what it jumps to. curse

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Member Since: 19-Apr-04
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Bout the same in the US. Inflation is outpacing wage growth by nearly 4 percentage points. The feds here have also increased interest rates in an attempt to combat inflation.
We are in the infancy of a recession in my opinion. 2c

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Member Since: 7-Jan-19
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As a UKer, I'd like to apologise for the ignorant, bigoted, selfish Tory voters who inflicted Truss on us by voting for unfunded tax cuts and a spending boom. However, I don't think she's uniquely responsible for this global meltdown.

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Member Since: 19-Apr-04
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MrsTrellis said: As a UKer, I'd like to apologise for the ignorant, bigoted, selfish Tory voters who inflicted Truss on us by voting for unfunded tax cuts and a spending boom. However, I don't think she's uniquely responsible for this global meltdown.

As a US voter, I feel the same about the ignorant, bigoted and selfish voters who inflicted the Biden/Harris administration on us. Just as you don't believe Truss is responsible for global inflation, I don't believe Biden and Harris are responsible for it either.

They are, however, responsible for plenty of domestic inflation through reckless spending at the federal level. Hopefully the recent election will put an end to that spending spree since we will once again have a split congress as a result. thumbup1

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Member Since: 12-Oct-13
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Cost of living is going up here in my section of the US. Mainly food and gas, although gas has started dropping slightly. Even so, I restrict the number of times I drive, and where I drive to.

I'm mainly feeling it at the supermarket. I buy mostly cheaper versions of the items I bought 3-4 years ago and still walk out of the store with 3 (recyclable) bags full and am $150 poorer, whereas a few years earlier I'd be $80 poorer.

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Member Since: 7-Apr-05
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The UK is suffering.
Most are suffering.
The pain gets wost the less well-off you are.

The domino effect hits production as well.
Producing items that are only break even or at a loss.

The shocking fear is that electricity prices will never go down when so many can only afford to pay the bills as a temporary measure even with temporary Gov handouts.

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Member Since: 23-Mar-09
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Yup! In the UK we've had 12 years of Tory austerity, Brexit which is costing twice as much as covid, the covid pandemic and, the war in the Ukraine. Oh and then the Tories tanked the economy. Thankfully it doesn't really affect me though as i'm very fortunate. But it is affecting millions of people badly.

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Member Since: 16-Jul-20
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Points to ponder.

1. Is the ideology of Climate Change more important than having heat in the winter? No one screaming climate change seems to grasp "economy of scale" for power-generation needs of modern society. Why is that?

2. Trading mining and the "carbon footprint" it leaves + humanitarian toll over fossil fuel production does what, exactly, for our species and our planet?

3. Inflation is being driven right now by horrible decisions and actions regarding the fake pandemic of COVID-19 hysteria. Lock downs-are you kidding me???😲😲 Create an imbalance in the demand-supply relationship and then savage the supply chain and blame it on the "pandemic." Get real, please.

4. 2023 will see a worsening of the inflation, of the supply chain mess, and combined with global events will send us all to the brink of war or some related unrest in society.

Get ready until it gets better.

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Member Since: 9-Dec-05
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Climate change is not an ideology; it's a simple fact. The rest of your questions were good ones.

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Member Since: 16-Jul-20
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Climate Change is 100% Ideology and part of the Ideology War now raging globally.

The need to address pollution is 180 degrees from any alleged "climate change." Earth has been doing its own thing since it came into existence. The abject hubris driving those who follow the Ideology of Climate Change that humanity can stop any change is laughable were it not so that society is being upended because of the charade.

The Netherlands will destroy their entire agricultural industry because of the zealotry driving adherence to CC. No different than a jihadist with their version of Islam. It should come as no surprise though when one examines the Malthusian Paradigm at the center of the CC Ideology.

quote]Julieannfringe said: Climate change is not an ideology; it's a simple fact. The rest of your questions were good ones.

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Member Since: 12-Oct-13
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Global Warming obviously is reality, but "Climate Change" has become a political ideology. I.e., if you point out any hole in any of the theories, or in any of the proposed solutions, the proponents of the ideology will start accusing you of "watching Fox News!" and automatically accuse you of being a science denier even if you're not.

The issue has become political, and not just because of the numerous science deniers out there, it's because the proponents of "climate change action" seem to want to take the rest of us back to the 17th Century by the end of this one, while they get to enjoy living in the 22nd.

If you are poor and depend on a gas powered car for transport to work and back, their answer is shut up, peasant, deal with it. If you like to eat, thanks to cheap and abundant natural gas sourced fertilizers, their answer is shut up peasant, pay more and eat less.

And there are indeed some holes in some aspects of Climate Change, especially in some of the examples frequently touted by Climate Change people.

An example: Sea levels rising in Miami.... It gets great play in the media periodically, especially as a scare tactic. None of the articles mention the sinking (subsidence) of the land due to depletion of the local aquifer. This is despite the fact that such subsidence is mentioned in geophysical science articles. In some regions, aquifer depletion can drop the land several feet or more. This sort of thing has actually happened in parts of California. The Climate Change activists never even mention this fact, even though they constantly claim to be backing their stands with "science." They want you to think Miami will be underwater next year because you drove your car to work this morning, when the fact is it's probably more due to Florida's coastal areas sinking because of development.

My own take on the entire Global Warming issue is that there needs to be more common sense action concerning the problem, and less alarmism and strong-arming of the population to fit some politicians' often capricious plans. Forcing people out of their gas powered cars when they need them to go to work is not going to help. EV's still have a long way to go until they become cheap enough for the average working class stiff to purchase and use. There's got to be a better way to reduce emissions other than sticking it to the working poor.

Natural gas derived fertilizers, which some wacky politicians are trying to ban, are necessary in today's agricultural marketplace -- or people will starve. it's that simple.

Back to the cost of living. Eventually the supply chain issues will be solved, and hopefully the Ukraine War will end by the close of 2023, and that may ease some of the food supply issues facing Africa, the Middle East, and other regions that for so long depended on Ukrainian grain. A lot of America's inflation is based on food and energy, and the inflationary issues with those two are related. It's not easy to fix. The pandemic, the War, some bad political decisions, some government over-spending, and other factors all contributed to the problem, and it will take a while for it to be sorted out.

Until then, I've cut back on spending. You learn to conserve and do without a few things. I feel for those who aren't in the position to survive that way. Out on the streets, without a job, it's tough to keep from falling lower. Times like this I count my blessings. Have to.

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Member Since: 16-Jul-20
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I wonder, does a single Climate Change Mouth advocating their Ideology know anything of the manufacturing process for EV's? All that is being done is trading one mess (ending fossil fuels) for another one (EV manufacturing process). This does not even address the humanitarian carnage done by Green Energy Advocates in non-First World Countries but let's make sure all of those EV drivers feel good about their car.

The power grid needs for EV's in another matter altogether 🤯.

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Member Since: 12-Oct-13
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PhallicSupermacyOne said: I wonder, does a single Climate Change Mouth advocating their Ideology know anything of the manufacturing process for EV's? All that is being done is trading one mess (ending fossil fuels) for another one (EV manufacturing process). This does not even address the humanitarian carnage done by Green Energy Advocates in non-First World Countries but let's make sure all of those EV drivers feel good about their car.

The power grid needs for EV's in another matter altogether 🤯.

Don't forget the children working in the cobalt mines in the Congo to get the amount of cobalt needed for batteries required to power up those 8000 pound EVs. Child workers breaking their backs and risking their health so rich people in the US, EU, and CA can feel good about "saving the planet".

It sort of puts the lie to the idea of EVs being "clean".

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Member Since: 16-Jul-20
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Think about those heavy EV's are going to destroy every road they drive on and blacktop/concrete can only be made "non-Green"

quote]milfchaser said:
PhallicSupermacyOne said: I wonder, does a single Climate Change Mouth advocating their Ideology know anything of the manufacturing process for EV's? All that is being done is trading one mess (ending fossil fuels) for another one (EV manufacturing process). This does not even address the humanitarian carnage done by Green Energy Advocates in non-First World Countries but let's make sure all of those EV drivers feel good about their car.

The power grid needs for EV's in another matter altogether 🤯.

Don't forget the children working in the cobalt mines in the Congo to get the amount of cobalt needed for batteries required to power up those 8000 pound EVs. Child workers breaking their backs and risking their health so rich people in the US, EU, and CA can feel good about "saving the planet".

It sort of puts the lie to the idea of EVs being "clean".

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Member Since: 12-Oct-13
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PhallicSupermacyOne said:

It sort of puts the lie to the idea of EVs being "clean".

Exactly. Right now, EVs are little more than a sell job, and even a con job -- at least when it comes to "saving the planet", which they can't.

Eventually? Maybe they will be environment friendly. But not for another couple decades.

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Member Since: 16-Jul-20
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The entire Green Movement is a scam consisting of activist devoted to communist ideology and fomenting revolution + elites who use the activists for their financial and other benefit. No one has a problem with clean air, water, and healthy living but this movement is not about those goals.

The Malthusian Principle grounding the entire Green Movement is to divide and conquer humanity in order to starve us out, attack our number one genetically programmed goal of reproduction and decrease the "surplus population" as a famous literary character once ranted about. There is ZERO in the entire Green Movement that celebrates human life, human achievement, human value, and the glory of being a HUMAN BEING! It attacks every religion and directs its target on being "created in the image of God" because the Ideology behind the Greens is diametrically opposed to uplifting humanity and human life.

Those of you brainwashed by the Greens need to wake up and join the rest of refuting their Ideology and Malthusian based program or just kill yourself now and get a Green Medal for it because that is their goal for you anyhow.

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Member Since: 28-Jul-13
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...decrease the "surplus population" you say? Ah, ya gonna trigger some peeps now with this kind of stuff LOL. Just wait for it. Not me though, I've known all about this for a looong time. But see, in the eyes of many I would be merely but a ''conspiracy theorist''. And then I watch it come true. And I witness the cognitive dissonance. But what can you do? You do your best to survive, and try to help at the right time, in the capacity you can.

PhallicSupermacyOne said: The entire Green Movement is a scam consisting of activist devoted to communist ideology and fomenting revolution + elites who use the activists for their financial and other benefit. No one has a problem with clean air, water, and healthy living but this movement is not about those goals.

The Malthusian Principle grounding the entire Green Movement is to divide and conquer humanity in order to starve us out, attack our number one genetically programmed goal of reproduction and decrease the "surplus population" as a famous literary character once ranted about. There is ZERO in the entire Green Movement that celebrates human life, human achievement, human value, and the glory of being a HUMAN BEING! It attacks every religion and directs its target on being "created in the image of God" because the Ideology behind the Greens is diametrically opposed to uplifting humanity and human life.

Those of you brainwashed by the Greens need to wake up and join the rest of refuting their Ideology and Malthusian based program or just kill yourself now and get a Green Medal for it because that is their goal for you anyhow.

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