was down my local last night and all the talk was about a fight between 2 ladies i know which was going to take place round the back of the pub later that night. apparantly one lady had been seen with the others hubby and they had agreed to meet to sort it out. quite a crowd had turned up to see this. the lady whos husband had done the dirty is in her 20s and the guilty lady (with whom ive slept with quite a few times) is in her late 40s. i was surprised to see both husbands there to watch this plus quite a few friends. both ladies live on our estate. i hadnt saw ladies fighting for years. both went wild wen the fight began. very brutal for ladies. really punching and kicking to the face. i was hoping someone of the ehusbands would stop it after june the eldest lady had a bad cut over her eye but the hubbys let them fight. june eventually had the younger girl kelly held down and was punching the face off her but neither would give in. ive never seen ladies punching before. usually it was hairpulling and sctratching. june eventually won the fight as kellys husband pulled her away, and june went back into the bar were she got cleaned up and had drinks bought for her the rest of the night. kelly wants to fight her again and june has said anytime. tough ladies. |