- MilfyGirlTx
Gift PremiumSave me from these evil deeds before I get them done :-)
- 54 years old
- Female
- Joined 16 years ago
- Active more than a year ago
MilfyGirlTx's Blog
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Tuesday, September 15, 2009, 1:21:59 AM- | ||||||
So here's a weird place to be...I find myself caught up in a major girl crush. That has never happened to me before. I'm totally wrapped up in thoughts of this girl. Strange. My husband thinks it's cool and I think that's pretty cool...but my god, I can't think straight. "Strange attraction spreads it's wings, it varies but the smallest thing. You never know how anything will change." | ||||||
Saturday, February 28, 2009, 11:38:23 PM- Mea Culpa | ||||||
I can't believe it's been almost six months since I've blogged or done anything here! Thanks to all for the sexy, sweet messages and such...I'll be catching up soon. But I said it up front in my profile...I'm terrible about responding to PMs in a timely manner. Six months is kind of long, though, even for me! I tend to hibernate in the winter. I miss the sun and the boat. So glad that daylight savings time starts next week. It's 40 degrees here today and it sucks! I'm in desperate need of a tan and naked boat time ![]() Today I'm horny ![]() ![]() Well, off to find that sexy, fun couple. Are you in Dallas? Wanna play with us ![]() Kisses, Milfy | ||||||
Wednesday, September 10, 2008, 2:37:01 AM- You decide... | ||||||
Not sure whether to applaud Planned Parenthood for these insightful PSAs or just laugh... [url]http://www.takecaredownthere.org/#/watch/hot-and-heavy/[/url] The song is catchy, too ![]() But does anyone else think the English teacher/sex sage is kinda creepy? | ||||||
Monday, September 8, 2008, 1:06:05 AM- I think... | ||||||
I got too much sun today. Or maybe it was too much alcohol...sometimes it's hard to tell the difference ![]() Enjoy your week... | ||||||
Sunday, September 7, 2008, 3:08:51 PM- Thank goodness for... | ||||||
Studio recordings. If not for them, we wouldn't have a clue wtf Amy Winehouse was saying/singing. No matter what you think of her, you can't deny that this song is funny as hell. Great lyrics..."Why you so upset? Baby you weren't there. And I was thinking of you when I came..." Studio cut... [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fPmi-Iy5YgQ[/url] And a live version... [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HqRF2GYrusg[/url] Happy Sunday... | ||||||
Saturday, September 6, 2008, 3:59:57 PM- I just love it when... | ||||||
The weekend is sprawled out in front of me. Of course, I've spent half the morning reading your hysterical blogs - y'all are so funny. Thanks for sharing. And I wasted the other half surfing youtube. I'm stuck in the 80's right now...what great memories ![]() Let's see if I can do this... [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j1gWCF0MPL4[/url] And here's an acoustic version of the same song...love it... [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WKlVabL24fw[/url] Guess I should get up and go to the lake...what a rough day! Enjoy your weekend, whatever you're doing ![]() | ||||||
Saturday, September 6, 2008, 2:56:56 AM- What a weird couple of weeks... | ||||||
Nothing in particular...just bizarre. Was it a full moon or something? Just wasn't feeling myself. Was fun lurking around though. Think I'm finally gonna post a couple of pics. Let me know what you think...nicely ![]() | ||||||
Friday, August 22, 2008, 4:39:05 AM- What a strange vacation... | ||||||
Don't get me wrong, it was a blast but it was definitely odd. In a nutshell: Someone/two (more?) got in a fight. Someone flashed an entire bar for several hours, while yelling, "tuck and roll" as she tucked her boobs back in her dress. Someone was checking out cocks - there might have been guys at a bar who were dressed in kilts. According to someone, they were just begging to have their skirts lifted. Someone almost fell out the window of the hotel while trying to perfect his olympic gymnastics routine. Someone might have broken a hotel window in the process. Someone/two had sex quietly in a hotel room while friends were passed out on the floor. Someone puked in his wife's suitcase. Someone got peed on. Someone rode a jet in the hottub. Someone got anal in the hottub. Some people discovered a new "ring toss" game with those glow-in-the-dark bracelets. Use your imagination ![]() One girl lost some of her inhibitions. Some girls made boob soup and enjoyed each other's nipples. Someone was told, by an audience, that she gives porn-star quality blow jobs ![]() What a strange ride... These aren't those kinds of friends, so it's surprising that alot of this stuff happened... | ||||||
Thursday, August 21, 2008, 1:51:30 AM- A few years ago... | ||||||
We bought some land in the high Texas desert near Big Bend. The plan was to have a 40 acre playground for mountain biking, dirt biking and remote naked camping...but that's a story for another day. Anyhow, the gentleman we bought the land from was named Robert but he went by the nickname DB. We only met DB once; the day we drove down to Terlingua to see and buy the land - but we were lucky enough to spend the entire day with him 4-wheeling through the desert. DB was very cool and a bit intimidating. He was nice as could be but he gave the distinct impression that he could hold his own and kick some serious ass if the situation called for it. Like everyone in Terlingua, he had his own thing going on and probably decided that he fit in better on the fringes of society (I know I've been tempted to run off into the desert more than once ![]() One of the last things he told us on the day we met him was what DB stood for...Daddy Bob. It's a fitting nickname. I always had the impression that if he liked you he would take care of you like a dad. We learned today that DB passed away yesterday. Although we only met him once, I'm glad we had the opportunity to spend a day with him. Rest in Peace, Daddy Bob...we're keeping the land and we know your spirit will watch over it. | ||||||
Thursday, August 14, 2008, 3:33:42 AM- A slight rant... | ||||||
It's been a gazillion degrees and sunny here for the past 97 days (Ok, I exaggerate, but really it's been over 100 degrees for the past 13 days I think). Anyhow, we're headed out on vacation tomorrow, on a boat no less, and as luck would have it, the weather forecast is rain from Friday on... Hopefully this isn't one of those (rare) occasions where the weather guys are right. Keep your fingers crossed for us. | ||||||
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