Well, we had kind of danced around the subject for a while. And then a couple of weeks ago we finally did it - went to our first adult erotic party. A bit nervous. Not sure what to expect. We spent quite a bit of the evening observing the people around us. But it seemed like a kind of subdued event, with nothing terribly raunchy going on. Shortly after midnight, however, it started to get a little bit steamier.
We wanted to soak up the sexually charged atmosphere, but still kind of keep to ourselves for the time being. Just taking things slowly. So Merlot and I found a medium-sized room that was empty and started to get intimate. Complete strangers poked their heads into the room, but Merlot barely seemed to notice as she shed her lingerie.

A rather attractive couple came into the room shortly after us, and got down to action pretty quickly. We had talked to them earlier: a nice, very respectable married couple, who had driven at least 2 hours to attend the party. Then another, somewhat younger, couple followed - a beautiful slender girl in a red mini-dress and black-rimmed glasses, and her dark, handsome partner. As I caressed Merlot's naked body I watched the red mini-dress being cast aside. A few minutes later I was licking Merlot as she writhed and moaned gently on a chaise longue. Next to us, a red-minidress lay on the floor and a girl wearing nothing more than black-rimmed spectacles, began to scream as she climaxed. Merlot was not far behind her!
We are going to our second party in a few weeks' time . . .