So it's 2am and I just got home from a long night at the bars. It started out as just a fun night with some friends, and then I started getting hit on my a couple of older women. I kinda brushed them off, and for some reason it turned on a couple of other older women who were smokin' hot!!! These 2 ladies were bangin' and kept their bods in great shape. One must have been a body builder or something... I'll explain more later.
Anyways, me and these 2 bangin' cougars hit it off and were talking all night. As they were getting ready to leave, they asked me what I was up to, and I told them that I was just going to go home and jack off. When I said that, their eyes lit up. They offered me a ride home, so I accepted. We got into their car (a sick M Benz coupe), they sat in front, and I in back. On the way home, they started dropping hints that they had no intention of taking me home - which I was perfectly okay with.
Eventually, we pulled up to an apartment complex and they took me upstairs. I'm guessing it wasn't their first time that they've taken a younger man home. On the way up the stairs to their apartment, my heart was pounding and I could feel my cock throbbing in anticipation... my pants were already wet with precum from the ride to the house. We got inside and the first thing they did was tell me to take off my pants. "A little forward???", I asked?
"We need to shave your cock", the smaller one said. And that they did. As she pulled off my pants, the taller, stronger (almost body builder looking) woman came from the back room with a bowl of water, can of shaving cream and a new razor.
Talk about being freaked out!!! 2 new women, pants off, razor blade? To say that I was nervous would be an understatement!!! My cock had never been harder... from being nervous, and all the anticipation, I was solid as a rock! As one stroked my cock, the other filled her hand with shaving cream. To be honest, there was no need for shaving cream... they could have used my precum. I was DRIPPING precum all over... I've never seen so much. They decided that it'd be good to lather me up with the shaving cream anyways. I almost came while they were putting it on... it took all that I had to resist blowing my wad.
So they got me all creamed up and started shaving my cock... from my pubic hair above my tip, to the hair on my balls, to my inner thighs, all the way to my asshole. I was absolutely solid and dripping precum the entire time. Once they had finished, they asked me to take the rinsing bowl to the bathroom and shower myself off. They told me to put on the clothes that were in the bathroom.
As horny as I was... I was releived to have a moment to myself. My cock was throbbing. My mind was racing. What did these women want to do to me? They obviously had more experience than me, and they certainly had a plan for me while I was there.
I went into the bathroom and dumped the rinsing bowl full of shaving cream and my pubes, and on the counter I found a thong with a note:
Shower off, put this pouch on and make sure that you are not erect when you come out of the bathroom... that's our job.
Reading that note made my cock JUMP. I was so horny!!! How could I possibly come out of the bathroom not erect??? So I did the only thing I could think of... I started jacking off and came in an instant. I shot a GIANT load across the counter top and a couple drops hit the mirror. I immediately hopped into a cold shower to "shrink" my dick, but it didn't lose an inch. They had turned me on so much that I was still fully erect.
Not wanting to disobey, I jacked off again. This time took a bit longer, and barely any cum came out, but my dick softened up. I quickly slipped the "pouch" on and walked out of the bathroom.
"What took so long", asked the body builder. When I say body builder, I mean 5'7" and muscular... not completely yoked, but definitely strong.
"I wanted to make sure I wasn't erect when I came out." They both just smiled and looked at each other (they both knew damn well that I had just jerked off.... but twice??). They motioned me over and laid me down on the coffee table. It was a padded leather table that was square. Immediately, my cock started throbbing again and began pushing against the pouch.
"OOOOOHHHHH", said the body builder. I think he's excited! "You have no idea", I said as they each grabbed a leg and tied an ankle to the foot of each coffee table leg. Now I'm a big guy, 6'6", and being controlled by 2 women is something like I've never experienced.
The body builder is calling me... I'll finish this story later.