Looking for opend minded people to go along for nude fun in the sun. I have been to HEDO 12x with a life style group. I have started our own group call THE FUN IN THE SUN CREW. So far its about 22 couples and 2 single lady's and 3 single men that are booked for 20th to 27th Jan 2007. This is a great group of people and this trip will be full of fun and something for everyone. We have the catermerand booked and a trip into negril for shopping for starters as well as games on the beach. I am even getting married down there. There are some from as far away as Connecticut & Indiana & Florida booking with us. Things planned for our group that week: * Every day 11:00am The staff Coordinators get us involved in games on the nude beach. You get to try to win prizes. Have lots of fun also and meet new people. Sunday, Jan 21, 2007 First Full day , just relax get to know the place and people. Monday, Jan 22, 2007 Our group Fun In The Sun Brew will be having a Cocktail Party late afternoon so everyone in our group has a chance to meet others in group. Social time. Nude Volleyball game on beach. Treasure Hunt on Beach, hunt for women sexy THONGS...... Tuesday, Jan 23, 2007 Catamaran Cruise late afternoon so that we get to see the sun set which is around 6pm, only water surrounding us. Awesome sight. Bring your camera. Also Tuesday night is a Pajama Party night, woman dress in sexy Lingerie for dinner. bring your Pajamas or boxers for this event. Wednesday, Jan 24, 2007 Wedding is at noon on Wednesday the 24th. Reception following in the Piano Bar. Also this is Talent Show night after dinner. If you have a special talent you can show your talent on stage. That is up to you. SCHOOL GIRL NIGHT all the ladies dress in sexy school girl outfits. Thursday, Jan 25, 2007 A shopping trip is plan for Thursday morning into town of Negril. Bring cash with you and/or credit card for things you may buy there. Toga Night Friday, Jan 26, 2007 Goof off day........ Beach Party after dinner on the beach, lots of games, bon fire.....Lots of fun..... NOTE: You do not have to join in any thing you do not want to, but we urge you to join in and have as much fun as you can.