Ok,by my intro photo you can grasp that I'm into crossdressing. I have been sence my very early teens. A good part of my hetrosexuality prior to my mid 20s involved female discovery of and awareness of and propogation of my visually assuming the female role. Having a female enthusiasticlly aware of my fetish became mandatory in order to climax. Cyndi was 17 when we met. She was also extreemly hedonistic when it came to sex. We had a sensous,depraved and stormy 6 years of marriage and split up. Thanks to Cyndis vindictivness,every realtionship afterword learned of my depraved fetish for assuming the naughty slut role and dressing like a slut..Little did she know then, but she paved the road with roses in that I never had to break the ice. Most of the girls would ask me about my 'other side' on the first or second date! Well, after (by her account)87 other males and countless females and a few unmentionable trysts and encounters and one nighters, we wound up getting back in touch with each other and discoverd we missed the openness each gave the other. So; here we are back togeather. |