Gift PremiumFun, loyal, friendly guy. Not kinky, but curious. Looking to push the envelope with nice people when the spirit moves me.
- 61 years old
- Male
- Joined 17 years ago
Aronkim's Blog
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Thursday, February 24, 2011, 4:19:05 AM- Summertime | ||
I am having a summer fantasy. I see myself at a poorly attended, but pleasant outdoor concert. It's getting on to night, warm air, grass, blanket. There's wine floating around, it's 420 and clothing is optional. There's a Mexican couple up ahead of me. She's well endowed and happy, smiling, tossing her hair. Her blouse is half open and she looks my way everytime her tatooed boyfriend tickels her nipples with his mustache. All of theri clothes look ready to slip off; his pants pulled down by the weigh of his wallet chain as well as the general rolling around on the grass. She says something to him and he turns to look at me suddenly. She is laughing, he is not and it is a long time before hsi face takes on any emotion. Finally he smiles and pinches her nipple. He widens his eyes at me as if to say, "You like that, Gringo?" She rolls he head back and grabs his hair passionately as the pinch went through her whole body. He waves me over. "Who me?" I gesture back. Both of them nod and I walk over barefoot and drop down in the grass and spend the rest of the night with them, sucking her tits, eating his ass, fucking without understanding a word of what they said, but understanding everything. HIm fucking me, pushing my cock into the the thick gtrass while I eat her delicious pussy. I'm hoping for a nice, warm summer. | ||
Saturday, March 1, 2008, 5:56:01 PM- Crossing | ||||||
I get praised for my photo collection. A lot of guys and gals seem to like my brand of macho, working class real men. But there are some who regularly tell me to take my fag pictures to NewBoyNudes, that I don't belong here. And that's kind of hurty. (sad face). I had a look at NBN. It's nice, but it's not as dynamic as this website. And, well, I'm kind of scared of trannys. I don't know what it is, but a man in panites and a bra just looks like a train wreak to me. Can't relate sexaually to CD types. Not that I hate them or anything; I have a couple cross dressing friends. A college buddy of mine, big Italian guy, showed up at my door one night wearing a pair of dark green lace panties under his sweat suit and I didn't turn him away. I didn't point roughly inot the night from the door and say, "I cast you out, panti-wearer!" No I took him inside, cut them off him (way too tight, surprised he could still have kids after wearing those) and fucked him well past breakfast time. We went out for pancakes and then back home for more sex before early registration. But in general, I don't really get the cross-dressing thing. I guess everyone has their thing. I like women with out shoes wearing sundresses. I like dirty men wearing wife beaters. Now if some big, bearded, burly trucker got me into a motel room and then proceeded to put on his favorite Lane Bryant sundress I might be able to work around it. And a woman in cover-alls is always hot...but if he had on a bra or garters...hmmm, maybe I just haven't met the right cross dresser, eh? Anyhow, generally, the folks here seem more interesting. So, I'm staying. | ||||||
Tuesday, February 12, 2008, 3:22:48 AM- Answer to a question about men | ||||||
Hi, Thanks for your interesting question. I am sorry to tell you that I don't hve a definitive answer for you. I'm a bit facinated at the behavior of 'straight' men myself. They seem all too willing to strip off their clothes and touch each other intimately under the right circumstances. Drinking seems to help and team sports seems capable of swinging open the door to nude and semi-nude hugging. But exactly what it's about I don't know. I do know that I find it delightful. And that I have benefitted from such bonding moments. Although I look like a rough guy, I am still quite homosexual...though maybe not a normal homosexual, whatever that is. I'm abnormal as I feel more attracted to straight men and even women sometimes if a man is in the picture. LOL I guess maybe you would say that I am a homosexual who is attracted to heterosexuality. For example, off the top of my head, I would say that I would rather spend an evening at a pub with my arm slung over the shoulder of my best mate rather than shagging the hottest guy in a gay bar. That sounds quite stupid, even to me, but that doesn't alter the truth of the statement. And if you think about it, it gets less stupid. I mean, how hard is it for a gay to find another gay to stick his dick into. Okay, it's not like odering a pizza, but you can get it done, right? Okay. Compare that to the difficulty in finding a 'straight man' who is willing to make physical contact with you in an almost loving, tender...and yes, drunken boisterous manner? There just aren't any places to hook up that way. there aren't personal ads like that. "Straight man seeks nude frollic with other straight men at the pub." Just isn't like that. (Hmm, you inspired me to write more than I intended. Thanks much. I hope you won't mind if I copy this into my blog rather than try to recreate it. Oh, and I added some pictures with you in mind.) | ||||||
Friday, January 18, 2008, 1:02:58 AM- Brain On! | ||||||
Y'know, I just realized that I can alter my pictures a bit to protect the innocent (innocent. Ha!) and still get the old naughty bits out on the internet for all to see and jeer at. I rather like the picture of my cock I put up. Shiney. It was a hot night. I will see how I feel before putting up more. Butthis is already more than I imagined I would post. I'm being corrupted...and I like it. I like it! Won't be long I expect before I'm posting pictures of myself being fisted by a nun while holding up my drivers license and library card. Blowing a midget. On horseback. Jumping through a flaming hoop. Baby steps. | ||||||
Monday, January 14, 2008, 5:09:30 AM- That sweet tang | ||||||
Thanks for the input, my dear friends. I've decided to treat this like a church. While I am enjoying the services and the community, I am not ready to take the communion of showing my cock and balls yet. I'll get there. I was talking to my roommate tonight about the people I see here on the net who are capable of being their fully realized selves and gettign the love and sex they really want. I want to be that brave someday. I want the sweet tang of pussy on my lips. How do you get to Carnige Hall? Practice. I wonder if I am kidding myself. Maybe I don't want tohave het sex, or maybe I want it inthe same way a lot of these men here want to have gay sex, imagination only. When I see pictures of people actually having MMF experiances, I am just amazed and facinated. Must be old hat, to some here. Maybe they have a weekly MMF session followed by a vigarous gangbang and a relaxing soak in the hot tub before the DP. God bless you and more power to you. I envy you. Me, I still might want to be president someday. Okay, that and I have a few shame issues to work out. Mind if I examine them here? I am enjoying the feedback...well, the ones that don't end in profanity or anotomically impossible suggestions. I am ashamed of wanting to have my best friend fuck a woman and then eat the cum out of her pussy. I am ashamed of wanting to titty fuck a woman and cum on her face. I'm ashamed of wanting to get fucked, of wanting to double fuck, of wanting to gangbang,of wanting to watch and jerk off, of wanting to hang out naked with people I've just seen fucking. But I'll get over it. I bet most of you did before you discovered the inner vixen, satyr or whatever you are when you get naked in good company. Ah, discovery. | ||||||
Friday, January 11, 2008, 2:22:56 AM- Who's sex is this!? | ||||||
I was feeling kind of bad yesterday for a thousand reasons. One of them being this website. I feel bad because some people have been writing very harsh things about me in the comment sections of some of the photos I posted. Admittedly, I am breaking the rules a bit: posting pictures that I did not appear in or those I have in my own collection of mirth and nakedness garnered from the internet. But I am too shy to post high definition pictures of my big ass, so I thought I would share some of what I like. I have seen other people do it. In fact I have very much enjoyed looking at people's collections here. I probably deserve to be admonished, but the tone of some of my detractors is just kind of...I dunno, vicious. Like out of proportion to the 'crime'. I guess I was just in a soft spot at the time. Feeling kind of down. So, despite several nice folks writing to me and even having a real conversation with me about sex and life and love, when I read the comments that essentially said, "Ah ha! You stole this picture and we fucking hate you for it, asshole!" I was a little shocked. I guess I shouldn't be. This is the internet after all, not a place well known for its civility. I can understand why people would be sensitive to these issues. I have read blogs detailing dramas that resulted from people stealling pictures and posting them as their own or for some other neffarious intent. I was just kind of hoping to meet people who liked the same things I did, or enough of them so's we cold talk, become friendly and maybe do some of them if the stars line up properly. I dunno. Struck me as a bit odd. The tone I mean. I'm not exactly sure how to proceed. I could just ignore it. There is plenty to ignore in this life, eh? But this is a communty. I have started to make a lot of friends here, and I am usually not so sensitive, but...well...I thought I should say something. Tadaa! | ||||||
Sunday, January 6, 2008, 10:20:40 PM- Freaky | ||||||
And so I have been uploading pictures, checking the comments. It's kind of fun to see what people have to say about some of my favorite pictures. Some are more thoughtful than others. Some are really sweet; others clearly have a bone to pick with the world. I can relate. Sometimes you just want to hold the world down and tickle it until it explains what the hell is going on. Well, I was going to say waterboard, but I am much more of a tickler. Gods there are some pretty women on this site. I am a bit shocked at the beauty and loveliness here. I think Ihave a bit too much of that puritan aspect indoctrinated into me at school. I think women should be wives and mothers, but i am learning that there are women out there who like to fuck and who fuck hard and it's amazing. I was looking at some gang bang pictures earlier adn the woman was commenting on how much she loved getting fucked and I was really into her. I loved her honesty and passion. And her ass, but it was the honesty and passion that really attracted me. See, I was taught that women didn't really want to have sex, that it was something they did pretty much only when they really had to. of course there was porn putting out another message, that all women are whores, which was equally useless to me. But here, talking to actual women who like to fuck and have embraced their own sexuality...I'm loving it. So I am adjusting my brainto include more than wives and mothers; I'm adding lovers and freaks, freaks being a term of affection. I am certainly one. Hi freaks. It's nice to be home. | ||||||
Wednesday, January 2, 2008, 2:47:25 AM- Happy New Year! | ||||||
It's a new year. I am most excited to see what is coming. Iam curious about this page and I'm going to try to make friends and learn as much as I can. I have much to learn if the many profiles and pictures I have looked at here are any indication. Just a bit about me: I am very bi curious, but in reverse, I have been with guys, but now I am leaning towards girls, women, BBW, goth chicks and all the other combinations. In theory. More on that later. I'll be sharing pictures from my collection to start conversations and hopefully meet a few like-minded folks. It's hard to talk about what I think is hot and sometimes it's just easier to show it, eh? This is certainly a place to show it. | ||||||
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