Gift PremiumI'm nrmal and boring and love my family :P I'm currently attatched to the cutest bestest married couple in the world ;) You know who you are, JNK (psst... sometimes we travel to Miami, FL )
- 41 years old
- Female
- Joined 17 years ago
AmyFruit's Blog
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Friday, September 21, 2007, 10:48:19 PM- | ||||||
hello ![]() love amy | ||||||
Tuesday, September 18, 2007, 5:05:24 PM- | ||||||
really crappy day at work today. I think the boss is playing catchup by having us all do his little odds and ends that he hasn't done from last week Typical! I wore my nice black dress today with nothing under but since my mood is elsewhere it's all a waste love amy | ||||||
Monday, September 17, 2007, 2:49:04 PM- | ||||||
slow work day today so I thought i could post something. I know that things will be better once I get home and relax but i'm so sore right now i can barely sit properly! Sunday was one huge lay around day with Delly who i've been seeing for a few months now. He's a great guy with the best personality. we spooned and layed on the futon all all all day. I'm sore because after he came over around oh 3pm he stayed over until oh... 1 am and we literally did nothing but watch movies and i swear we didnt' see a single frame of movie all day and night. we were either sleeping together, having sex, cuddling or waiting on the pizza guy. i don't know how many times we had sex, i really don't think it was less than 4 times. most of it was extended forplay, i would have him laying behind me and so he'd just slide it in me and park it there, lol ![]() it was fun taking a shower this morning because i smelled like sex! love amy | ||||||
Sunday, September 16, 2007, 2:49:55 PM- | ||||||
a little hung over today but it's really sunny out so I'm ok. I woke up at my sister's house so there are people here and somebody made pancakes so i'm so glad i didn't wake up at my apartment all alone ![]() love amy | ||||||
Saturday, September 15, 2007, 8:03:29 PM- | ||||||
Happy saturday everyone. I'm tired but in very good spirits today! i love my state of michigan because we have such crisp, sunny days in fall. the sun is out but it's nipply out there! this is definately baby-making weather like my friends say. everyone should go out tonight and have a few beers in celebration of the new fall weather ![]() ![]() love amy | ||||||
Saturday, September 15, 2007, 3:46:39 AM- | ||||||
i read my blog comments and i'm such a dummy lol. I signed one of my blogs "love jenny!" I think i have sphynx_lady on the brain and i think you should go check out her blog love amy | ||||||
Friday, September 14, 2007, 10:58:52 PM- | ||||||
ok if you haven't already stumbled upon sphynx_lady and her blog then Go read it and see her pics because she's HOT HOT HOT she's my favorite blog to read and always tells about some really hot sex. she even lets her little sis join in! is that hot or what? love you sphyx, lol i had to get off after reading about her shower sex and took a shower after that myself. I think hearing about other people fucking is one of my favorite things to do with the internet ![]() a girl doesn't phantasize about your penis like you think we do, guys. A dick is just a dick and I have plenty that aren't attatched to an annoying man ![]() ![]() love amy | ||||||
Wednesday, September 12, 2007, 6:49:34 PM- | ||||||
ok so i really feel dumb now complaining like that in the last post because i know nobody reads blogs to hear people complain so i think i'll try to fix all of that now. Right after i posted last i got to go home early wich is just what I wanted. perfect. I rushed home no traffic!!! then i stripped naked, made some tea and soaked in the bath tub for i think close to an hour... i love just laying in the water keeping it hot and playing around. I got off three times. perfect. just what I needed! i have been offered dinner at sis's house so i don't have to cook either! I think i'll just spend the night there, too since we usually watch movies until we fall asleep hopes your day turned around, too love Amy | ||||||
Wednesday, September 12, 2007, 5:02:05 PM- | ||
I'm really tired and i'm getting the flu and i'm at work and it's slow and most people are going home early today. suck suck suck. That's my day so far. It's cold, cloudy and windy and that doesnt help things very much either i want to be nude on a beach with a group of friends swimming in the ocean and making out. Why can't i just get that? At least I got laid this morning if i didn't i think i'd be on the news as the girl who flipped out. | ||
Monday, September 10, 2007, 11:33:32 AM- dont you just love wakeup sex? | ||||||
i looooove sex in the morning! i want to tell everybody that i had the hottest sex any one has ever had on monday morning. I gunna remember to leave gum on the night stand every night, i think we were so desperate about not wanting ot go to work that we just kept going and going and grinding like we wanted it to hurt lol lol lol my pussy is still blushing like 15 mins later and I think i'm going to be sore today. oh well! love jenny | ||||||
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