Gift PremiumWelcome! Thanks for stopping by, we are the BatCouple, a happy married couple that has a lot of the same likes and dislikes in life. We occasionally visit clubs, but don’t really enjoy the bar scene. We would rather enjoy the company of other couples and spend the evening just relaxing. We are open about who we are, so feel free to ask us anything. We don't mind requests for certain things here on NN. We both love NN's and both of us are here often, usually together. We love to comment and vote on photos of other sexy couples and NN friends. We look forward to meeting some new friends. We are comfortable with the way we look enjoy showing it off. We love to travel and have visited a great deal of the US, we started traveling overseas this year. We look forward to seeing more of you soon. Stay sexy!!
- 46 years old
- Couple
- Joined 6 years ago