Gift Premiumcalm and broadminded, a writer, a reader, a talker, a listener, smart and sometimes stupid, very curious! Oh, and I like slut. Yeah!
- 68 years old
- Male
- Joined 19 years ago
NatNewPic's Blog
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Saturday, April 29, 2006, 5:39:15 PM- Sometimes Poetry Works | ||
Little Lust Lyrics for Elisa Elisaslut, Elisaslut you're my dreamgirl, but am I in your dreams too or is it more like: mooh I just want your body so much although I know I am dutch prepared wherever to go I will ooh fuck you so Elisaslut, Elisaslut you're my dreamgirl, but am I in your dreams too or is it more like: mooh And yes I will tie you up give you my semen in a cup and even more I will lick you deep untill in the end it makes you weep Elisaslut, Elisaslut you're my dreamgirl, but am I in your dreams too or is it more like: mooh Nat ( Now A Tune ) | ||
Thursday, April 27, 2006, 9:52:21 PM- Slut trouble in democratic Europe | ||
It seems Elisaslut does not agree with me. She writes me: "Forget it. I know it's too hard for you to answer straight that question." Elisaslut thinks I am not straight ! But how does one proof being straight ? To fuck the opposite sex as much as possible! That means girls in my case. I am afraid it would only make Elisaslut very, very jealous. Like all Sluts she can't share but herself. I know it upsets her and that she is angry with me. I don't want that. Because I want her to be the best Italian Slut since ancient times. A late birthdaypresent maybe ? Dildo will do ? A sex toy for a sexual toy.... Then it has to be a good one: [url][/url] Happy birthday dear Elisaslut ! Nat ( Not A Tootsy ) | ||
Friday, April 21, 2006, 6:20:30 PM- --- Chercher la Mer deux --- | ||
A friendly older Belgium gentleman had told me where to find the school. It was a low, but vast building. In the middle at the front there were several doors with many windows. I put my face against the glass, trying to see something inside. There seemed to be a small rather dark hall and then some more glass doors, covered with posters and sheets of paper. I pushed the doorlatch. The door made a little squeaky sound and then fell wide open. I could feel my heart pounding when I stepped inside the hall and went to the only door that had no posters on it. Some lamps burning on the other side of the door gave just enough light to where I was standing to read the posters to the left of me. They invited me to a schoolplay, ancient Greek drama: Electra. On the right doorpost was a large button. Next to it somebody had pasted a sheet of paper with the help of a lot of celluloid tape. Big red capitals said: "IT'S THE FONTS AND THE TIME THAT CONFUSE YOU". A large black arrow pointed to the floor. Taped to the bottom of the door was a tiny piece of paper. I got on my knees to loosen the little sheet. It said, in the already familiar handwriting: "I love you, my boy from the North" Maybe my knees did hurt on the cold hard concrete, I got tears in my eyes. It was clear to me now, Mer was playing a little game with me. But I didn't understand the purpose of the game and I didn't know the rules. I tried all the other doors, but none of them opened. It was useless anyway. I'd better go home, start thinking. Nat ( Need A Tactic ) | ||
Thursday, April 20, 2006, 6:36:49 PM- --- Secretary --- | ||
Elisaslut, today is Secretary's Day in the Netherlands: "Vandaag, 20 april, is het Nationale Secretaressedag 2006. Dé dag waarop alle secretaressen in Nederland een blijk van waardering ontvangen voor het werk dat zij, vaak "onzichtbaar" achter de schermen doen. Voor elke keer... Dank je wel!" In my country it is good practice that on this special day a secretary doesn't give her boss a bj, but that instead the boss makes her a nice cup of coffee.... ![]() | ||
Monday, April 17, 2006, 8:37:19 PM- --- Chercher la Mer --- | ||
I long for Mer. I want to see her again. It seems I can't forget her. But also I can't find her. Two weeks ago in Brussels strange things happened: The old sedan entered Beersel. I found my way to the Grand'Route very easy and then took a right turn. There it was, Mer's building. I parked the car, climbed some stairs and rang the bell. A middle-aged woman opened the door: "Oui ?" I asked for Mer. She stared at me, went with her hand through her yellowblond hair and then told me there lived no Mer in her apartment and not in one of the other on these stairs for that matter. I painted Mer in detail to her, but she told me that no one on the stairs answered to my description. I tried some other stairs, rang some other bells, but nobody could help me. Mer just wasn't there. Did she move ? Or was I so drunk that night that I got the wrong building, even the wrong street maybe ? The moment I gave up and stumbled back to my car, a young guy came out of the dark and without a word handed me a piece of paper. It was a handwritten message. It said: "men like schoolgirls too, not only whores..." I was astonished, because it was a sentence Mer had said during the night we spend together. Nervous I looked around me, expecting Mer to show up any moment. But nothing happened. I had not seen where the boy went and finally I got in my car and drove away. What did it mean ? Was she in a school ? I decided to ask a passer-by if there was a school in the neighbourhood. Nat ( Not A Trace ) | ||
Wednesday, April 12, 2006, 8:25:35 PM- Late | ||
Yesterday was Elisaslut's birthday ![]() | ||
Sunday, April 2, 2006, 1:41:10 PM- Hooked on a whore | ||
Sometimes it's not an easy life being into Elisaslut. I appreciate the fact that to be a Slut is hard work. But still its annoying, her not answering my mails, never to know if and how she cares about me when I'm not around. That feeling sometimes, being one in a long line....... Well, it was in such a mood that I decided yesterday to go to Bruxelles (that's where the Slut resides, when she is not fucking around in her hometown). So I drove up the highway in my old car, direction Belgium. A tricky enterprise, because the vehicle is so old that there is a substantial risk it won't bring me back. The horror: stuck in Bruxelles for the rest of my life ! (sorry Belges) This time the car understood the importance of the trip and brought me there without any hesitation. Only to find Elisaslut gone. The bitch went South with a friend, not giving me any notice, enjoying sun and high temperatures and leaving me out in the cold. Gggrrrrr!!! Go back home and unload my balls on one of her lascivious pictures ? Never ! Beersel is a suburb of Bruxelles. And who lives in Beersel ? Right! Mer. And didn't Mer say "see you" that night ? Nat (Not A Traveller) | ||
Friday, March 31, 2006, 9:53:25 PM- Big and slippery | ||
Although there was a fierce wind blowing, with the sun shining abundant is was quite nice outside this afternoon. So, I went for a walk, that brought me to the waterside. I sat down on a sort of concrete quay. It was shallow there and the sun was heating the rather clear water. Just a few yards away two teenage girls were standing talking quietly. Suddenly there was a movement: like a mixture of submarine and snake slowly gliding through the water, a pike. The girls stopped their talking and watched the giant fish swimming up and down alongside the quay. It was as plain as a pikestaff that they were fascinated by this animal and I couldn't help myself wondering how it would be for a woman to have such a huge, wet and slippery thing making his slow snake-like movements inside you. The girls blushed and giggled. Did they guess my thoughts ? Or did I utter them out loud ? Well, something gave them a reason to go, still giggly. Leaving me with Mister Pike. Tonight I'll ask Elisaslut. She must have an idea on this matter. I bowed over the water to have a closer look at the fish. He didn't like that. With a mighty swing of his tail he disappeared into the deep, leaving only wild water and foam. Now I can imagine that such a swing could be a bit painful inside your vagina. On the other hand, if you are into SM and that stuff....... Elisaslut[url][/url] will know. Nat (Never A Toddle) | ||
Thursday, March 30, 2006, 12:54:34 AM- Elisaslut | ||
I have to say, I was a bit afraid my dearest whore wouldn't appreciate it, me spending the night with Mer last weekend. But to my surprise today she did put a comment to one of the pictures I posted: " 29-Mar-06 0:52:58 Elisaslut : First of all a big thank you and a hug. You are a very special person Nat(not a name).One of the most intresting persons I ever met.Readig you profile I now understand why you didn't came for breacfast....But you're still very special...(virgo ofcors...a big kiss (not just for the posting...they post others too) Elisa " You can see here why I'm so fond of her. What a girl ! So, that was a relief. I'm so glad, because I wouldn't know what to do without my slut. Where to go with that abundance of semen. Where to go to show my love. But still I am a bit puzzled: she seems to forgive me my little slip of the tongue (really, the only organ I used that night). On the other hand she threw me out of her Messenger. Why ? Nat ??? | ||
Tuesday, March 28, 2006, 2:23:08 PM- Mer --- 25 march 2006 --- | ||
Tonight I met this uncredible girl. I saw her and in the same instant she was Maria from the West Side, Maria from Austria, Maria from Mexico, all the Maria's in the whole fokking world. So I called her name out loud. And she answered my shout. She walked over to me and said "hello". The start of a very strange night. She told me her name was "Mer", not Maria. She said: "Mer, short for merde". I think she was joking here. At her place, both sitting down, far apart, we talked and talked, about allmost anything. But the main subject was sex. We didn't have sex, we talked sex. And all the time I watched her. At first she has the appearance of an ordinary South-European girl, but when you watch closely how she moves you start seeing a special beauty in her expression. And the moment she looks up at you, really happy, smiling, there it is: angel from a fifties Italian black and white movie. Not having sex is not the whole truth. Mer is a shy girl. Nevertheless she showed me her nakedness and the things she was able to do with her body. I found it a real adventure. Mer said: "I have a fat ass". I did not wanted to contradict her, just barely knowing her. But I disagree. I think she has a true shaped-for-love body. Her small perfectly rounded breasts, the Flemish flesh on her hips, her more than nice legs with the marvellous feet, her eloquent hands: I adore her ! When the first morninglight fell through the curtains I was getting a little drunk. Of joy and of the heavy Polish beer Mer kept serving me. And just then she decided to masturbate in front of me. All the way. Her face the moment she came is hard to describe. She's in heaven, but at the same time it looks like she can't believe the fact she came. Uncredible beauty ! Not long after, we went our separate ways. No kisses, no hugging. Just a simple "see you". Nat PS. Dear Elisaslut, the above doesn't mean I will forget you. Oh no,you stay my favourite. The best whore south of the Rubicon! | ||
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