
Grüezi us de Schwiiz - Hello from Switzerland
Good Day Everyone

If you're skinny, you have eating disorders.🥪🍗🥙🥗

If you are fat, you need to lose weight.🫢

If you smoke weed, you have a drug problem.😵‍💫

If you drink you are an alcoholic.🥴🥃🍷🍻

If you make yourself pretty, you're conceited.😏

When you dress casual, you let yourself go.🙄

When you speak your mind, you are rude.🫢☝️

If you say nothing, you are disinterested.🤨

If you are sociable, you are a party animal. 🥳🥳🥸🎉🎊

If you keep to yourself, you're weird.🤔

You can't do anything without being criticized....
We live in a society where people can't seem to survive if they don't judge the next person. 🤔💭🤯

Do what you want, because in the end you will always find someone who doesn't like it! 🤣☝🏼

Love me or hate me, but you'll never change me.😉🫰🏼 "THAT'S ME"

Don't believe everything you hear☝️
Get to know people before you judge.👌🥰
You'd be surprised what you discover

Let's show each other respect.🫶🏼


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