
Member Since: 20-Jul-07
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Collecting, absolutely LOVE heart it.

No, I do not specialise grin that makes life difficult when it comes to storing this "Stuff" because I collect everting that takes my eye, old, interesting or unusual.... even bizarre.

If you would like to share if you are a collector, please feel free to do so, I will add to this from time to time when the "binge" happens grin

W. R. W. esquire.

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I'm the same - old storage trunks, Swatch watches, "feel good in the hand" pebbles and bits of wood from the beach, antique curios etc. etc.. You're right though, storage is a problem... smile

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I love to collect!!!

My favorite things are miniatures (weird and unusual things). I have quite a few tiny cameras, guns, knives, cartoon character stuff to name a few.

The other is dogs....ceramic, porcelain, etc of Cocker Spaniels, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, Springer Spaniels and Brittany Spaniels. smile

Used to collect unusual brass but ended up selling everything thing I had to another collector because I ran out of room for it lol.

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I love to collect!!!

My favorite things are miniatures (weird and unusual things). I have quite a few tiny cameras, guns, knives, cartoon character stuff to name a few.

The other is dogs....ceramic, porcelain, etc of Cocker Spaniels, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, Springer Spaniels and Brittany Spaniels. smile

Used to collect unusual brass but ended up selling everything thing I had to another collector because I ran out of room for it lol.

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I forgot rocks...I love to collect ones, red ones, black, etc. Even found one with yellow/blue/pink polka dots on it once grin

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Member Since: 9-Dec-09
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I've collected all sorts of stuff over the years. I have a vast coin collection and an equally vast collection of precious and semi precious stones. These days I collect technology, my current one being laptops. smile

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angel stuff. old hummels (angel). vintage fabric or curtains,pillow cases, table cloths, unusual brass objects. Like a big key, butterfly, birds.
not alot of room so am trying not to even look anymore. I need a china cab. if anyone's giving one away that's kinda beat up. Looking for an old one to repaint. (lawyers book case or such) would do.
i have too many lamps. 4 of them stained glass but can't part with them.
shamrock stuff. have a mom and baby piggy banks in ceramic covered in shamrocks. stained glass shamrock. shamrock tattoo.
but mostly angel stuff.

i'm gonna need a bigger boat. unsure

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And i like little bitty childrens books.

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American Pickers
If you guys haven't checked out the show 'American Pickers' on the history channel, you should. They go around the country 'picking' from folks like yourself who "collect"

I'm not a collector, but I find the show extremely interesting. And there are full episodes on history channels website.

Check it out!

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Storm....I have watched that once. Ooooooooo would love to have their job!!!! thumbup

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Member Since: 7-Apr-05
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G.B Postage Stamps.
Not the recent ones, but more Victorian etc.
A part of history.

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imalilhothead: agreed! their job would be amazing. You'd have to really know your shit though

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Member Since: 21-Mar-08
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Wodes....did that battery say 22.5 volts? blink

Storm, American Pickers is cool...I'd like to travel with them for a while thumbup1

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Member Since: 20-Jul-07
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Yes Humps you are correct, it in-fact does say 22.5 Volts. How? that voltage is in a battery the size of an AA ?

Thanx Storm, I will check that site. US shows don't Air here sad but the Brit Roadshow one does at odd hours of the night, there are interesting pieces that come on that show.

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Humps looks electrified...

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over the years i have collected wine bottle corks, old tools, german beer steins, clocks and fishing lures. i can't say i have a favorite but my collections are beging to take up a little to much space.

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woderwick - check out and goto SHOWs. You can watch full episodes online!!

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Belive it or not, i collect Barbie Dolls! Kinda childish, but I like them...

Collection used to be bigger, but am starting to give them away... one... by... one...


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Oh yeah, forgot a couple of things...

I collect anything with a fish on it!!! he he

And lastly - SMURFS!! Love them! Not so easy to find Smurf stuff anymore. But have a couple stuffed little ones that are just a few years younger than I! I always loved that cartoon!


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Action figures, comic books, virtually anything comic book related eben really bad movies

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Member Since: 24-Jul-08
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I collect ex-wives... Just kidding...

I used to be into collectible wargame miniatures (IE:MechWarrior Dark Age, and Crimson Skies, etc) but the games died out. Sold it all off. (except the Crimson Skies)
Oh, I am still into Axis and Allies War at Sea, which is a collectible miniatures game.
(I like WW2 naval wargames and the less cleaning and painting the better for me) And the rules are not like reading a DVD player manual or learning HTML.

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Member Since: 2-Aug-10
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Just getting started
Where do I begin - 200 guns, 10 albums of stamps, boxes of coins, four windmills, 9 Stationary motors,old bottles, gold field artifacts, books, bottles, old tools, militaria, old cameras, native artifacts, clay crocks, old kerosene table lamps, rocks, old knives, old time cork screws, old handcuffs and 19th century police stuff and lots of things I have but dont collect - they just seem to end up here.

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Mrs.Ohio Lullabies
I collect black bears, heart rocks, and my favorite blue bottles when I was a kid I wanted a log cabbin, the blue bottles were for the window..I was gunna start looking for old "out houses" and redo my bathroom in that theme but since I started looking I cant find much! lol

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Joe I started collecting wine bottle corks about 2 yrs ago. Never been much of a wine drinker until then but noticed how cool some of the corks were so it got me started. smile

I have mine in a shadow box with some of my fav miniature stuff.

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Member Since: 20-Jul-07
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Picked up a nice chrome cased Valet the other day, was pleased, it's handle is a match to the original silver plated Valet that started me on this line of collecting grin
[hell it needs a polish]

Picked up a round bayonet in that treasure trove too, but aint showing you grin

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Member Since: 6-Feb-05
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I Like to Reflect

I used to collect comic books, mainly as a side effect of reading them, lol...

My collecting tends to be completely random and often, as I mentioned, a side effect of other things. (Which certainly explains my vast porn collection, lol.)

I have a few boxes of comic books, a decent collection of Magic: The Gathering cards, some old US coins, some foreign coins(not particularly old), about 400 vhs tapes and over 100 dvds, and boxes full of the 28mm metal fantasy miniatures that I paint.
As a mini painter/converter/sculptor, I have a small collection of different brushes and tools I use as well as a *large* collection of paints, probably at least three hundred different colors.
I also have a fairly large (almost a full gb) collection of fantasy illustations from artists like Boris Vallejo, Sorayama, Anne Stokes and Larry Elmore - I'm something of a photoshop wizard, and I often do stuff like cutting/pasting weapons or head from one pic to another to create pictures of people's characters from various roleplaying games like Dungeons & Dragons. (This also partially explains my large collection of art nudes and porn shots, as I started out drawing elf ears and putting wings on random pics I grabbed off the internet - porn and art nudes just happen to be the most commonly available hi-res images online.)

I also collect random unusual stuff, such as action figures that look cool, interesting rocks or the two "balls" that I have that are composed of a small central core with little rubber hands (the other has feet) sticking out from it in all directions.

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woderwick said: Picked up a nice chrome cased Valet the other day, was pleased, it's handle is a match to the original silver plated Valet that started me on this line of collecting grin
[hell it needs a polish]

Picked up a round bayonet in that treasure trove too, but aint showing you grin

what ya gunna do with that? scared LOL

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Member Since: 2-Dec-08
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Mad Jack said: .... some old US coins ...

Coins? Did I hear coins? w00t

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I ain't Mad Jack...
his_princess said:
Mad Jack said: .... some old US coins ...

Coins? Did I hear coins? w00t

but my ears perked-up too HP... w00t

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Member Since: 2-Dec-08
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Back off! I saw it first! wink

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