
mr richard glass
Yeah I love the snow! I ride matbe 50 days a year. My favorite is steep pow or technical lines with exposure. Gotta love that adrenaline pumping. I also ski and tele ski just to mix it up. Whats your favorite riding style? Favorite board? favorite mountain?

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Snowboarding is absolutely one of my favorite things to do. I got spoiled learning on the slopes of Tahoe. My favorites slopes there were Heavenly (not on weekends), Northstar and Sugar Bowl. Sadly, I have only been a couple times over the past year. I really need to change that.

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mr richard glass
Tahoe... a mountain mecca i've yet to visit. You definately need to get out more! I was up today, it was pretty prime for the east coast. I'm hoping we get a dump this week!

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Can you share some faves on the east coast? You can send to me privately if you don't want to divulge your location.

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mr richard glass
Favorites on the ice coast... hmm... well I am a committed sugarloafer. It has 2800 vert, above treeline snowfields, some decent steeps, and glades galore. They just opened a glade that will eventually be 600+ acres! And there's lotsa cliffs to fly off. I also love Jay peak in vt for the same reasons, and hear stowe is good but I have yet to check. Honestly sugarloaf kicks so much ass I generally only venture out when we have no pow, or to go out west.
Ps... we got about 2 and a half feet of fresh over the last week. Cliffs wer dropped, chutes were slayed. It was epic!


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i only just went skiing at heavenly last month. Never ski before or even saw snow before. I fell in love with it and picked it up so easily, but i did have 2 full day lessons. we were doing blue runs by our 3rd day and dint fall over once!

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i just came back from Heavenly at Lake Tahoe.Never even seen snow before let alone skiied!
I absoltely loved it and have found a new expensive hobbie lol. We had 2 full day lessons and had the most amazing instructor called Roy. He had been teaching for 35 years on heavenly. He had us on blue runs on our second day. Highly recoomend the Grand Residence by Marriot to stay. right at the base of the gondola and rooms are stunning.

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mr richard glass
Still a month or 2 of good snow to ride on here. It's almost that time of year for a trip up Mt Washington in NH to ride Tuckermans ravine. Anyone else ever been?

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Member Since: 25-Mar-11
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I have done Tuckerman's ravine a few times although its been probably 10 years since the last time but lots of fun.

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mr richard glass
Yeah, tucks is a blast! It never fails to get my heart pumping before that first turn down the headwall.
Today was pretty sweet here in Maine. 6" of fresh at noon turned to 16" of fresh by 4pm. The driving was atrocious so we had it to ourselves for the most part. I love an april fools dump!

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I'm mostly an east coast skier, although I have skied in Banff, Utah, Montana, and Colorado. My set up is Head Mojo 90 186cm with Look bindings. I use these for anything the southeast (NC/TN/WV) can dish out. They can handle the hardpack (or ice for those not in the know) and have skied over a foot of NC's finest powder in a storm this past season. When I go out west, I usually demo skis (especially if it's dumping) to get something with an even wider waist.

If anyone is reading this and ever wants to talk skiing...just pm me.

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Hadn't been on a board since 2000. Changed that last year as my buddy lives in Whistler, BC. Visited him for 5 days and decided to drop back in. Bought everything up there (cheaper) took 2 days of lessons and then one day at Blackcomb. So fun. Leaving in 8 days to go back up there!

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Member Since: 9-Apr-13
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Been a few years for me now too. Got a Lib Litigator sat doing nothing in the garage...such a shame.

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Wasn't able to get back to Whistler this year. First the flu and then a ruptured ankle tendon.

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Member Since: 30-Jun-18
Location: BD
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One of my most favorite hobby.

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I love snowboarding unfortunately I have not had the opportunity over the last few years. I've been to Sunday River, Attitash and Killington in the US, loved them all.

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