
Diaper Fetish?
I have a diaper fetish and I'm trying to figure out what makes it so appealing. I don't use them to go to the bathroom; but I wear them everyday. Sometimes, it is a sexual turn-on, but most often, I just feel weird not wearing one…Any thoughts on what might be the cause of this.

***It would be nice to forgo the typical "because you are a sicko freak" comments. I KNOW I'm a freak, so can we please not bring up the obvious?


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Are you Linus van Pelt?

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It would be nice to forgo the typical "because you are a sicko freak" comments

you're really tying my hands here...

Here’s the problem..
True fetishes don’t always have a logical explanation.
They are compulsive fixations on non sexual objects. (such as diapers)

It could have something to do with your fear of cutting the apron strings with your mother, or an abandonment issue about your mother cutting the strings before you were ready. The diapers just give you a feeling of security that you don’t have in your daily life. That comfort sometimes transfers to pleasure, which becomes sexual.

or you could just be a sicko freak?

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Member Since: 3-Apr-06
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While I am not into diapers, it is obvious that wearing them gives you pleasure. It may have something to do with something that happened in you past. There was a reason you started wearing them. Whatever it was, you feel more comfortable in diapers.

Perhaps as a child you had a problem wetting yourself and you having the diaper makes you feel more secure in case of an accident (even if there has not been a problem for many years). Perhaps the feeling brings you back to a time when there was much less stess in you life.

If you really want to dig into the cause, you may need some professional help to understand the root motivation. If you are not hurting anyone, and wearing diapers is not causing you any real life problems, enjoy them.

You are not a sicko freak! You are a person with a fetish that is slightly more offbeat than some. We all are different. You enjoy something mildly different than many folks, but if it works for you that is great!

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While I think Lena may be closer to the mark (being the sicko freak), I sure like elite's response. I've often thought of seeing a counselor; but how exactly does one start off the conversation? "Um, yeah Doc; I couldn't help but notice I've become a sicko freak who enjoys wearing diapers..." blushing confused unsure

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I'm sure they've seen worse things.

if you really want to figure out why, then a shrink is the way to go.

are you really worried about it though? because I don't think you're really harming anyone. and there IS porn out there about it so obviously some people share this fetish.

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Member Since: 3-Aug-07
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ive been wearing diapers for 10 yrs was in a rehab facility .i had broken my leg. i was unable to go to bathroomso they sugestedted for me to wear a diaper andi said ok.i loved them cumming into change me ,then at night they would cum in stick there hand down my diaper for pee sometimes i would cum in my diaper they would stick there hand down there and get a handful of cum

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Member Since: 8-Aug-05
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people with fetishes not hurting others are no problem

its people like iamfun4u2 that ruins it for others
as a former working nurse your behavior is sexual harassment
and totally immature behavior vomit

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Member Since: 13-Mar-16
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putting 2 and 2 together..
Babies wear daipers
Adult man wears daipers
Adult man + babies
= peddo.


Or... not

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Member Since: 22-Oct-05
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Diaper fetish?............ that's a shitty fetish

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