I'm pretty easy going and laid back. I'm not here *for* anything, really. Just to have fun. I do get on cam sometimes, but no I wont get on right this second just because you told me to. And, I'm not going to accept friend requests from anyone I have never talked to. That's just how I roll. :)
- 37 years old
- Female
- Joined 15 years ago
NerdyBird's Blog
Blog Viewed: 10,048 times.
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Monday, April 7, 2014, 7:25:50 AM- | ||||||
It is so frustrating to be reading a good book but to have no one to talk about it with!! | ||||||
Wednesday, March 26, 2014, 6:11:21 AM- | ||||||
I hope that you are all having a lovely week. ![]() | ||||||
Sunday, March 2, 2014, 9:07:21 AM- It has been a long week. | ||||||
I mean, a very LONG week. How long, you ask? Well, let me tell you! I am sure you have all heard about the snow in the south. I am sure that you have also heard about the complete social and economical shut downs in the south. I don't think they are related, but I stayed inside my house drinking hot chocolate and ignoring the outside world the whole time. So, how do I know? Now, most people were upset with the fact that their kids were at home for so much extra time. I loved it. I couldn't go to work, she couldn't go to school, and she had no where to run when I asked her to help me ice my ass when I fell...the third time. Really though, we had a blast. School this year hasn't been as easy for her as the last few years were (because children are mean little shits, and parents are sometimes even worse), and I have been working way too much, and so I loved having the opportunity to stay home and goof off. And, I think that I was more disappointed when it was time for her to go back to school than she was. However, I was not excited to have her home this week. It is lucky that I have a strong stomach, because my beautiful little girl does not. If someone near her is even thinking about a stomach virus that they had ten years ago, she will go all Linda Blair all over everything. She started out the week by throwing up in our bed. And in our hallway, and all over the bathroom floor. She threw up at school, in Taco Bell (Dad's brilliant idea), in the living room, and in our bed..again. ANd poop. There was poop EVERYWHERE. Add on the fact that she is insanely embarrassed about being sick in front of anyone, and some asshole cussing at here for throwing up at Taco Bell while I wasn't there to throat punch him, and I think you get the idea of how fun all of that was. An, to make things worse, the store I work at has been utter chaos this week. The franchise inspector came by during one of our lunch rushes and decided to write us up for dirt that a customer had tracked into our lobby while she was there, one of our mops sitting inside of the mop sink (which isn't against the company health codes, but she thinks "might be against state health codes." ![]() Annnnd, I have been dealing with all of this with a fucked up back. You know how they make special mattresses for couples who w ant varying levels of cushion in their mattress? Well, we don't own on of those, but I like to pretend that we do. I take all of our winter blankets and fold them in half, then I stick them under the fitted sheet on my side of the bed. It is glorious, and I don't wake up feeling like someone beat me with a meat hammer during the night. The only problem is that a certain little girl threw up all over all of it. And, guess what! The laundry room is closed for repairs. Again. So, yeah, that was my week. It's nights like tonight when I miss NN. I would love to just sit here and bullshit with everyone like I used to. I still love stalking the blogs, and I am glad to hear that so many of you are doing so well. Also..damn. It felt good to rant for a while. ![]() | ||||||
Wednesday, December 11, 2013, 7:49:54 AM- | ||||||
Right, if you have not watched any video I've ever posted to this blog, watch this one. Especially if you like Harry Potter, special effects, short films, more special effects, hot men, hot women, magic, an interesting plot line, good acting, breathing or cheese. Really, the man behind this video put a ton of work into it, and it shows. ![]() | ||||||
Thursday, September 19, 2013, 5:31:14 AM- Truth is Beauty | ||||||
Just a few sculptures I have found while booting around the internet tonight. ![]() "Exhibited during the Burning Man festival, Truth is Beauty is an amazing sculpture 16 meters (52.4 feet) high by Marco Cochrane from his Bliss project. The female sculpture was constructed by welded steel rods and over 3000 multicolored LED lights that change color during the night. The sculpture captures the female form with near flawless proportions. Beautiful from every angle." [url]http://www.fubiz.net/en/2013/09/16/gorgeous-sculpture-at-burning-man/[/url] [url]http://blissdance.us/#/426926/Home[/url] ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() And, on the same line of thought, though a little bit different, I thought that this was pretty cool also. ![]() ![]() [url]http://deino3330.deviantart.com/art/SelfPortlait-2-183754307[/url] | ||||||
Sunday, September 15, 2013, 7:38:11 AM- | ||||||
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Saturday, September 14, 2013, 8:21:32 AM- | ||||||
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Saturday, September 14, 2013, 7:18:04 AM- Darker Disney movies. :) | ||||||
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Thursday, September 12, 2013, 5:08:17 AM- | ||||||
I normally don't post anything about September 11th. There are so many who can say it better, who understand more and who seen to have a better grasp on what others need to hear. But, this year I can't help but be shocked by what I have read from so many people. Rather than uniting in a pain that is too huge to share, it seems that people are determined to focus on hate. This is the first year that my daughter has been old enough to understand what happened. Her teacher was in New York on that day, and she explained how terrifying everything was. She told this class of first graders about twin explosions that shook the city and the smoke that was visible from every window near the buildings and every television across the country. But, mostly, she told the children about the men and women who didn't run away from the fire. The people who ran, instead, to help. And so this evening, as we were getting ready for bed and talking about the day, that is what my daughter shared with me. How thankful she is to know that if something happens there are firefighters out there who will do whatever it takes, who will risk the chance of never seeing their families again, to save the people who are lost. She explained to me how brave those people who took control of the plane must have been, that even though they knew that they would not be saved, they were determined to redirect the plane. And she told me that although so many people did die, the EMT's and the doctors saved and healed every single person that they could. Every year people are eager to remember what happened, and to point fingers at whole groups of people that they think are responsible for the actions of so few. But today a six year old little girl told me what I think we really need to remember. On this day so many years ago, there was a group of people who fought, not to spread hate but to save as many people as they could. Firefighters, police officers, EMT's, doctors, nurses and civilians who put aside their fear and, in too many cases, gave their life to dig a little deeper, to find that one last person and to bandage one more wound. And, Military men and women who have spent years, even when we have all gone back to our normal lives, ensuring that the safety we eventually began to feel again is real. So, I just want to say thank you. To everyone who has given of yourself to protect us at home, and to everyone who has spent years abroad, thank you for all that you have done and all that you will continue to do. | ||||||
Tuesday, September 10, 2013, 3:12:05 AM- Parachute Packing | ||||||
So, I need information, lol. Does anyone (or, has anyone) do this as a job? Or recreationally? | ||||||
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