
GB age 38
Joined 19 years ago
Last login 19 years ago
Well, I'm 19, I like all the usual things, from going to the gym to reading books. I have a much older attitude towards life than most my age, but I still like to do all the crazy things you'd expect. I'm looking for a woman of any age, to just have some fun with, weather that be laughing at a joke, or more. If you would like to talk to me more then mail me, I love to hear from you all.
My NN Status:
I am:Male
Sexual Preference:Girls
Am Seeking:A girl
Marital Status:Single
Member Since:11-May-05
Last Logged In:30-Jun-05
Location:Peterborough, United Kingdom
About Gavin%5F86
Star Sign:
Is Following:YoungKitty69
Is Looking For:Anything!, Cyber Sex w-out/cam, Casual Chat Room Talk,...
Other:Cybersex W/cam, exchanging erotic stories, gym, reading, almost anything/everything!
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Self Description
Profile last updated: 30-May-05