
Member Since: 9-Dec-09
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Do you play a musical instrument?
And if you do which one? And are you any good? Please note playing ones own trumpet does not count here, air guitar will be accepted for the first customer only. grin

I think this might actually be my first thread, so apologies if its terrible. smile

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peachy keen

Well, not anymore. I used to play the violin, sorta. I'd love to pick it back up, but I don't see that happening in the near future, unfortunately.

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Air guitar it is then!

I know you play and sing!

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I've dabbled a bit with guitar, but I don't have the fingers for it. Done a bit of singing though while banging the tambourine hilariously out of time, no sniggering up the back there about banging the tambourine. tongue

In my younger years I played recorder and the Baritone Horn, which the school kindly lent to me. Unfortunately I got bored and swapped it for a trumpet, the school were not amused. grin

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Does it count if I say women enjoy playing my skin flute? wink

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mr richard glass
I like to play some didgeridoo once in a while. Banging on a djembe is also a good time. I wouldn't say I am great at either but I don't make my friends cringe (some claim to enjoy it) and I can circular breathe for ten or twenty minues on a good day. tongue

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mr richard glass
I like to play some didgeridoo once in a while. Banging on a djembe is also a good time. I wouldn't say I am great at either but I don't make my friends cringe (some claim to enjoy it) and I can circular breathe for ten or twenty minues on a good day. tongue

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Yes, but they would have to post about it as they are technically the one playing the instrument, in this case you are the instrument. grin

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mr richard glass
For some reason every time the band is having a bit of a jam I find myself hitting the djembe's, unfortunately I'm not much good with them and usually end up with bruised hands. grin

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Does it count if it is just vicariously through the time and money spent on your childrens' instruments, lessons, concerts, etc. ?
If so, then I play the saxophone, trombone, and tuba. smile

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Its my thread so I say yes it does count. grin

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I forgot to include ...
what an AWESOME thread! thumbup

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Awww thank you, its my first time so I was a little nervous. grin

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mr richard glass
Agreed... good thread
Species, you can get alot of sound out of a djembe playing it gently. And your hands won't hurt afterward. smile

I've also tried my hand at guitar, banjo, violin, and harmonica. I never got much beyond the basics of those. It just always kinda sounded awful.

But the jaw harp.... And the washtub bass I can drop some jams on smile

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Thanks Richard.

I tend to get over excited during jamming sessions, and can often be seem pogoing with the microphone in my hand, hence I usually get carried away on the djembes. It doesn't help when you have a full band playing in the studio and the drums are crashing and bass guitars rattling the walls, before you know it your swinging your hands at those djembes like a mad man, and shortly after that comes the pain. grin

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I can play Greensleeves on the piano if that counts...oh and Happy

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In high school I was first chair trumpet...

Of course, it was a small school and we had a total of three trumpet players.


Haven't played it since except for Taps at a few military funerals when the Legions regular couldn't make it.

I've dabbled a bit with the piano/keyboard and an acoustic guitar, but I'm still at the beginner level...or whatever comes before that. tongue

I do play spoons though. w00t

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I played trumpet from 6th grade all thru college. Had to learn a lot of other stuff for college, so add trombone, tuba, saxophone, clarinet, oboe, flute, piano, drums, guitar and harmonica to the list.

Damn copper...we had 8 trumpet players in high school...and we were a tiny school LOL

not as tiny as our neighbor school one county over though....their drum line was 1 snare, 1 bass drum and a cymbal player laugh

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Uh, yep, sounds like my school Haps.

They were 34 students in my graduating class, the largest the school had ever had at that point.


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Species glad to see you posting again!! thumbup Missed your witty remarks wink

I play the guitar, self taught with no lessons so I wont say Im a pro or anything but I can play 20-30 songs..I dont make the time to learn anymore these days but every now and again I will get the urge to sit down and learn a new one.

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I played recorder, then clarinet to a reasonable level, but only because I REALLY wanted to play the saxophone - then under-age drinking, girls and sport took over...

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Josie Dirt
I played the guitar really badly, i gave up practising.

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hey seax my 20 month old plays the triangle LOL

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Sheepster, I still have a recorder somewhere....I'll send it to ya grin laugh

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Member Since: 10-Aug-10
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when I was younger I played the violin

I play acoustic guitar. I used to have a pretty strong play list, but I've forgotten how to play most of them. I've also written a few of my own songs... and sing...kinda. The drinker I am, the better I sound

I used to have a little casio electric piano thingy that I was brilliant at making fart noises with and turning them into rather compelling melodies ....well my family didn't think so, but me and my friends sure did.

Most recently, Santa brought my 6 year old daughter a drum set. I'm getting rather good at bustin out the beats on that thing. My wife is thrilled at my dedication to playing them at all hours of the day and night. Right honey?

Not to toot my own horn ( so to speak ) I can pick up just about any instrument and come up with a basic Melody.

I'd also like to note, I'm pretty good at beatboxing. thumbup

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Once upon a time, I played the trumpet. Was actualy pretty good at it. Sat second chair throughout high school.

Yep the dreaded band geek!!! That was me!! But it did get me a trip to Europe my Sophmore year in school!!!

Picked it up again this summer for a reunion.... Forgot how hard it is!!! Ended up with really sore lips and cheeks!!! Guess I need to keep working on my blowing!! lol



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Let me know when you want to practice. wink devil

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i play the piano, i love it, its my escape when ive had a bad day. im ok at it, certainly not a rockstar or anything like that smile

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i play the piano. its my escape after a stressful day. im ok at it, not like a concert pianist or anything like that!

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Just getting started
I have no musical talent aside from the radio or my iPod lol

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