i have never seen this many ppl so oblivious to the obvious. GW is no good for the country. the war in iraq is for oil no matter what you say, it is!! the first place the troops went was to secure the oil field. orders from cheney of course. the economy is the worst it has been in 75 years. we are trillions in debt.(i saw that coming)it took bush 4 years to destroy what clinton did in eight which was get us out of debt and keep us safe. anyway some of this stuff is told here
http://www.misleader.org/ . i know that this is a liberal site and is one sided but it is informative and something you should know about before you go vote. ill leave you with this. If Americans took vacations like GW bush does noone would ever get anything done.another good place for facts about bush go to
www.howardstern.com .