Gift PremiumI am young, vibrant, and positive I'm Verified!!!
- 41 years old
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- Joined 17 years ago
Jeorge1's Blog
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Tuesday, February 3, 2009, 8:54:58 PM- Questions... | ||
I just thought this may be fun to fill out... 1. Is there anyone on your friends list you would ever consider having sex with? - well it depends if they buy my dinner first ![]() 2. Have you ever fantasised about someone on your friends list? - possibly 3. Have you ever seen anyone on your friends list on webcam? - no, not at this time 4. Have you ever spoken on the phone with someone on your friends list? - nope 5. Have you ever met in person someone on your friend's list? - judging from the two previous answers, no 6. Have you ever accidentally prv' someone in chat by accident? - lol, yes but it can be a good way to meet someone new 7. Have you ever been in a hot and steamy prv with someone in chat and had the other person suddenly go, leaving your last ruanchy statement posted publicly in the room? - fortunately not 8. Have you even been carrying on two different naughty chats while in the NN chatroom? - no yet 9. Have you ever been in NN chat while talking to someone physically in the same room as you are in while on the computer? - haha no, it never seems to work out too well 10. Do you want someone aggressive or passive in bed? - not necessarily aggressive but knows how to read and respond to my body, chemistry is important 11. Do you love someone on your friends list? - no, my lover does not do the NN thing (yet...?) 12. Do you know all the people on your friends list? - no, but am usually up to conversate 13. Love or money? - definitely love, the material things always fade 14. Credit cards or cash? - Credit card, but I don't spend it if I don't have it 15. Has there ever been anyone in your family you wish wasn't? - No, I've come to appreciate the good, the bad, and the ugly(lol j/k) 16. Would you rather go camping or to a 5 star hotel? - It truly just depends on the time and location. I could honestly go either way 17. What is the weirdest place you have had sex? - weird good- outside on campus, don't worry it was at night and there were a couple of bushes and we didn't get caught - weird bad - on the in-laws couch 18. Would you shave your entire body (including your head) for money? -Yes, I don't have very much hair to begin with 19. Have you ever been to a strip club? - Yes, Wait as a customer or entertainer....? 20. Ever been to a bar? - Plenty, with many good memories to accompany 21. Ever been kicked out of a bar or a club? - Unfortunately once, some idiot decided to yell racial slurs towards me and then began pushing me... was after I met a hot redhead that night.... so unfortunate 22. Kissed someone of the same sex? - No, well accidentally touched lips once with one of my friends, my woman got pissed and we're not allowed to talk anyone lol j/k 23. Favorite alcoholic drink? - some fruity and sweet or maybe a whiskey sour, I don't care as long as it taste good 24. Had sex in a movie theater? - Well, I've received oral and a hand job if that counts. Don't remember large chunks of the movie but enjoyed it none the less 25. Had sex in a bathroom? - Possibly a time or two ![]() 26. Have you ever had sex at work? - No, I have yet to experience that one 27. Have you ever been in an "adult" store? - Yes... 28. Bought something from an adult store? - recently actually 29. Have you been caught having sex? - Yes! I don't mind showing off my skills 30. Does anyone have naughty pics of u? - nope, that's just risky business, excluding the site of course 31. Have you ever had sex with someone and called them the wrong name? - No, I'm to on point to commit such an atrocity 32. Who do you think has the guts to repost this? - hopefully all who take the time to read it. and if you do let me know I'd like to see what you have to offer! | ||
Thursday, January 1, 2009, 7:14:45 AM- Happy New Year! | ||
Happy New Year to everyone out there, I hope everyone has fun and stays safe. God bless! ![]() | ||
Saturday, December 27, 2008, 3:10:29 AM- Rambling..... | ||
So I have a new theory, I have heard that scientist believe human beings only utilize about 10% of their brain.Well if this is so then majority of people are able to function quite well using such a small percentage. Naturally I assume that we use about 10% of each portion of our brain, i.e. ten percent of the portion which controls coordination, ten percent of the portion which controls our reasoning, ten percent of our mechanical functionality, etc. So is it that if one were to have superior talents in a given area they are able to use greater than 10% of their metal capacity in that given area. This could explain why someone can be extremely talented physically or intellectually, however seem to be only be "average" or lacking in other aspects of life. So if you are somehow able to tap into or figure out how to increase the percentage to brain power we use, then the sky is the limit. But I don't know, I think I'm done rambling for now.... | ||
Thursday, December 25, 2008, 5:07:00 AM- Words of Wisdom | ||
I find that at times I come up with simple statements which I feel can hold a lot of weight. I feel these statements are not complex or complicated but if closely examined and applied to one's life, this statement will help improve personal relationships with everyone and ultimately improve one's quality of life. It is completely understandable that some people may not agree with my "Words of Wisdom" however I believe through further discussion the true intent of each, will become more transparent. So here is my first, I would say take it as you please, however I feel that it is imperative that you understand the essence of the statement before "taking it as you please" You do not have to like someone in order to get along with them | ||
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