
Gift Premium

Personally and I’m not conceited or bragging but I feel that I am one of the nicest people on this earth ! I figured out about 20 years ago why I’m on this earth and what am I suppose to be doing ! It took a while but it boiled down to I had to think about what I do everyday ! And the conclusion was all I do is help people and animals ! Especially the weak and unfortunate ones ! The main thing I despise are Bully's who pick on the weak ! I don’t condone some things that happen but there is always an end to the means. And when you bully someone for so long they will xxxxxxxx ! Anyone who witnesses the bullying or abuse and don’t do anything is at fault just as much as the person or persons doing the bullying ! Life is to short and I for the life of me don’t understand why people can’t just get along ! I hate money because to me money is the Root Of All Evil ! I quit playing lotto 10 years ago because I don’t want to win Millions of Dollars ! People think I’m crazy but I know it’ll just bring Havic to my life !

  • This member has been with us 5 years or more! (Joined 5.7 years ago)
  • 67 years old
  • Male
  • Joined 5 years ago
  • Active 3 years ago

MadManJohnny's Blog