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KINKS / FETISHES I am a very playful, mischievous, loyal, caring, lovable kitty. In case you could not figure that out from my pic. I am also a rope bunny and into impact play. I enjoy serving. It comes natural to me, but I am also more. I love to explore new kinks before I decide what is right for me. My submission is a gift that must be earned. I am seriously kinky and horny but not at all promiscuous. I also need to be attracted and turned on and that’s a little hit or miss for me. I need someone to be educated, dominant and aggressive but not creepy. It’s a hard thing to pin down. I like to flirt and be handled. I need some attention. I aim to please. I want to be teased tortured and tongued. I love having my nipples bitten and pinched, pulled and played with in just about every conceivable way. I am a blank canvas waiting to be explored. Come paint a masterpiece. Color my world vivid and bold. Submission depends on the individual’s ability to align his/her will with that of the dominant and use his/her intelligence to fulfill the dominant's wishes gracefully and efficiently. But, let's make it clear. I'm not a toy my feelings are not your playground and my life is not your game. == Results from == 100% Submissive 100% Brat 100% Rope bunny 99% Boy/Girl 92% Ageplayer 80% Primal (Prey) 79% Slave 78% Non-monogamist 76% Masochist 75% Pet 71% Degradee 58% Experimentalist 49% Vanilla 41% Exhibitionist 23% Voyeur 0% Switch SEEKING / LOOKING FOR Those who claim to care will tell you what you want to hear Those who genuinely care will tell you what you need to hear I'm the kind of girl who is always there for you when you need a friend. I'm also the girl that faces many issues alone, but I will still do anything to see you smile. I am peculiar that way. I like to be dominated and an object of pleasure. I am shy a little particular with whom I sleep with and I need to be seduced a little. I also like it when I am handled, when a person acts like it is perfectly normal to touch me in public. Not in a creepy way it is just something that when it is done right really turns me on. I would probably need to get to know some one a little more before I would sleep with them but it is a good start. I want to be lightly dominated by a slightly aggressive person. That's not all I like. I play with men and women. You can tell me I have a pretty cover but I only date a person who reads. I don’t want someone to save me. Not really. I want someone who will plant a kiss on my scars and cover my bruised body with there own. And hold me at 2am when my world has fallen apart and I’ve cried my self into a coma. What I really want is someone to support me while I save my self. If I’m amazing. I won’t be easy. If I’m easy. I won’t be amazing. If I’m worth it you wont give up. If you give up you’re not worthy. If I matter to you. you will find the time to contact me and chat with me. You can judge how much you mean to someone by there actions. You can say your sorry a million times, say I love you as much as you want, say whatever you want whenever you want. But if you're not going to prove that the things you say are true, then don't say anything at all. Because if you can't show it, your words don't mean a thing. Please don't lie in order to satisfy me for a moment because the pain that you cause can last a lifetime. Sex between two people is such a beautiful and magical thing. You give your bodies and your souls. Feeling the passion losing all control. Magic is made when the souls connect. When you feel that undying love within. Then the sexual magic begins. Bodies colliding making you sweat. Feeling euphoric off of each other's breath. Connection of the mind, body, and soul implode. Making your bodies want to explode. This is the magic of sexual connection. Two souls uniting creating perfection. You must also understand that sex isn't everything when it comes to satisfying me. You must comfort me, appreciate me, respect me, protect me, listen to me, understand me, love me, and take care of me emotionally. That is apart of pleasing me. Stop using your hands so much with me and start using your mind, genuine words, and honest, caring actions. Connect with me mentally, spiritually; seduce me there first and foremost. Hands alone will never reach me on a deeper soul level, so unless you are able to touch me in places your body cannot, you are only setting yourself up for disappointment. Once I feel that deeper connection, I will crave every part of you; mind, body, and soul, and I will never get enough of your physical touch. I want to know who you are. I want to know what makes you you and I want to be free to share the 'not so pretty' parts of me with you. Not everyone understands me and that is ok. I am looking for that one soul that does and can handle me. I often lie on broken wings. Dreaming of the day someone will care enough to find me and take me home. LIMITS / LIMITATIONS I am open to what ever you would want to do. Not in to anything with Blood, Young or anything Illegal. Anything else I am game. Light pain is ok spanking and wax play ok anything else don’t know. I don’t like my body scared up if I wanted that I could do that my self. I already don’t like my body the way it is. So I don’t want to like it less with scars all over it. PERSONAL INFO / ABOUT ME I really hate trying to write a summary of who I am. I’m so confusing and complicated. Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around. The best part about me is that I don't pretend to be something or someone I am not. What you see is what you get. Like me or not the choice is yours. I am a very sensitive girl. I am most genuine and honest person you will probably ever meet. There is nothing I wont tell you about myself if I trust your kindness. However, the moment you betray me, reject me or devalue me, I will end the friendship. I live with guilt and constant pain over unresolved situations and misunderstandings. I have a tortured souls that is not able to live with hatred or being hated. I need all the love anyone can give me because my soul has been constantly bruised by others. However, despite the tragedy of what I go through in life, I remain the most compassionate person worth knowing (I think anyway) and I am that girl that often become activists for the broken-hearted, forgotten and the misunderstood. I am a angel with broken wings that can only fly when loved. Who I am? First off I am 5'10, hazel eyes, brown and blond hair. I have curves in all the right places. I breath. I feel. I see. I’m seen, trying to grasp what it may mean, to be, to breathe, to live, to feel. To find myself, becoming real. What is this world I’ve awoken to, Is it just me, or are there others too? I no longer choose to live a lie, for I ask the question who am I? I'm a puzzle with so many shapes and colors. Some with sharp edges and dark, while others are smooth, well-rounded, and cheerful. You will most often find me exploring the shades in between. I'm not afraid of the shadows. I love the dark and would love to find my moon that will light up the dark for me. The pieces will come together in time, but until then, I'm perfectly content with the chaos that makes up me. I refuse to limit myself with one label, as I am many things to different people. I am damaged. I have been hurt. I am guarded. I am healing. I'm a girl, a mother, lover, little, friend, ...I am diverse, so I embrace diversity. Yes I am a mother I have a autistic son who takes a lot of energy and a lot of my time. I have discovered things I am curious about and things I never thought I would like. I suppose curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back and I’m always looking for something to get into. Don't bore me with "normal " as that would be against who I am. Intelligence gets me wet, while stupidity is a huge buzz kill. I am forever evolving, so on this journey, I want to learn more about myself and what it is to be me. I spend a lot of time listening to music, reading, and/or watching movies. Music wanders through me. Weaving a mosaic web. Holding my badly broken mind, heart, and soul. Attempting to keep piece of my very being from being forever lost. I am a gamer. Yep, I'm that girl I'm a shy introvert. I love to people watch and observe more then what people think. I like to cook/bake some times and I love to eat (even though my body dont like food). I really like to sing even though not good at it. I love cuddling. Sometimes I find comfort in just curling up and watching a good movie or reading a book by myself. I pretty much watch all genres of movies and listen to all genres of music. My taste is very eclectic. I love learning new things. I like to play and have fun especially if the end result is (playful) punishment ;). I love all things mystical. I love faeries, vampires, witches, and werewolves. I love the power of the wolf. I love the sound of rain on a tin roof and the smell of rain after a storm. My Favorite colors are pink and purple, but don't dislike any color. I love being held and cuddled. I love being spanked and being loved. I am very much a girly girl. I dance to the songs in my head. Speak with the rhythm of my heart and love from the depth of my soul. I'm only me. That is all I can be. No more, no less, don't second guess I love, I live, I laugh, I cry I've wished sometimes that I could die. Some days I'm funny, others I'm not, sometimes I'm in overdrive and I cant stop. You may not like me, but that's okay because this is me and how I'll stay. I am full of sparkle and compassion. I genuinely want to make the world a better place. I love hard. I practice kindness. I’m not afraid of the truth. I am loyal, adventurous, supportive, and surprising. I am a woman. I am enough. I make mistakes, but I own them and learn from them. Sometimes I make a lot of mistakes. I am not a hot girl. I will probably never turn U on or take your breath away, or impress your friends with the way I look. I can make you laugh and make you feel wanted. I love to be spoiled not by what you think. I want your time and attention. I really wish that be enough for someone. OTHER INFO You know even sad birds sing. I wear a smile that is not me. Inside I want to scream and not be seen. I message because I care. What I want to say is I am sorry for being such a bother. That is how i feel anymore is a bother to everyone. Everyone wants to talk when it is about them but when i need them they are no longer there. How I act and how I feel are totally different do you see that? I don’t want to move another inch. I don’t have the strength within me to lift my foot and walk another step. I am exhausted physically and emotionally I am drained. Yet so much is still expected of me. I don’t have a terminal disease, but I’ve been diagnosed with a complicated illness that may only get worse, and there’s no cure. I’m not lazy or faking it for attention. I’m faking being sick? You must be confused, because what I’m actually doing is Faking ‘being well’ I don’t always talk about all my symptoms, I don’t always admit when I’m not feeling well and I often put on a happy face because it’s just easier that way. Any idiot can fake being sick it takes real talent to fake being just fine when you feel like Hell. Every day is a fight, every morning is a battle to get ready for the day. Every afternoon is a fight to stay awake. Every night is a fight to find sleep. And between every fight, is another one. Fighting pain, constant pain, all day, all night, every single day. I never know when I’ll have a “good” day, and at any moment my symptoms can Flare, (Flare when basically every symptom from a illness occurs, can be gradual or sudden. You cant always tell when it’s coming, but once it does, it hits you like a ton of bricks. Some are small, and they last a few days, some are big, leaving us bedridden or hospital bound. Some can last for months, even up to a year. There’s no telling when they will end, or the extent of damage they can bring) or side effects from my meds can kick in. That makes it hard for me to plan things, and even harder to be the “life of the party” that I want to be. If I can’t plan something, or I have to cancel plans with you, don’t take it personally. I’m not shady, I’m sick. Some days I can barely make it out of bed, but I push myself out of pure guilt. I miss the “old me” and do my best to be her again. I continue to smile through my tears and pain. It’s exhausting. And it can be quite lonely too. I’m sorry I get mad. I’m sorry I get sad. I’m sorry I’m not always smiling. I’m sorry I over think everything. I’m sorry I can’t sleep at night. I’m sorry I’m so complicated. I’m sorry I’m a mess. I’m sorry for being clingy. I’m sorry that when I get sad, I get quiet. I’m just sorry for being me. I’m tired of people saying my standards are to high. I just expect others to do for me what I would be willing to do for them. If you think that’s asking for too much. Then you never deserved me anyway. I fear I have become an addict. To memories, to pain, to the days that never will be, and those that should not have been. Even my dreams have scars.I am so used to chaos that I don't think I could function in peace. In the chaos theory, the butterfly effect is a sensitive dependency on conditions in which even the slightest, seemingly non-related event can have a huge difference on the outcome of another. I am not simple. loving me will never be easy. I bring every that has made me to the table. I won't pretend to be something I am not and I don't expect to be blemish free. That is too boring of a existence. A past means you have lived and how you prevailed. My eyes are open and my heart is accepting. Something you should know if you get this far in my profile. Yes I am submissive and i like to please the person i am with and do what they want. DON'T take my submission as me being week or easy. My submission is a gift that i am willing to give a person if they can prove that they are worthy, willing to make me feel safe, wanted, and loved. If you cant treat me like a person and some one you want to be with. Then you will find that I can’t make you happy. To let you know yes I am a southern bell and I am all demure and all in public but in the house I am fiery and very opinionated. I am a free spirit. A free spirit is someone who believes in who they are and who does not need the approval of anyone. If I am silent, It’s because there is thunder inside me. Or, I’m just chilling. May the odds be ever in your favor. I am looking for friend as long as you want to get to know me and actually be my friend. If you wish to be my friend feel free to contact me. If you just want to play and are not serious please move along not into DRAMA. When I was little, I thought love was about roses and expensive dinners. Truth is, love is giving half your fries when the other person said that they where not hungry. It's waking up at 4am to someone snoring and refraining from shoving them off the bed. It's trying to make each other laugh and trying to embarrass one another in public. It's going on a adventure, and making fun of each other. It's stupid fights, and memorable make ups. love isn't pretty and romantic. love is just stumbling through life with your best friend. love is all the little things and experiences that makes it all up. If all of this did not scare you off please message me.

  • This member has been with us 5 years or more! (Joined 7.5 years ago)
  • 46 years old
  • Transgender
  • Joined 7 years ago
  • Active 5 years ago

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