Mainly looking for some visual stimulation, and a little chat. To see, and to be seen. To gaze upon, what, I find beauty in, and to share, what others may find the same in. I was quite happy to have happened upon so many like-minded people. It just seems to make this mean ol' world seem a little smaller. I have a great deal of a nonsexual attraction to nudity, and a lot of appreciation and respect for the women who are willing to share. There is just nothing like the sight of a female who has the guts to bare it all, in a way that expresses, and shows respect for herself, rather than, trying to appeal to the masses.

  • This member has been with us 5 years or more! (Joined 5.7 years ago)Identity Verified
  • 44 years old
  • Male
  • Joined 5 years ago

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