Hello Everyone,
Maybe this blog will help folks get to know who, and what kind of person I am.
I am an older man who missed the start of the sexual revolution because of age, Vietnam, and just too shy. Now that I am getting older (not old), I would like to experience some of the fun and sexual things I missed in my younger years.
I had a girl friend some years ago that was my sexual match because we love the same type sexual pleasures. That relationship ended because I got fooled on outer beauty. Not to say my girlfriend was not pretty, but the person I married was really beautiful. For all you young singles, do not look at only the outer beauty; look at the inner beauty and sexual compatibility as well.
My ex-girlfriend and I had great sex, we both loved oral sex, phone sex, sex toys, and anal play. I bought her lots of sex toys that we both used on her, and sometimes she would strap on and use on me. I enjoyed that very much. She would, on occasions, have sex with someone else and tell me all the erotic details. It turned me on very much and we would have animal type sex afterwards. We discussed having the guy join us to double up on my GF, and also discussed me having sex with him and him having sex with me. We also thought of having me arrive as soon as he left and his cum was still inside her. Unfortunately, none of those things ever happened. I still fantasize about the possibilities. And maybe here at NN I might get a chance to live them out. I have never had sex with a man or couple, just one lady at a time. I think that I would like to experience those things. I have seen many men, women, and couples here on NN that I would love to give it a try with.
I really enjoyed the toy play with my ex-girlfriend, me using them on her and her using them on me. She could make me cum with her strap-on and never touch my cock. I tend to go to extremes with the things I enjoy (as most of my pics show). So since I have not been with my ex-girlfriend in many years, I am missing all that fun stuff. I have just played with my own toys, plugs, and pumps by myself. I love pumping my cock and balls till they get all swollen and puffy. My cock doubles in girth, and my balls can swell to 19” around – bigger than a grapefruit or softball. Many times while they are pumped, I play with my toys and butt plugs. I tend to take both of these joys to the extreme as well. I am willing to share chat and pics, but will not post my anal play on NN because there are too many judgmental people here. So, if you would like to see and chat, about that or anything else, then e-mail me.
So to sum it all up, I am an older gentleman, that is trying to get a taste (no pun intended) of the sexual revolution before I totally miss out on everything. I am in good shape and have been told many times that I look a lot like Billy Bob Thornton, do not know if that is good or bad. At my age I have pasted the eagerness for me to cum. I get great pleasure out of taking my time and enjoy the experience of pushing a lady to her edge and holding her there. I know where, and how to find the G-spot and can make a lady have a squirting, multiple orgasm. That is my goal and satisfaction. Whether, it is satisfying her with my fingers, tongue, or cock – not necessarily in that order.
Speaking of my cock, I will confess that at my age there are valves in the penis that let blood in and let blood out. One opens and the other closes, thus an erection. Well, my closing valve no longer works, so if I do get an erection, it is just as I cum. That is the bad news, the good news is they have medical remedies. I have Viagra, and it works. However, I have something even better. I have an injection I shoot into my penis and I get hard immediately. The great thing about the injection is, my penis stays hard for two hours no matter how many times I cum, that is the really good news.
So if someone reading this blog would like to break in a new older guy for the first time, then please contact me on my PM, or at my e-mail address. I am always discreet and I never, never, repost any pics or conversations we may have.
Thanks, be safe and have fun.
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