cutting to the good stuff.
He walked in with the lights off im waiting in an a shirt and boxers, he comes toward the couch stands in front of me pauses, walks a few steps away comes back and pauses again then unbuttoms his shorts, there's a pauses( oh did I mentioned i'm froozen nervous) I give in and move off the couch and drop to my knees pull down his shorts and underwear , look at his soft cock then put it in my mouth without hesistating anymore and go right to sucking it, slide my mouth over it. His cock slowly begins to get bigger( I loved the feeling of him growing in my mouth) I continue sliding my mouth over it eventually I realize it's too long to fit in my mouth and b4 I know it almost to thick. I can just barely put my lips right to the base without gagging. I rather enjoyed it, his cock was smooth and felt soft to the touch. Eventually it was fully erected and sticking up, I continued sucking, trying to suck as best I could while still breathing lol.
No ideal how long I was sucking him once he got fully erected if felt like forever lol, I enjoyed it but was wishing he would hurry up and put it in me. But continued sucking silent could hear his breathing heavy by now, and finally he pulled out of my mouth and I thought here we go yay!! (still super nervous as hell) I quickly turned around pulled off my boxers and a shirt, noticed him behind me getting naked also. he reached for the lube and next thing I know his dick is in me.
It felt great, not as big long or thick as a dildo I have but the real thing felt much better. He wasted no time pumping me, Holding my hips and going right at it, I was loving it but stil no nerve to move. It got so good that I joined his trusts by pushing my ass into him, his breathing turned me on . I couldve enjoyed it for hours, but eventually I knew he was getting close and then he starts giving his final cumming trusts. I relaxed and thought WOW, bby the time I look he's alreeady gone. An hour well spent
No I feel great inside can't describe it, wish I had him in me again.