Gift PremiumRebuilding this profile again after many years... Profile was even deleted, but here it is anyway. No longer in Amsterdam, it is Lisbon now and changed to a couple. For the moment no pictures of her pussy, but hopefully that will come soon. She is not the one I live with, but just my fuck buddy with whom I absolutely love going to a local sauna here in Lisbon (Sky for those who know it). We love fucking around there. In the sauna, under the shower, in the maze, in the cinema... everywhere. And we both love to be watched. Right now we just enjoy going there every other week or so. Always during the week, around lunchtime. There is never a shortage of men (and she also loves taking a few other dicks whenever possible) and we do come across other couples as well. What we haven't found yet though, is couples who love the exhibitionism like we do. To fuck in the open and to have no problem with all men jerking off right next to it. If you are a couple in Lisbon, or visiting Lisbon and if you would love to fuck next to us, then get in touch. We invite all couples to join us! And for men... well... just go there everyday at lunch time and at some point you will get lucky!
- 48 years old
- Couple
- Joined 18 years ago
Herky_130's Blog
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Saturday, April 26, 2008, 9:14:42 PM- A new experience! | ||
Just let me tell you all about this new experience I had this evening. Earlier I got a friend request from wetpantyliner and as a thank you I took a cum on picture for this wonderfull lady. To that picture, 'flouder' asked me to take one as well. We sent some messages and ended up on an IM chat. She didn't have a webcam (unfortunately), but since I do, I treated her on a nice webcam show. It was the first time for me showing of my cock on the webcam, but if felt really nice. Especially getting nice comments instantly from someone far away really makes it hot. I didn't cum yet, because I will first do that on a picture. She promised to take me a nice picture for a reward from me. Maybe, maybe after that I will give her a bigger treat on the webcam ![]() So a nice evening, a new experience. If anyone else wishes to do a session like that with me, just send me a pm. I really enjoyed it and would love doing it more often! Sweet dreams everyone and who knows, see you soon! | ||
Saturday, November 3, 2007, 10:11:45 AM- Cum on pictures | ||
Yesterday I decided to take another "cum on" picture for the lovely Daisy (from Holland). She sent me such a nice reply to a PM that I had to give her something back. Well, since then, I got some more requests for these kind of pictures. And of course, if nicely asked, I am all happy to take some. If more people are interested, please pm me or give a nice comment to a picture or blog and I will. Especially, if you tell me on which specific picture you would like it. You can also read in my profile what I like. One more idea is to have a picture of you on all fours on the bed, taken from the front. I get all horny of those kind of pictures, as I can imagine myself getting up behind you, giving you a good banging and massaging your breasts at the same time. Oh, I really love that. So, you want a "Cum on" picture from me? Just let me know and I will give you what you want! | ||
Friday, July 27, 2007, 6:47:38 PM- Shower pics! | ||
It took a loooooong time again, but I got some ideas again. Not too long ago I got a real nice message from a girl in Amsterdam. She liked my pictures and well, I liked hers too! She had some real nice pictures getting wet under the shower.... hmm, love girls under the shower. So, I thought why not give her the same. This morning I got up with a big morning erection and decided to take the shower AND the pictures. But now that I wanted to post them, the girl who sent me the nice message has disappeared from NN ![]() Hopefully she comes back soon, because I would love her to see mine. And in the meantime, I hope you like it.... If only someone would like to be with me under the shower.... | ||
Thursday, February 1, 2007, 10:10:01 PM- Just a short message after a long time out | ||
Although I haven't been away from this wonderful site (I see more nice people EVERY day here), I haven't exactly posted a lot. No pictures and no more blog updates. If it comes to the pictures, well that is just because of lack of inspiration. If it comes to the blog, hmm, maybe the same. But at least I hadn't thought of it for a while. But was is interesting, I did get two nice messages in the past week. Too bad it wasn't from nice women, but I like it nonetheless. Two guys from Amsterdam who apparantly liked my pictures, so thanks a lot guys! I really do appreciate it and I have replied to you both already. On the other hand I also got in touch with a very nice woman here. This time it was me who sent the first message, but she replied very fast. Many, many messages I have sent here already (most just to compliment on pictures), but not many have been answered. But this very nice looking woman did. So thanks for that too! Nice to know there are still so many nice people here, that's also why I like this place and I am sure I will keep coming back. And if you have something to say, ask or whatever, just let me know. I always like nice comments (just like anyone else), so just do it! I will always reply! Love, Herky | ||
Sunday, December 10, 2006, 10:16:59 AM- Black women | ||||||
Yesterday I posted a question in the forum concerning black women. You know, I love black women. I love the dark skin and those black pussies with pink glow when they are open. I love to see those black booties and black tits bouncing. I just love all of them. But, where are they? There are so little pictures of black women on the website, it makes me sad! After posting the question I got one remark which made me even more sad. According to one guy, black people rather not show themselves here, because they get a lot of bad comments of racists. I was unaware of that and actually a bit shocked when I read it. But even more so, when this morning I found some very hot pictures of a black couple and yes, there was a remark that I will not repeat here. And if that happens to everyone posting black pictures, I can imagine most people would rather not post. Actually, I find that disgusting and all those racists should be deleted right away! On the happier side of things, I found some very lovely black women in the meantime. And even one living in the Netherlands and she is so beautiful!!!!! What a great discovery to start your day with! And for all of you I haven't found yet, please give me a comment, pm or whatever if you are a beautiful black woman and you wish to share some pictures. I love you even though I do not know you yet ![]() Bye bye, kisses to all of you! | ||||||
Wednesday, November 8, 2006, 8:50:29 PM- Nice comments | ||
Just got one more picture uploaded and immidiately I got one nice comment from fellow NN'er 'Smokingun13'. As I think everyone else, I love getting nice comments, especially if it is from the other side of the world. And I case that is what makes me enjoy this website. No matter what you look like, there is always someone who will like you. Just take a look at any picture and there are always nice comments posted. In other words, everyone is beautiful in the eyes of at least someone! Ans I try to do so as well. I watch the new pictures whenever I am behind the pc and everyday I give at least one comment and always positive. Pictures I don't like I skip, pictures I do like, I comment on. So, if you see a nice picture, say a nice thing. It will always put a smile on the face of the one you are commenting on. If only everyone would do that daily in real life. On the street, in the train, in a shop, at the airport, at work, wherever. Wouldn't that be nice..... | ||
Sunday, November 5, 2006, 8:42:56 PM- Finally some pictures again | ||
After a long time, I got some more pictures on. Somehow I didn't get too it, but now I got to fellow NN'ers who asked me for cum on pics. Inge69, a lovely woman from my homecountry and a most sexy couple from the UK, Wozza10. They asked for general ideas themselves, which I gave them. In response they asked for a cum on pic, so this morning I made it. Hopefully I can see theirs soon as well...... Anyone else got a request for me? Cum on pics can be too, although only if you have a very special reason (or offer to me) ![]() | ||
Tuesday, August 15, 2006, 6:20:46 PM- I'm out of the list!!! | ||
Finally, I am out of the list of least read blogs!!!!!! Thank you to everyone who have read it so far. Of course there is still a long way to go (to being the best read), but I am on the way. On the other hand, when I was in that list, at least I was on the start page of blogs, now I must hope you will again find my profile. Anyway, in solution always leads to another problem. So be it, I am happy now, that's what counts ![]() Let's get back to my pictures. Unfortunately, I had no new request, so couldn't take pictures to please other people. This is indeed contrary to what pdart67 thought (yep, there you are again), but it is the truth. No worries however, because I will come up with something new. Like this morning, I woke up with a real nice erection. I guess you guys now it. Some days you wake up with kind of half an erection and other mornings it is really hard. Like it is almost a rock! And of course, you also have those mornings where it doesn't seem to be alive anymore, but that will be another blog. With this erection I felt I could take some nice pictures again. I didn't have any real close ups yet, so this was my chance. I picked my camera up in the living room (with that hard one right in front of the open window) and started taking some pictures in the bedroom. In the past pictures, I always put the camera fixed on something. For close ups, that doesn't really work well. For these pictures I held it in my hand and tried it like that, keeping the camera away from me. It took some time (and many pictures), but in the end it did work. Or at least, I am happy with the few I posted. Especially I like the fact that the subject of the picture is sharp, while the back of the picture is blurry. That really puts forward what is important in the picture, although I think anybody will see that! Drawback of taken so many pictures is that keeping it up (the dick I mean), is a little more difficult. As you can see in the last picture, it ends somewhere..... Another happy thing: I got the first very nice PM from a just as nice girl. Becca gave me some very kind words, which I really appreciate. Like I say in my profile, I love receiving mails and kind words, so thank you Becca! And guys, no offense, I like your mails too, but Becca's PM was just that little more special to me, you understand! For now, happy browsing here and enjoy the pictures. And please, please let me know what you think of my pictures and what you would like me to show tomorrow! Love, Herky | ||
Monday, August 14, 2006, 7:26:16 PM- Something else | ||
Since yesterday I didn't get any new requests in, unfortunately. Therefore, I will not write about that (although I did post three pictures; watch them now, now and now!). Do you have that too, that one of your neighbours always undresses in front of the window? Well I do. My back door neighbour (a real BBW) always goes to bed around 11 o'clock and she takes her clothes off in her bedroom. And because they have a cat (yes, they, she sleeps with the same guy every night), most of the time the curtains are half open, so the cat can have a look outside. And from my kitchen window I have a perfect view on her while she goes to bed. And I think (hope!) that she can't see me watching her if I leave the lights out in the kitchen. Now the funny thing. I was watching some new pictures here and all of sudden I see her on a picture! Really, the same BBW with the same red hear, the same boobs (size, shape and nipples), the same size. It had te be her! So I look at her profile, ...... no, she lives in Maine. That's too far for me to see from my kitchen in Amsterdam. A real shame, because I would have loved to see her here and be able to chat with her maybe. But it wasn't to be. But it made me think of something else. How many of you would like to able to recognize fellow NN posters in the outside world? Like you are waiting at the airport (lots of waiting goes on there these days) in line at the security check point. When it is your turn, you see the guy or girl that is going to check you wearing that "NN verified poster" shield. Of course without the words on, but it sure is the distinctive yellow shield. Or maybe you're in the bus to go to work and the mature lady next to you is wearing it. Or what about a nice girl on the beach with a bikini that has a very discrete shield on her left breast? Wouldn't that be great, to know who out there is posting here too. Of course without people who do not come here knowing about it! If everybody would know it would ruin all the fun of course. Well, that's a thought for tonight. And of course, also the question for tomorrow: How would you like to see me? I still love to take pictures per request, makes me very excited! Herky | ||
Sunday, August 13, 2006, 6:38:55 PM- First request pictures up | ||||||
As I wrote yesterday, I got the first requests in already. Not too many, so I could do them for today's upload. pdart67 asked me for my feet. Somehow he likes that, so I took some pictures of my feet. The one I posted was the best picture, but I am not sure if this is what other people like of course. Hopefully somebody will comment on it, so I know if this picture is good or not. Of course, I can make different ones again. jkf asked me something a little more difficult. He wanted to know if I would dare take pictures outdoor or in public. As I wrote yesterday, dare yes, but possible is another story. But yesterday evening when I went to bed I put my alarm at 5.30 (as I really had to get out at that time). The same time I was closing my curtains. And then came the brainwave, why not take the pictures at first light on my balcony! And so I tried this morning. It got light enough around 6, so I put the camera on the bed on some books, took of my clothes (as I was dressed already) and opened the balcony door. I did dress up in a towel, I didn't want to give eventual onlookers too much. Then, put the camera on the timer, get on the balcony, open the towel: et voila! Of course the pictures aren't exactly outdoors as jkf probably meant, but still I was pretty excited taking them. It felt very good (a bit cold ![]() Oh, and please ask for more, I will need to have more ideas for the next upload (normal nude pictures I can always upload of course). Herky | ||||||
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