A musician and swashbuckler by day, a rocker and a clubber by night. I'm no one special, but my hope is that I'll find someone on one of these sites that's totally worth the wait. Update: I have received a few PMs from some gay men on this site lately. While I'm flattered by the attention, I will NOT reply to your PM unless you can display the ability to talk in sentences (rather than TXT-language), hold a good conversation on something other than sex, and not expect me to engage in any kind of "camming", "trading" or "cybering" with you. If you cannot fulfil all three of these conditions, your PM will be ignored. Cheers.

  • This member has been with us 15 years or more! (Joined 19.5 years ago)
  • 41 years old
  • Male
  • Joined 19 years ago

Acey83's Blog