Or, Web Logs as there are affectionatly known on the Inter Network.
I maintain 3 web logs, and it's been my vast experance of many years of experance that, no matter how much thought, research and insight you present, no matter how many Flash and Java bells and whistles you place to navigate your content, No matter how fucking brilliant you think this post is going to be,
No matter what, No one really gives a flying fuck about your opinions on whatever.
No one except my mom, who, dosen't frequent this site (i think)
Omg, Imagine coming across your own mothers pervy profile?
I shutter.
Anyway, no one gives a damn about opinions, that's why I give you hott cock and random humorous comment-ninja comments.
And now, Your moment of zen:

This is a little piece I call:
~*The Male Brain in its Natural State*~
look at it. all calm and peaceful, resting there without a worry in the world. Just chillin' out waiting for the call to come out and bring pleasure and joy to a willing kitty.
Klick the link to behold it in all its hi-rez horror!
-Later On People!