
US age 60
Joined 3 years ago
Last login 4 days ago
Hey, is anybody local to the Boston area? Let's meet and take pictures of each other for our profiles! Anybody. ~ I just now checked I'm up for anything. Well, almost anything. We can discuss it.
Jim_Kenneth's last Status Update
I've noticed that the profiles on your friends page are a lot bigger now. But on the first page of my friends, one vertical row of profile pictures is bigger than the rest. So weird.
My NN Status:
I am:Male
Sexual Preference:Girls
Am Seeking:A girl
Marital Status:Single
Member Since:26-Apr-21
Last Logged In:3-Sep-24
Location:Boston, Massachusetts, United States
About Jim%5FKenneth
Star Sign:Libra
Is Following:summer4sin, abby32d, sexiheidi,...
Is Looking For:Anything!, A Private Photo Shoot, A New Friend
Interests:Movies / Cinema, Music, Nature, Computers / Internet
Race:Caucasian (White)
Body Type:Slim
Body Shape:Zipper
Height:5' 10" (178cm)
Weight:145lbs (10st 5lbs) (65.8kg)
Eye Colour:Hazel
Hair Colour:Dark Brown
Best Feature:Smile
Pubic Hair:Natural
Penis Length:5.5" (14cm)
Professional Life
Employment Status:Self Employed
Industry:Sales / Marketing
Job Role:Business Owner
Food Pref.:Vegetarian
Religion:Spiritual but not religious
Sense Humour:Friendly
Social Style:Meet people easily
Personality:Home body
Kinkiest Place I've Had Sex:Beach
Movie:Musicals: Godspell, Moulin Rouge, Electric Dreams
Actor/Actress:Too many to choose just one.
Book:Two favorites: 1984 and Christine by Stephen King
Song:One of my current favorites is "Save Your Tears"
Band:Like The Weekend. Old favorites are Bee Gees & ELO
TV Show:Saturday Night Live
Drink:Orange juice, pineapple juice, lemonade
Sex Position:I like them all!
Person I'd like to Fuck:Megan Thee Stallion. Saw her on SNL. Gorgeous!
Self Description
What Makes Me Happy:
Regarding this site, getting views, likes, and comments on my photos, and private messages. Other than that, a nice warm day or a pretty snowy one, friendly people, especially those with whom I can fool around, kindness in general, and making someone laugh.
What Makes Me Sad:
Old nice-looking buildings being torn down, demolition in general, and when recyclable material is thrown away, especially bars with all their beer bottles.
What Makes Me Mad:
Men who are mean to their women. People who mistreat animals.
My Bad Habits:
Watching too much porn on the Internet! Staying on the computer too much in general.
My Final Thoughts:
If I ran NN...

Keep it pretty much just as it is. Maybe make everything free! Lol! Update! I'd also return to pictures automatically posting instead of going through a monitor, or at least I'd offer it with premium service.I'd also not require that every single picture be explicit. I had some in a shower scene where I was only seen from the waist up because I couldn't hold the camera out far enough, and they got taken down 2 months after posting!
Samiam4fun : WOW! Again thank you for all the nice Ratings! Your too kind!
(1 year ago)
wollymr : You are very sexy
(1 year ago)
adanacs : Great pics!!!
(1 year ago)
wendywi : Thanks for all the nice ratings! xoxox
(2 years ago)
casstess : Thanks for all your ratings. Much love and happy wanking!
(2 years ago)
Jim_Kenneth : Thank you, Samiam! It was my pleasure! :)
(3 years ago)
Samiam4fun : You show more than just dick pics! Women like the entire MAN! Thanks for sharing! xoxoxo
(3 years ago)
SusieA_50 : I think followers r added by the time-frame they post. I'm at 1601 total but currently in 3 months it dropped to 14--. Not sure I totally understand but I wish they would rank only premium members then half of them would be gone...
(3 years ago)
SusieA_50 : Don't believe the numbers I was 90 past ur girl and literally got 90 followers taken away. Just saying!!! You tell me?
(3 years ago)
boywantsababy : You should have no trouble getting a giel with photos like that. You should go nude more often!
(3 years ago)
Profile last updated: 28-Jan-24