
An current or ex prostitutes or strippers here on NN?
Just wondering if there are any strippers or prostitutes (or someone who has been in the past) here on NN. If you are or were, why did you first go into it and was it exciting?

I talked to a stripper at a club once and she said she always got turned on dancing nude infront of people. How about you

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its the money! and its good

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Member Since: 21-Mar-07
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i was a stripper not long just a few months and we had pasties, didn't really show any thing.

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Member Since: 5-Mar-06
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I was a dancer for a long time in my youth. I went into it as a means of better income than I could get any other way at the time. Sometimes it took an active fantasy life to block out the reality of it and make it tolerable....but mostly It was alot of fun for a young carefree single gal. I'm a social person and for a long time I'd go out in the day and push a popcorn cart around town...selling popcorn to the tourists. My picture was on each bag and it was a great advertising gimmick. Everyone wanted popcorn for a buck a bag from me...most days during the busy season I could net about $250 a day in sales...and the dancing was just gravy money after that. Today's quiz....Any readers on here remember "Pretty Good Popcorn" and where it was sold?....that was me....

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confused chicken and mushroom?
Still kinda

Im guessing it was 'panties'

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T 4 Texas
I think pasties is like teasing panties... basically see thru but not... i mean you can see stuff but its not bare skin... I think? confused

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they just cover your nipples, they stick on usually.

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(not a stripper/prostitute, have never been, and no future plans to be one)

But for a graphical representation of what MsMilf was saying

so that's what a pastie is!

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Me thinking of food! lol
Darn it.

Thanks DTD
Thats kinky... i want some!

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go read pussyforhire's blog

I guess the nick says it all

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When I was in grad school,
I had a friend that was a grad student at the Univ of California at Davis (Veterinary Medicine). She was also a "go go dancer" at a topless place a few miles from campus named the "cat patch"...

She danced topless on the bar and on a runway. If she spent a bit of time on the bar, she made $300 on Friday night and $450 on Saturday, and that was all she had to work to live in a first class apartment (flat) and drive a very nice car and pay her school tuition and fees up front in cash...

When she graduated, most of her classmates were 5 to 20 thousand dollars in debt (this was 1970 dollars; multiply by almost 3 for today's value). My friend Missy, on the other hand, had no debt and was able to buy into a very lucrative large animal practice, again for cash, and have money left over.

We were buddies and talked about the "power over men" trip, and about what it takes (and what are the risks) of getting a man to put a $20 or $50 bill in the elastic of your panties while you danced in front of him rubbing your groin in his face...

Missy had three or four male friends, one of whom was always there when the Cat Patch closed. She was safe. But one of her co-workers was multiple times by a guy who thought the $50 bill bought him access, and would not take "no" for an answer.

It is not a simple proposition to describe the life, the challenges and the feelings. Missy is 55 now, and still looks good even after 3 kids... but she will not ever talk about her life in grad school any more. Too much stuff...

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me thinks it depends on the person
I talked to a stripper in the bathroom once, she was obviously flu ridden and NOT looking forward to writhing around for a bunch of pervos like myself. lol

I think they have their good days and their bad, the ratio between the two depends on the person.

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its a good career to have....u can pull half million $ a year being a stripper

tart : cat patch eh..heard of that club....didnt live too far from uc davis

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Raunchy dancer for a while and nude bar work. Did nude functions. Sold my arse to a couple of married guys to pay the rent when I was young.

Dancer, not much fun, most ladies nights consisted of one quiet shy honey of a woman surrounded by a bunch of bush pigs getting pissed, slapping a guys arse, trying to tear off your thong or stab your arse with their car keys.

Pro, had a couple of really nice married guys that helped pay the rent and got to play with their ladies as a bonus - loved older women.

Nude bar work "Cold wet and full of dangerous sharp objects"

Nude functions - met some so called "movers and shakers" of the nineteen eighties. Have some really good memories and met some lifelong friends.

Wasn't really into it for the money.

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I was a prostitute for all of six weeks in Los Angeles back in 2006. My ex husband was/is a POS, and he spent all of my money, ran up my credit cards, and left us broke with three kids under the age of 3 in the house. He encouraged me to do nude modeling, then some video's, finally prostitution. He wanted me to do porn, but I said no way. Honestly, I made mistakes too like staying with him (and getting knocked up three times). He took advantage of me at a bad time in my life (undiagnosed Bipolar and BPD), and I was up for doing almost anything. Anyhow, for six weeks I ran an ad on Craigslist. My current bf was one of my first "client's", and my most frequent. He was not the highest paying, (I raised my rates frequently, except for him), but he and I hit it off and fell in love. He encouraged me to have the strength to leave my husband, and prostitution. We ended up having a child together, and for four years things have been pretty great.
Anyhow, I saw maybe 130 guy's during my time working. Some guy's wanted just a massage, others wanted a massage with a happy ending. Some wanted and got full service. My clientele had varying idea's of what constituted cheating, and I did what they wanted and we were both comfortable with doing. I was 25 at the time, and my youngest client was 27, the oldest was 78. I started out charging 160, and ended up getting 375. Many clients tipped, sometimes I got 500. It was very interesting, from a social perspective. Many of my clients were successful entrepreneurs, some were hobbiest, some like my BF, had been in long term unfulfilling relationships and just wanted someone to talk to and listen to them.
I ALWAY's used protection, and did my best to screen clients. I did mostly incall, as outcall work was more risky in my mind. It was a very interesting time in my life, a part of me I won't forget, and something I'll never repeat.

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thanks for sharing, sexy. I hope you're doing better now.

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M current prstit
M current prstit, n there is not excitement in this joob, i have completely lost interest in sx, n i just do acting with clennt/cust.... No one loves her/his joob.... i do sx ony 4 mon* hehehe

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The ugly side
A girl I went to high school with ended up as a dancer after graduation lured by the money. She told me that the majority of the dancers were into drugs and spent a lot on them as their habit worsened. Then many would prostitute for drugs. It was not a “sexy” glorious lifestyle as is often depicted. They become addicts, are taken advantage of by pimps and drug dealers, are beaten and abused by “Johns” and end up with nothing but a lifetime of drug addiction when they are too old to make a buck with their bodies anymore.
Glorifying this lifestyle is hugely misleading.

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Member Since: 6-Jan-14
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My wife has never been a prostitute, but has sort of been a stripper. Not too long after really being bitten by the exhibitionist bug, she did a few amateur strip comps for some fun and to get it out of her system.
After this, she did a few mornings of what they call in the area, "titts on toast" where topless waitresses serve beer and breakfast in pubs in some rural mining towns to the night shift workers.. They were usually just one of things we saw being advertised on our trips around Australia. She didn't do them for the money and more than once we didn't hang around long enough to pick up her measly pay for the shift. It was more of a spur of the moment idea for a bit of fun and a way to get her clothes off in front of some appreciative men.
On a few occasion's I remember, the men would all request she get the G string off and I think they did a bit of a whip around for money. She would usually pretend to be too shy at first but was inwardly keen to get fully naked for them. She had a bit of fun stirring the men up and was really enjoying herself by the time the panties came off. She enjoyed the fun of getting naked in front of a room full of appreciative men but quickly got sick of the boring chit chat she had to make with the men as she was supposed to interact with them. I think she only did it once or twice when it was a cold morning and she really didn't enjoy being in her G string or naked in a freezing pub when everyone else was in jeans and jackets.

From this, she got a contact for doing strip shows at birthday parties, bucks parties etc. I think she only did this twice. She didn't like the way the drunk men would be trying to put their hands everywhere and didn't like that she had to engage in boring conversations with the drunk punters after that. She got pretty sick of the drunks offering her $20 for a blow job or to fuck their drunk friend. She really didn't like the men all trying to sneak photos with their phones despite being told , no phones/cameras allowed. Once again, she wasn't doing this for the money, and I think on her second and last time, she finished and left early without collecting her pay when the drunks started getting a bit too carried away.
This turned her off stripping for a year or two but in the end decided she wanted to see how it felt to be a professional stripper in a proper strip club in Sydney. She went through all the training but only ended up working not quite 3 nights before she decided she had enough. She enjoyed the fun of stripping for the bigger but better controlled crowds, but really did not enjoy when she had to give some lap dances and private dancers to some of the more disrespectful patrons.
Now she has it out of her system, Lam wont do any paid stripping again. She liked the opportunity to get naked for a bunch of appreciative men, but really hated having to interact with some very disrespectful and low class scum. She did enjoy performing for a few of the nicer, more respectful men, but these were outnumbered by the jerks. She has done a few wet tee shirt and amateur nights since, but in these she has much more control on what she does and with whom.

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interesting topic
Let's see if there is new input on it

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Member Since: 13-Dec-19
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Several years ago My wife worked as a stripper on line only. Guys paid by the minute to watch her get naked and masturbate. It was pretty hot thinking of her at home, naked getting busy while guys watched. She made really good money but lost interest in in after a few months.

No way she’d ever do that in person 😀

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